Managers and Senior Officials 68944 -
Corporate Managers 58325 -
Corporate Managers And Senior Officials 5297 -
Senior officials in national government 1142 -
Ambassador (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 9
Band 0 (Health and Safety Executive) 3
Commissioner (government) 15
Diplomat 69
Director, deputy (government) 38
Director, group (government) 13
Grade 1 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 2
Grade 3 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 1
Grade 3 (government) 3
Grade 4 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 4
Grade 5 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 1
Grade 5 (government) 9
Member of European Parliament 2
Member of Parliament 19
Member of Scottish Parliament 2
Minister (government) 3
Secretary, assistant (government) 7
Secretary, deputy (government) 5
Secretary, first 2
Secretary, parliamentary 10
Secretary, permanent (government) 2
Secretary, private, parliamentary 1
Secretary, under (government) 2
Servant, civil (grade 5 and above) 505
Servant, civil (assistant secretary and above) 415
Directors and chief executives of major organisations 1757 -
Chairman (major organisation) 71
Chairman, company (major organisation) 88
Director (major organisation) 217
Director, company (major organisation) 524
Director, managing (major organisation) 340
Executive, chief (major organisation) 190
Manager, general (major organisation) 242
President 3
President, company 22
President, vice 60
Senior officials in local government 1052 -
Clerk of the council 20
Clerk to the board (local government) 3
Clerk to the council 8
Clerk to the county council 4
Clerk to the district council 1
Clerk to the parish council 40
Clerk, chief (local government) 1
Clerk, deputy (local government) 2
Clerk, principal (local government) 8
Clerk, staff (local government) 3
Clerk, town 19
Councillor (local government) 223
Director (local government) 147
Executive, chief (local government) 43
Manager, health, environmental 36
Manager, project (local government) 387
Manager, services, environmental 23
Manager, standards, trading 21
Manager, tax, council 16
Officer, chief (local government) 47
Senior officials of special interest organisations 1346 -
Director, charity 339
Director, divisional (Red Cross) 1
Executive, chief (charitable organisation) 306
Manager (charity) 565
Manager (professional association) 29
Manager (religious organisation) 12
Manager (trade association) 13
Manager (trade union) 15
Manager, branch (trade association) 2
Manager, development, donor (charitable organisation) 18
Ombudsman 3
Organiser, national (charitable organisation) 1
Organiser, national (trade union) 4
President (trade union) 1
President, union 1
Secretary, area (professional organisation) 3
Secretary, area (trade association) 1
Secretary, area (trade union) 1
Secretary, diocesan 1
Secretary, general (charitable organisation) 12
Secretary, general (professional association) 10
Secretary, general (trade association) 6
Secretary, general (trade union) 1
Secretary, national (trade union) 1
Production Managers 12151 -
Production, works and maintenance managers 9135 -
Director (engineering) 351
Director (manufacturing) 267
Director (printing) 92
Director of manufacturing 44
Director, company (engineering) 776
Director, company (manufacturing) 654
Director, engineering 79
Director, managing (engineering) 429
Director, managing (manufacturing) 432
Director, manufacturing 44
Director, operations (manufacturing) 111
Director, technical 206
Engineer, superintendent 5
Foreman, general (manufacturing) 12
Foreman, senior (manufacturing) 3
Foreman, works (manufacturing) 6
Manager (engineering) 226
Manager (manufacturing) 122
Manager (mineral oil processing) 1
Manager (nuclear fuel production) 6
Manager (packing company) 7
Manager (printing) 47
Manager (ship building, repairing) 2
Manager (solid fuel mfr) 1
Manager (steelworks) 21
Manager, bakery 27
Manager, brewery 9
Manager, contract (manufacturing) 3
Manager, contracts (manufacturing) 9
Manager, control, materials 1
Manager, control, production 24
Manager, dairy (food products mfr) 8
Manager, divisional (manufacturing) 9
Manager, electro-plating 3
Manager, engineering 437
Manager, factory 111
Manager, floor (manufacturing) 2
Manager, foundry 7
Manager, general (manufacturing) 139
Manager, house, dye 1
Manager, maintenance 136
Manager, manufacturing 66
Manager, mill 1
Manager, office, printing (PO) 6
Manager, operations 741
Manager, plant 44
Manager, print 30
Manager, printing 36
Manager, production 399
Manager, progress 2
Manager, project (manufacturing) 138
Manager, projects 1780
Manager, publications (technical) 5
Manager, publications, technical 12
Manager, regional (manufacturing) 13
Manager, reprographics 21
Manager, room, print 4
Manager, room, tool 2
Manager, service 97
Manager, services, technical 84
Manager, shift 125
Manager, shop (manufacturing) 8
Manager, shop (metal trades) 6
Manager, shop, colour 1
Manager, steelworks 30
Manager, systems (printing) 1
Manager, technical 399
Manager, textile 27
Manager, works 91
Manager, workshop 52
Manager, workshops 4
Manager, yard, boat 5
Manager, yard, ship 2
Owner (engineering works) 7
Owner (manufacturing) 24
Owner, mill, textile 2
Managers in construction 2809 -
Agent (building and contracting) 13
Agent, builder's 28
Agent, contractor's 3
Agent, engineering, civil 85
Agent, site 13
Clerk of works 55
Director (building and contracting) 285
Director (civil engineering) 85
Director, building 42
Director, contracts (construction) 83
Director, managing (building and construction) 382
Manager (alarm, security installation) 8
Manager (building and contracting) 74
Manager (civil engineering) 57
Manager (electrical contracting) 38
Manager (local government: highways dept) 29
Manager, area (construction) 28
Manager, building 93
Manager, commercial (building and contracting) 28
Manager, construction 284
Manager, contract (building and contracting) 36
Manager, contracts (building and contracting) 89
Manager, contracts, building 33
Manager, demolition 2
Manager, development (building and contracting) 23
Manager, highway 1
Manager, highways 17
Manager, maintenance (buildings and other structures) 41
Manager, maintenance, property 89
Manager, plant (building and contracting) 4
Manager, production (building and contracting) 9
Manager, projects (building and contracting) 390
Manager, services, building 28
Manager, services, site 9
Manager, site 236
Manager, works (building and contracting) 8
Master of works 1
Merchant (building and contracting) 2
Owner (building and contracting) 35
Owner (electrical contracting) 7
Owner (plumbing, heating contracting) 18
Owner (property renovation) 16
Sub-agent (building and construction) 2
Managers in mining and energy 207 -
Agent (mining) 3
Manager (electricity supplier) 17
Manager (mine (not opencast): quarry) 2
Manager (public utilities) 34
Manager (quarrying and extraction) 2
Manager (well drilling) 1
Manager, colliery 3
Manager, distribution (energy suppliers) 10
Manager, exploration, oil 12
Manager, gas 14
Manager, installation, offshore 14
Manager, installations, offshore 4
Manager, operations (mining, water and energy) 35
Manager, planning (public utilities) 38
Manager, quarry 10
Manager, station, power 7
Owner (quarry) 1
Functional Managers 22154 -
Financial managers and chartered secretaries 4603 -
Banker 247
Banker, international 13
Banker, investment 57
Banker, merchant 3
Director and Secretary 76
Director of finance 307
Director, finance 533
Director, financial 273
Manager (accountancy services) 17
Manager (accountancy) 95
Manager (banking: merchant) 5
Manager (credit company) 8
Manager (financial services) 115
Manager (loan company) 1
Manager, VAT 6
Manager, assessment, credit 1
Manager, branch (credit company) 1
Manager, branch (financial services) 3
Manager, client (financial services) 19
Manager, control, credit 31
Manager, credit 74
Manager, development, agency 5
Manager, exchange, foreign 4
Manager, finance 799
Manager, financial 101
Manager, fund 35
Manager, insolvency 11
Manager, investment 100
Manager, markets (financial services) 2
Manager, office (credit control) 8
Manager, practice, insolvency 1
Manager, purchase, hire 3
Manager, systems, financial 10
Manager, tax 109
Manager, taxation 26
Manager, treasury 21
Manager, valuation 3
Registrar 37
Secretary and company director 761
Secretary and legal adviser 5
Secretary of health authority 27
Secretary of health board 4
Secretary, chartered 10
Secretary, company (director) 573
Secretary-accountant 36
Secretary-director 13
Treasurer (qualified) 2
Treasurer, company 9
Treasurer, county 2
Marketing and sales managers 7380 -
Director of business development 148
Director of marketing 125
Director of sales 190
Director, account 43
Director, commercial 256
Director, development, business 119
Director, export 16
Director, marketing 194
Director, sales 469
Director, sales and export 21
Director, sales and marketing 124
Head of business development 42
Manager (marketing) 229
Manager (telephone sales) 13
Manager (commission agents) 5
Manager (export agency) 6
Manager (import agency) 1
Manager (market research) 38
Manager (ship brokers) 1
Manager, account (sales) 228
Manager, account (marketing) 26
Manager, account, national 67
Manager, account, sales 209
Manager, account, telesales 8
Manager, advertising, sales 20
Manager, area (sales force) 32
Manager, area (market research) 10
Manager, area, sales 403
Manager, brand 12
Manager, commercial 319
Manager, communications 132
Manager, contract (marketing) 2
Manager, contracts 413
Manager, development, business 608
Manager, development, corporate 18
Manager, development, market 1
Manager, development, marketing 11
Manager, development, product 36
Manager, development, sales 83
Manager, district (insurance) 1
Manager, export 66
Manager, field 24
Manager, force, sales 30
Manager, import 21
Manager, label (music publishing) 11
Manager, marketing 362
Manager, merchandise 13
Manager, operations, commercial 35
Manager, pricing 6
Manager, product 177
Manager, products 12
Manager, promotion, sales 16
Manager, promotions (marketing) 12
Manager, regional (sales force) 73
Manager, research, market 31
Manager, rights (publishing company) 12
Manager, sales 1212
Manager, sales and advertising 3
Manager, sales and commercial 44
Manager, sales and marketing 110
Manager, sales and service 15
Manager, sales, advertising 1
Manager, sales, area 68
Manager, sales, district 4
Manager, sales, field 33
Manager, sales, regional 126
Manager, sales, telephone 6
Manager, services, client (advertising) 5
Manager, services, marketing 11
Manager, strategy, business 106
Manager, support, marketing 1
Manager, team (sales force) 28
Manager, telemarketing 4
Manager, telesales 13
Owner (export agency) 1
Owner (import agency) 9
Purchasing managers 502 -
Director of contracts (government) 4
Director, purchasing 23
Manager, buying 15
Manager, commissioning 35
Manager, contract (purchasing) 20
Manager, contracts (purchasing) 14
Manager, estimating 21
Manager, procurement 135
Manager, purchasing 215
Manager, supplies 20
Advertising and public relations managers 522 -
Director of external relations 18
Director of fund raising 26
Director, account (advertising) 11
Director, advertising 50
Director, appeals 1
Director, creative 44
Director, media 41
Head (public relations) 6
Head of public affairs 12
Head of public relations 25
Manager (public relations) 42
Manager (advertising) 19
Manager, account (advertising) 3
Manager, account, advertising 4
Manager, advertising 13
Manager, affairs, public 7
Manager, appeals 1
Manager, campaign 14
Manager, fundraising 41
Manager, lottery 2
Manager, media 47
Manager, production (advertising) 7
Manager, projects (advertising) 9
Manager, publicity 8
Manager, raising, fund 6
Manager, relations, public 24
Manager, tourism 31
Owner (advertising agency) 10
Personnel, training and industrial relations managers 2861 -
Director of communications 78
Director of human resources 194
Director of personnel 16
Director of training 52
Director, development, management 42
Director, personnel 18
Director, recruitment 77
Director, resources, human 126
Director, training 40
Manager (recruitment agency) 25
Manager (training establishment) 17
Manager (vocational training) 19
Manager, NVQ 8
Manager, account (recruitment agency) 6
Manager, centre, assessment 6
Manager, centre, skills 7
Manager, centre, training 23
Manager, development, employee 8
Manager, development, self 269
Manager, development, training 65
Manager, organisation and efficiency 6
Manager, organisation and methods 1
Manager, personnel 193
Manager, personnel and training 26
Manager, recruitment 60
Manager, relations, employee 13
Manager, relations, industrial 20
Manager, research, operational 11
Manager, resources, human 989
Manager, services, management 13
Manager, staff 9
Manager, training 282
Manager, training and development 118
Owner (employment agency) 3
Owner (recruitment agency) 20
Owner, agency, employment 1
Information and communication technology managers 5315 -
Director (computing) 316
Director of IT 72
Director of communications (computing) 18
Director, IT 132
Head of IT 43
Head of computer services 12
Manager (computing) 134
Manager (computer services) 123
Manager (information systems) 148
Manager (software company) 62
Manager (telecommunications services) 150
Manager, CAD 6
Manager, IT 843
Manager, MIS 2
Manager, Telecom, British 62
Manager, administration, computer 23
Manager, applications (computing) 18
Manager, assurance, quality, systems 21
Manager, base, data 9
Manager, capture, data 3
Manager, centre, data 6
Manager, communications (computing) 5
Manager, communications, data 9
Manager, computer 195
Manager, development (computing) 13
Manager, development, IT 60
Manager, development, software 52
Manager, development, systems 10
Manager, engineering, system (computing) 19
Manager, information 105
Manager, information (computing) 63
Manager, installation, computer 10
Manager, intranet 2
Manager, network 53
Manager, networking 10
Manager, operations, computer 50
Manager, processing, data 23
Manager, production (computing) 4
Manager, programme (computing) 154
Manager, programming 48
Manager, project (computing) 289
Manager, project (telecommunications) 139
Manager, project, IT 725
Manager, project, development, software 41
Manager, service, computer 19
Manager, services (computing) 11
Manager, services, client (computing) 17
Manager, services, computer 17
Manager, services, network 7
Manager, software 37
Manager, support (computing) 12
Manager, support, IT 53
Manager, support, desktop 6
Manager, support, systems 16
Manager, support, technical (computing) 26
Manager, system, network, computer 57
Manager, systems 73
Manager, systems, business 56
Manager, technical (computing) 24
Manager, technical, computer 25
Manager, technology, information 378
Manager, telecommunications 143
Manager, test (computing) 25
Manager, validation (computing) 6
Owner (computer services) 25
Research and development managers 971 -
Director (research and development) 118
Director of research (biological science) 34
Director of research (chemistry) 13
Director of research (physical science) 10
Head (research and development) 9
Manager (research and development) 60
Manager, creative (research and development) 2
Manager, design 76
Manager, development (research and development) 17
Manager, laboratory 138
Manager, product (research and development) 13
Manager, project (research and development) 135
Manager, research (agricultural) 1
Manager, research (biochemical) 4
Manager, research (engineering, electrical) 10
Manager, research (engineering, electronic) 16
Manager, research (engineering, mechanical) 16
Manager, research (geological) 4
Manager, research (historical) 1
Manager, research (medical) 30
Manager, research (physical science) 19
Manager, research 116
Manager, research (biological) 13
Manager, research (meteorological) 1
Manager, research (chemical) 20
Manager, research (broadcasting) 1
Manager, research (government) 21
Manager, research (printing and publishing) 4
Manager, research and development 19
Manager, services, forensic 15
Manager, technical (research and development) 35
Quality And Customer Care Managers 1604 -
Quality assurance managers 766 -
Manager, QA 4
Manager, affairs, regulatory 59
Manager, assurance, quality 135
Manager, assurance, quality (professional) 38
Manager, control, quality 46
Manager, finishing 3
Manager, planning (manufacturing) 57
Manager, quality 313
Manager, quality and performance 75
Manager, standards, operations 13
Manager, systems, quality 23
Customer care managers 838 -
Head of customer quality 4
Head of customer services 29
Manager of product support 19
Manager, aftersales 29
Manager, business (customer service) 158
Manager, care, customer 57
Manager, complaints 50
Manager, desk, help 2
Manager, development, services, customer 9
Manager, helpdesk 21
Manager, hotline, regional 4
Manager, relations, customer 66
Manager, sales, after 6
Manager, service, customer 197
Manager, service, passenger 3
Manager, services, customer 149
Manager, support, customer 30
Manager, warranty 5
Financial Institution And Office Managers 7095 -
Financial institution managers 2601 -
Banker (finance) 85
Banker, business 40
Head of lending 1
Manager (banking) 172
Manager (building society) 29
Manager (insurance brokers) 34
Manager (insurance) 101
Manager (postal services) 48
Manager (stock jobbers) 1
Manager (stockbrokers) 3
Manager, account (bank, building society) 15
Manager, account (insurance) 17
Manager, account, customer (financial services) 38
Manager, bank 928
Manager, banking 120
Manager, branch (assurance company) 3
Manager, branch (bank, building society) 35
Manager, branch (insurance) 1
Manager, broking 2
Manager, card, credit 3
Manager, claims 32
Manager, company, insurance 18
Manager, corporate (bank, building society) 51
Manager, department (bank, building society) 14
Manager, department (insurance) 3
Manager, departmental (bank, building society) 13
Manager, departmental (insurance) 2
Manager, divisional (insurance) 5
Manager, equity 3
Manager, fund, pension 14
Manager, insurance 51
Manager, lending 9
Manager, market, mortgages 1
Manager, mortgage 17
Manager, office, insurance 16
Manager, office, post 117
Manager, operations (bank, building society) 21
Manager, operations, bank 22
Manager, pensions 95
Manager, planning, financial 45
Manager, project (financial services) 158
Manager, sales (bank, building society) 20
Manager, services, client (financial services) 15
Manager, settlements 3
Manager, society, building 5
Manager, society, friendly 1
Manager, underwriting 14
Manager, unit, mortgage 3
Master, post 8
Master, post, sub 12
Master, sub-post 21
Postmaster 33
Postmistress 40
Sub-postmaster 43
Office managers 4494 -
Director, accounts 32
Director, services (property management) 145
Manager (Job Centre) 28
Manager (Social Security Office) 5
Manager (employment agency: private) 6
Manager (radio station) 4
Manager (television: transmission station) 6
Manager, accounts 588
Manager, admin 143
Manager, administration 540
Manager, administration, sales 44
Manager, agency, ticket 1
Manager, area, telephone 1
Manager, audit 86
Manager, booking 6
Manager, branch (entertainment ticket agency) 2
Manager, branch (government) 34
Manager, branch (private employment agency) 1
Manager, centre, call 61
Manager, collection 1
Manager, collections 6
Manager, conveyancing 4
Manager, copyright 2
Manager, cost 3
Manager, costing 2
Manager, court 19
Manager, district (electricity supplier) 4
Manager, district (gas supplier) 1
Manager, invoice 5
Manager, ledger, purchase 18
Manager, litigation 7
Manager, office 1918
Manager, office, box 6
Manager, office, drawing 9
Manager, payroll 208
Manager, payroll and pensions 16
Manager, practice 202
Manager, probate 19
Manager, records 24
Manager, registry 4
Manager, reservations 3
Manager, services, legal 45
Manager, solicitor's 14
Manager, support, business 217
Manager, telephone 3
Manager, wages 1
Managers In Distribution, Storage And Retailing 4478 -
Transport and distribution managers 1065 -
Director, airport 5
Director, operations (transport) 87
Director, traffic (transport) 15
Manager (courier service) 5
Manager (distribution company) 47
Manager (freight forwarding) 8
Manager (haulage contractor) 11
Manager (minicab service) 2
Manager (removals company) 3
Manager (shipping and freight forwarding agency) 7
Manager (taxi service) 2
Manager (transport) 197
Manager, airport 27
Manager, area (transport) 14
Manager, branch (transport) 6
Manager, crew (transport) 3
Manager, crews, train 2
Manager, delivery, parcel 19
Manager, depot 24
Manager, depot (transport) 7
Manager, despatch 10
Manager, dispatch 10
Manager, distribution 88
Manager, divisional (petroleum distribution) 3
Manager, divisional (transport) 6
Manager, docks 2
Manager, fleet, transport 29
Manager, flight 4
Manager, freight 6
Manager, garage, bus 2
Manager, operations (transport) 56
Manager, operations, port 4
Manager, pilot 1
Manager, port 3
Manager, service, distribution 11
Manager, shipping 36
Manager, station (bus) 7
Manager, station (railways) 51
Manager, station (airlines) 32
Manager, terminal (oil distribution) 3
Manager, traffic 17
Manager, transport 128
Master, harbour 11
Master, station 1
Owner (bus service) 4
Owner (coach service) 2
Owner (courier service) 8
Owner (delivery service) 9
Owner (haulage service) 7
Owner (removals company) 14
Owner, service, courier 6
Owner, ship 3
Storage and warehouse managers 828 -
Manager (storage) 7
Manager (warehousing) 37
Manager, accounting, stock 3
Manager, bond (warehousing) 2
Manager, cargo 6
Manager, cellar (wine merchants) 2
Manager, control, material 1
Manager, control, stock 19
Manager, logistics 205
Manager, materials 18
Manager, operations (warehousing) 26
Manager, operations, depot 14
Manager, packaging 16
Manager, parts 51
Manager, room, stock 4
Manager, spares 5
Manager, stock 15
Manager, store 75
Manager, store, cold 1
Manager, stores 42
Manager, systems, inventory 16
Manager, terminal 4
Manager, transport and warehouse 22
Manager, warehouse 230
Manager, yard 7
Retail and wholesale managers 2585 -
Director (retail trade) 300
Director (wholesale trade) 120
Director, franchise 11
Director, managing (retail trade) 287
Director, managing (wholesale trade) 170
Manager (NAAFI: shop) 1
Manager (builders' merchants) 25
Manager (charity: retail) 42
Manager (fuel merchant) 1
Manager (garden centre) 12
Manager (mail order establishment) 16
Manager (off-licence) 5
Manager (petrol station) 8
Manager (retail trade) 692
Manager (steel stockholders) 5
Manager (timber merchants) 13
Manager (wholesale trade) 15
Manager, area (retail trade) 68
Manager, baker's 2
Manager, bakery (retail trade) 9
Manager, branch (electricity supplier) 6
Manager, branch (wholesale, retail trade) 45
Manager, butcher's 1
Manager, butchery 3
Manager, centre, garden 14
Manager, circulation 3
Manager, club, clothing 1
Manager, concession 2
Manager, concessions 2
Manager, dairy 7
Manager, department (retail trade) 44
Manager, depot (wholesale, retail trade) 9
Manager, display 3
Manager, district (retail trade) 7
Manager, district (wholesale trade) 1
Manager, fishmonger's 2
Manager, floor (retail, wholesale trade) 9
Manager, florist 5
Manager, order, mail 14
Manager, produce (retail trade) 5
Manager, provisions 1
Manager, retail 141
Manager, room, sales 4
Manager, room, show 3
Manager, sales (retail trade) 75
Manager, sales, fleet 8
Manager, service (retail trade) 13
Manager, shop (agriculture) 1
Manager, shop (charitable organisation) 40
Manager, shop (horticulture) 1
Manager, shop (retail, wholesale trade) 77
Manager, shop, butcher's 2
Manager, shop, charity 67
Manager, shop, farm 4
Manager, showroom 13
Manager, stall, book 5
Manager, station, petrol 3
Manager, station, service 7
Manager, store (retail trade) 62
Manager, stores (retail trade) 13
Manager, tailor's 2
Manager, trade 2
Manager, wholesale 24
Secretary, managing (co-operative society) 5
Wholesaler 27
Protective Service Officers 950 -
Officers in armed forces 74 -
Adjutant-General 1
Air-Marshal 1
Brigadier 1
Cadet, officer 1
Captain (armed forces) 7
Colonel 3
Commander (armed forces) 4
Director (WRNS) 2
Flight-Lieutenant 2
General 1
Leader, Squadron 3
Lieutenant 1
Lieutenant-Colonel 3
Major (armed forces) 17
Marshal of the Royal Air Force 3
Officer (armed forces) 14
Officer, commissioned 4
Officer, disposal, bomb 1
Officer, pilot (armed forces) 3
Officer, staff, general 2
Police officers (inspectors and above) 351 -
Commander (police service) 6
Commissioner (police service) 2
Constable, chief 2
Constable, chief, assistant 5
Constable, chief, deputy 3
Inspector (police service) 73
Inspector, chief (police service) 49
Inspector, detective 29
Inspector, divisional (police service) 8
Inspector, police 99
Officer, CID 2
Superintendent (police service) 57
Superintendent, chief (police service) 16
Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related services 350 -
Captain, fire 2
Commandant (fire service) 3
Commander (fire service) 14
Controller (fire service) 10
Controller (prison service) 3
Controller, senior (fire service) 4
Firemaster (Scotland) 1
Governor (prison service) 55
Inspector, fire (fire service) 1
Inspector, senior (Customs and Excise) 3
Manager, station (ambulance) 10
Officer, ambulance, chief 2
Officer, brigade, fire 34
Officer, chief (fire service) 3
Officer, chief (prison service) 3
Officer, company (fire service) 2
Officer, divisional (fire service) 16
Officer, fire 99
Officer, fire, chief 3
Officer, fire, divisional 7
Officer, first (fire service) 3
Officer, immigration, chief 12
Officer, investigation, chief (Customs and Excise) 1
Officer, investigation, fraud, chief (Customs and Excise) 1
Officer, principal (prison service) 13
Officer, prison, chief 3
Officer, protection, fire 5
Officer, senior (Customs and Excise) 9
Officer, service, fire (government) 2
Officer, station (ambulance service) 1
Officer, station (fire service) 17
Superintendent (ambulance service) 1
Superintendent (prison service) 2
Surveyor (Customs and Excise) 5
Security managers 175 -
Head of security 13
Manager (private detective agency) 1
Manager (security services) 23
Manager, cctv 4
Manager, investigations 13
Manager, operations (security services) 19
Manager, operations, cctv 6
Manager, prevention, loss 8
Manager, security 85
Owner (security services) 3
Health And Social Services Managers 4596 -
Hospital and health service managers 2081 -
Chairman (health authority) 32
Commissioner (health authority) 45
Director of clinical services 37
Director of nursing services 57
Director, non-executive (health authority: hospital service) 104
Director, operations (health authority) 67
Executive, chief (health authority: hospital service) 59
Manager (health authority) 190
Manager (hospital service) 172
Manager (nursing services) 36
Manager, care (health authority: hospital service) 50
Manager, care, health 106
Manager, clinical 57
Manager, district (health authority: hospital service) 13
Manager, general, unit (health authority: hospital service) 36
Manager, healthcare 182
Manager, immunisation 1
Manager, information (health authority: hospital service) 46
Manager, locality (health authority: hospital service) 38
Manager, nurse 445
Manager, prosthetic, senior 5
Manager, screening, health (health authority: hospital service) 10
Manager, service, health 160
Manager, service, hospital 20
Manager, services, clinical 34
Manager, services, hospital, area 12
Manager, support (radiology) 7
Manager, vaccination 1
Manager, ward 59
Pharmacy managers 210 -
Manager (hospital pharmacists) 54
Manager (retail trade: pharmacists) 29
Manager, dispensary 5
Manager, pharmacist's 34
Manager, pharmacy 41
Manager, shop (retail trade: pharmacists) 9
Officer, pharmaceutical (health authority) 13
Owner (pharmacists) 25
Healthcare practice managers 343 -
Manager (medical practice) 104
Manager, clinic 22
Manager, fundholding (medical practice) 1
Manager, holding, fund (medical practice) 1
Manager, practice (dental practice) 66
Manager, practice (health services) 33
Manager, practice (medical practice) 111
Owner (chiropody practice) 5
Social services managers 1189 -
Director of social services 30
Manager (social services) 302
Manager (welfare services) 21
Manager, care (social services) 179
Manager, care, community 64
Manager, project (social services) 54
Manager, resource, community 15
Manager, sector (health authority: hospital service) 17
Manager, services, community 49
Manager, services, social 93
Manager, support (social services: non-residential) 20
Manager, team (community care) 35
Manager, team (social services) 117
Manager, unit (social services: non-residential) 5
Manager, work, social 187
Secretary, managing (welfare services) 1
Residential and day care managers 773 -
Manager (children's home) 25
Manager (nursing home) 41
Manager (old people's home) 5
Manager (residential home) 33
Manager (sheltered housing) 86
Manager of residential home 14
Manager, care 109
Manager, care (residential home) 80
Manager, care, home 116
Manager, care, residential 25
Manager, centre, community 32
Manager, centre, day 54
Manager, home (welfare services) 9
Manager, house (social services) 18
Manager, project (social services: residential) 6
Manager, residential (residential home) 6
Manager, service, care 15
Manager, support (social services: residential) 19
Manager, unit (social services: residential) 5
Manager, unit, rehabilitation 9
Officer, principal (children's home) 3
Officer-in-charge (social services) 2
Owner (nursing home) 15
Owner (old people's home) 1
Owner (residential home) 7
Owner (rest home) 1
Owner (retirement home) 4
Owner, home, nursing 9
Owner, home, residential 5
Owner, home, rest 1
Owner, home, retirement 18
Managers And Proprietors In Agriculture And Services 10619 -
Managers In Farming, Horticulture, Forestry And Fishing 393 -
Farm managers 71 -
Manager (agricultural contracting) 3
Manager (agriculture) 13
Manager (horticulture) 6
Manager (market gardening) 1
Manager, farm 25
Manager, livestock 2
Manager, stock, farm 1
Owner (farm) 6
Owner (horticulture) 7
Owner, farm 7
Natural environment and conservation managers 218 -
Manager (environmental agency) 27
Manager (environmental consultancy) 22
Manager, conservation 7
Manager, countryside 9
Manager, environmental 83
Manager, heritage 8
Manager, park, national 1
Manager, safety and environmental, health 61
Managers in animal husbandry, forestry and fishing n.e.c. 104 -
Manager (fishing company) 1
Manager (forestry) 1
Manager (gardening, grounds keeping services) 13
Manager (tree felling services and related) 4
Manager (zoological gardens) 2
Manager, farm, stud 2
Manager, forest 1
Manager, kennel 3
Manager, nursery (horticulture) 4
Manager, nursery, forest 1
Manager, stud 2
Owner (agricultural machinery contracting) 1
Owner (cattery) 11
Owner (kennels) 6
Owner (landscape gardening) 29
Owner (livery stable) 2
Owner (nursery: horticultural) 2
Owner, cattery 8
Owner, kennels 10
Trainer, horse, race 1
Managers And Proprietors In Hospitality And Leisure Services 3177 -
Hotel and accommodation managers 673 -
Bursar, domestic 13
Hotelier 99
Keeper, hotel 3
Keeper, house, boarding 1
Landlady (boarding, guest, lodging house) 19
Landlord (boarding, guest, lodging house) 13
Manager (camping site) 4
Manager (holiday flats) 2
Manager (hostel) 17
Manager (hotels) 14
Manager (passenger ships) 1
Manager (residential club) 1
Manager, accommodation 22
Manager, accommodations 4
Manager, camp, holiday 5
Manager, farm, health 1
Manager, flats, holiday 3
Manager, front of house (hotel) 9
Manager, hall (higher education, university) 65
Manager, hotel 80
Manager, house, boarding 1
Manager, house, guest 6
Manager, house, lodging 2
Manager, housekeeping 26
Manager, services, hotel 15
Manager, site, camping 2
Manager, site, caravan 9
Operator, site, caravan 1
Owner (bed and breakfast accommodation) 85
Owner (camping site) 1
Owner (caravan site) 3
Owner (guest house) 41
Owner (holiday camp) 1
Owner (holiday flats) 7
Owner (hotel) 10
Owner, flat, holiday 2
Owner, flats, holiday 4
Owner, hotel 26
Owner, house, guest 19
Owner, park, caravan 4
Owner, site, camping 1
Owner, site, caravan 3
Sister, home (nurses home) 17
Steward (communal establishment) 1
Steward, college 1
Warden (hostel) 3
Warden (lodging house) 2
Warden (police service) 4
Conference and exhibition managers 241 -
Manager (conference organisers) 7
Manager (corporate hospitality) 13
Manager, centre, conference 5
Manager, conference 15
Manager, event 33
Manager, events 97
Manager, exhibition 11
Manager, hospitality 51
Owner (exhibition contracting) 2
Producer, conference 7
Restaurant and catering managers 1104 -
Chef-manager 57
Cook-manager 17
Dealer, fish and chip 2
Manager (catering) 163
Manager (NAAFI: canteen) 1
Manager (caf?) 7
Manager (catering) 56
Manager (restaurant) 60
Manager (tea room) 4
Manager, banqueting 2
Manager, bar, snack 1
Manager, buffet 1
Manager, caf? 13
Manager, canteen 7
Manager, catering 219
Manager, club (catering) 1
Manager, district (catering) 11
Manager, floor (restaurant) 5
Manager, kitchen 23
Manager, restaurant 61
Manager, services, catering 16
Manager, shop (take-away food shop) 19
Manager, shop, fish and chip 5
Manager, unit (catering) 18
Owner (caf?) 19
Owner (fast food outlet) 15
Owner (fish and chip shop) 25
Owner (restaurant) 43
Owner (sandwich bar) 10
Owner (take-away food shop) 57
Owner, caf? 31
Owner, restaurant 77
Owner, shop, chip 9
Restaurateur 37
Retailer (take-away food shop) 2
Shopkeeper (fish and chip) 5
Shopkeeper (take-away food shop) 4
Shopkeeper, fish and chip 1
Publicans and managers of licensed premises 552 -
Landlady (public houses) 60
Landlord (public houses) 49
Licensee 57
Manager (public houses) 27
Manager (social club) 14
Manager (wine bar) 1
Manager, area (brewery) 10
Manager, bar 64
Manager, bar, wine 3
Manager, house, licensed 7
Manager, house, public 19
Owner (club) 1
Owner (public house) 22
Owner (wine bar) 5
Owner, bar, wine 16
Owner, club 1
Owner, house, public 10
Publican 130
Steward (club) 35
Steward (community centre) 1
Steward, club 16
Tenant, house, public 2
Victualler, licensed 2
Leisure and sports managers 499 -
Clerk and steward 1
Director, gallery 3
Director, museum 28
Director, operational, bound, outward 6
Director, zoo 1
Manager (leisure services) 29
Manager (betting and gambling: casino, gaming club) 5
Manager (cable television broadcasting) 3
Manager (cinema) 3
Manager (football club) 2
Manager (golf club) 33
Manager (leisure centre) 46
Manager (night club) 6
Manager (public baths) 1
Manager (radio broadcasting) 3
Manager (snooker, billiards hall) 2
Manager (sports activities) 16
Manager (television: production, broadcasting) 34
Manager (theatre) 12
Manager, arcade, amusement 6
Manager, bingo 2
Manager, broadcasting 14
Manager, casino 15
Manager, centre, arts 18
Manager, centre, leisure 16
Manager, centre, sports 17
Manager, cinema 4
Manager, club 7
Manager, club (football club) 1
Manager, club, social 6
Manager, entertainment 9
Manager, fairground 1
Manager, front of house (entertainment) 8
Manager, gallery 6
Manager, hall, concert 3
Manager, hall, dance 1
Manager, house (entertainment) 1
Manager, marina 3
Manager, museum 42
Manager, park 9
Manager, promotions, sports 7
Manager, racecourse 2
Manager, school (riding school) 1
Manager, services, leisure 8
Manager, services, recreation 4
Manager, sports 9
Manager, stadium 6
Manager, theatre 17
Owner (amusement arcade) 3
Owner (club: sports) 3
Owner (museum) 1
Owner (riding stable) 3
Owner (school: riding) 1
Owner (snooker, billiards hall) 1
Owner, arcade, amusement 1
Owner, circus 1
Owner, club, night 5
Owner, club, sports 2
Owner, hall, dance 1
Travel agency managers 108 -
Manager (travel agents) 16
Manager, agency, travel 5
Manager, shop (travel agents) 4
Manager, tourist 12
Manager, tours 29
Manager, travel 26
Owner (travel agents) 7
Owner, agency, travel 9
Managers And Proprietors In Other Service Industries 7049 -
Property, housing and land managers 2567 -
Director, housing 72
Factor, housing (Scotland) 1
Landlady (property management) 107
Landlord (property management) 288
Landowner 2
Manager (auctioneers) 1
Manager (estate agents) 12
Manager (housing association) 128
Manager (office services) 78
Manager (property investment company) 55
Manager (property management) 136
Manager, caretaking 6
Manager, centre, city 1
Manager, centre, shopping 20
Manager, centre, town 2
Manager, environment (railways) 14
Manager, estate 75
Manager, estates 89
Manager, facilities 490
Manager, house (property management) 19
Manager, housing 173
Manager, housing (housing association) 60
Manager, housing (local government) 141
Manager, lettings 32
Manager, market 7
Manager, markets 1
Manager, neighbourhood 16
Manager, premises 19
Manager, property 345
Manager, resident 4
Manager, sales (estate agents) 8
Manager, services, house 3
Manager, services, office 9
Officer, estate 12
Officer, estates 23
Owner (estate agents) 14
Owner (letting agency) 4
Owner (property management) 43
Owner, agency, letting 3
Owner, land 2
Owner, property 39
Surveyor, agricultural 3
Surveyor, estate 10
Garage managers and proprietors 288 -
Director, garage 44
Manager (garage) 36
Manager (repairing: motor vehicles) 24
Manager (tyre dealers) 1
Manager, bodyshop (vehicle trades) 6
Manager, branch (garage) 1
Manager, garage 18
Manager, service (garage) 26
Manager, service, motorcycles 7
Manager, shop, body (vehicle trades) 7
Manager, workshop (garage) 17
Owner (garage) 34
Owner (motor vehicles repairing) 10
Owner, garage 57
Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietors 138 -
Manager (beauty salon) 10
Manager (beauty treatment) 3
Manager (hairdressing) 11
Manager, barber's 2
Manager, hairdresser's 24
Manager, shop (hairdressing) 4
Owner (beauty salon) 28
Owner (beauty, health studio) 3
Owner (hairdressing salon, shop) 20
Owner (health and fitness studio) 5
Owner, club, health 3
Owner, salon, hairdressing 22
Owner, studio, beauty 3
Shopkeepers and wholesale/retail dealers 1559 -
Agent, news 28
Agent, newspaper 9
Broker, pawn 1
Butcher, retail 5
Butcher-manager 9
Cheesemonger 1
Clothier (retail trade) 12
Clothier and outfitter 1
Confectioner and tobacconist 2
Dealer (wholesale, retail trade) 4
Dealer, accessories, motor 5
Dealer, antiques 172
Dealer, art 23
Dealer, book 15
Dealer, car 28
Dealer, sheep 2
Dealer, stamp 9
Dealer, tyre 3
Distributor (retail trade) 30
Factor, motor 9
Fruiterer 2
Furnisher (retail trade) 10
Furrier (retail trade) 1
Greengrocer 36
Grocer 11
Haberdasher 2
Hatter (retail trade) 1
Ironmonger 8
Jeweller (retail trade) 51
Keeper, stall, book 1
Keeper, store, general 4
Licensee (off-licence) 5
Manager, shop (retail trade: mobile shop) 6
Manager, shop, mobile 5
Manager, stall (retail trade) 2
Merchant, agricultural 2
Merchant, builders' 10
Merchant, coal 6
Merchant, glass 1
Merchant, timber 5
Merchant, wine 23
Newsagent 88
Numismatist 1
Off-licensee 8
Owner (butchers) 3
Owner (delicatessen) 5
Owner (filling station) 3
Owner (fishmongers) 3
Owner (florists) 12
Owner (garden centre) 4
Owner (general store) 9
Owner (market stall) 5
Owner (milk delivery round) 4
Owner (off-licence) 5
Owner (pet shop) 17
Owner (petrol station) 7
Owner (post office) 13
Owner (retail trade) 170
Owner (wholesale trade) 22
Owner, centre, garden 2
Owner, shop, butcher's 5
Owner, shop, florist 23
Owner, station, filling 1
Owner, store, general 11
Pawnbroker 1
Philatelist 3
Retailer 201
Retailer, fish 1
Seller, book 92
Seller, map 1
Shopkeeper 225
Stockholder, steel 1
Supplier (retail trade) 3
Trader (retail trade) 20
Trader, motor 30
Recycling and refuse disposal managers 103 -
Dealer, general 1
Dealer, metal, scrap 5
Manager (cleansing services) 4
Manager (local government: cleansing dept) 23
Manager (recycling plant) 6
Manager (refuse disposal) 1
Manager (refuse, waste disposal, sanitation) 9
Manager (sewage works) 2
Manager (waste disposal) 19
Manager, cleansing 2
Manager, environmental (refuse disposal) 2
Manager, incinerator 1
Manager, operations (waste disposal) 9
Manager, reclaim 1
Manager, recycling 9
Manager, site, landfill 1
Manager, works, sewage 1
Merchant, metal, scrap 2
Owner (recycling plant) 2
Owner, plant, recycling 2
Totter 1
Managers and proprietors in other services n.e.c. 2394 -
Director (management consultancy) 395
Director, editorial 18
Director, publishing 68
Manager (radio, television and video hire) 4
Manager (Citizens Advice Bureau) 61
Manager (architectural practice) 12
Manager (betting and gambling) 14
Manager (bookmakers, turf accountants) 5
Manager (car hire) 8
Manager (car park) 7
Manager (car wash, valeting) 1
Manager (children's nursery) 112
Manager (cleaning services) 37
Manager (dating agency) 1
Manager (driving school) 7
Manager (funeral directors) 17
Manager (hire shop) 10
Manager (laundry, launderette, dry cleaning) 7
Manager (library) 71
Manager (machinery hire) 1
Manager (photographic studios) 9
Manager (plant hire) 7
Manager (repairing: consumer goods) 3
Manager (retail trade: market stall) 6
Manager (retail trade: mobile shop) 6
Manager (retail trade: party plan sales) 12
Manager (retail trade: video shop) 4
Manager (services development) 43
Manager and Registrar (crematorium) 2
Manager, architect 2
Manager, architecture 6
Manager, bookmaker's 8
Manager, branch (car hire) 5
Manager, branch (library) 12
Manager, cemeteries 1
Manager, cemetery 3
Manager, cleaning 25
Manager, contract (cleaning services) 18
Manager, crematorium 5
Manager, design, graphic 19
Manager, furnishing 7
Manager, general (theatrical productions) 10
Manager, health and safety 268
Manager, hire, equipment 4
Manager, hire, plant 7
Manager, hire, skip 2
Manager, hire, tool 3
Manager, hygiene 13
Manager, launderette 1
Manager, laundry 5
Manager, library 83
Manager, nursery (day nursery) 74
Manager, office (bookmakers, turf accountants) 11
Manager, office, betting 19
Manager, operations (cleaning services) 9
Manager, plant (hire service) 3
Manager, production (broadcasting) 9
Manager, production (entertainment) 3
Manager, production (film, television production) 31
Manager, production, theatrical 3
Manager, project (publishing) 41
Manager, publisher's 22
Manager, room, linen (hospital service) 5
Manager, room, pattern 2
Manager, safety 37
Manager, safety and hygiene 5
Manager, safety, community 15
Manager, service, rental 14
Manager, service, valet, car 2
Manager, services, domestic 18
Manager, services, student 33
Manager, shop (bookmakers, turf accountants) 16
Manager, shop (dyeing and cleaning) 1
Manager, shop (radio, television, video hire) 3
Manager, shop, betting 27
Manager, shop, hire 3
Manager, shop, video 1
Manager, site (cleaning services) 3
Manager, tour (entertainment) 3
Manager, touring (entertainment) 2
Merchant, potato 3
Owner (alarm, security installation) 10
Owner (art gallery) 13
Owner (cab hire service) 1
Owner (car hire service) 4
Owner (caravan hire service) 2
Owner (cleaning services) 28
Owner (contract cleaning services) 22
Owner (design consultancy) 5
Owner (domestic appliances repairing) 3
Owner (dry cleaning service) 9
Owner (fairground stall) 1
Owner (funeral directors) 5
Owner (garden machinery repairing) 1
Owner (home care service) 13
Owner (launderette) 3
Owner (laundry) 5
Owner (management consultancy) 69
Owner (marquee hire service) 2
Owner (newspaper) 4
Owner (office services bureau) 3
Owner (pet crematorium) 1
Owner (photographic agency) 2
Owner (printers) 30
Owner (radio, television, video servicing) 3
Owner (recording studio) 4
Owner (school: driving) 4
Owner (soft furnishings mfr) 8
Owner (taxi service) 15
Owner (ticket agents) 1
Owner, agency, ticket 1
Owner, carriages, hackney 3
Owner, company, taxi 16
Owner, gallery, art 8
Owner, hire, plant 2
Owner, launderette 3
Owner, school, driving 3
Owner, service, taxi 5
Owner, shop, video 4
Owner, studio, photographic 8
Owner-publisher 37
Publisher 158
Retailer (video shop) 1
Shopkeeper (video shop) 1
Professional Occupations 102856 -
Science And Technology Professionals 21627 -
Science Professionals 3725 -
Chemists 939 -
Analyst, chief 4
Analyst, public 7
Assistant, research (chemical) 6
Associate, research (chemical) 7
Chemist 135
Chemist, analytical 122
Chemist, chief 7
Chemist, consulting 2
Chemist, development 7
Chemist, electroplating 1
Chemist, government 2
Chemist, industrial 238
Chemist, inorganic 3
Chemist, laboratory 36
Chemist, managing 1
Chemist, manufacturing 10
Chemist, metallurgical 4
Chemist, nuclear 6
Chemist, organic 7
Chemist, physical 4
Chemist, polymer 8
Chemist, research 98
Chemist, research and development 26
Chemist, shift 2
Chemist, technical 10
Chemist, textile 2
Chemist, works 3
Consultant, chemical 39
Doctor of chemistry 21
Electro-chemist 1
Head, section (chemical mfr) 2
Officer, experimental, senior (chemist) 7
Officer, research (chemical) 1
Officer, scientific (chemical) 8
Officer, technical (chemical mfr) 4
Researcher (chemical) 13
Scientist (chemical) 49
Scientist, research (chemical) 36
Biological scientists and biochemists 2183 -
Adviser (agricultural) 3
Adviser, agricultural 6
Adviser, horticultural 8
Agronomist 18
Assistant, research (biochemical) 19
Assistant, research (agricultural) 3
Assistant, research (zoological) 1
Assistant, research (botanical) 2
Assistant, research (biological) 23
Associate, research (zoological) 1
Associate, research (biochemical) 9
Associate, research (biological) 18
Associate, research (botanical) 1
Bacteriologist 12
Biochemist 115
Biologist 36
Biotechnologist 28
Botanist 15
Chemist, agricultural 3
Chemist, biological 11
Chemist, soil 1
Consultant, agricultural 30
Consultant, farming 1
Consultant, fisheries 2
Consultant, forestry 9
Cytogeneticist 17
Cytologist 12
Ecologist 70
Embryologist 3
Endocrinologist 4
Engineer (professional, genetics) 3
Engineer, genetic 2
Entomologist 7
Geneticist 22
Helminthologist 1
Histologist 8
Histopathologist 17
Horticulturist 42
Hydrobiologist 2
Immunologist 16
Kinesiologist 8
Microbiologist 139
Monitor, trials, clinical 46
Mycologist 1
Naturalist 2
Nutritionist, agricultural 1
Nutritionist, animal 8
Nutritionist, research 19
Officer, advisory (poultry) 2
Officer, advisory (MAFF) 1
Officer, advisory, district 6
Officer, experimental, chief (biologist) 1
Officer, experimental, senior (biologist) 1
Officer, field (advisory) 5
Officer, field (professional) 2
Officer, horticultural 2
Officer, research (biochemical) 1
Officer, research (biological) 4
Officer, science, laboratory, medical 26
Officer, scientific (biological) 15
Officer, scientific (biochemical) 15
Officer, scientific (botanical) 5
Officer, scientific (zoological) 2
Officer, scientific (agricultural) 2
Officer, scientific, laboratory, medical 30
Ornithologist 4
Parasitologist 1
Pathologist 38
Pathologist, plant 1
Pathologist, veterinary 6
Physiologist 53
Researcher (agricultural) 7
Researcher (biochemical) 9
Researcher (biological) 29
Researcher (botanical) 2
Scientist (agricultural) 10
Scientist (biochemical) 115
Scientist (horticultural) 1
Scientist (biological) 123
Scientist (zoological) 2
Scientist (medical) 148
Scientist, agricultural 4
Scientist, audiological 1
Scientist, clinical 241
Scientist, environmental 60
Scientist, forensic 63
Scientist, laboratory, medical 111
Scientist, research (biological) 51
Scientist, research (zoological) 2
Scientist, research (medical) 89
Scientist, research (horticultural) 2
Scientist, research (botanical) 4
Scientist, research (agricultural) 7
Scientist, research (biochemical) 34
Virologist 10
Worker, research (horticultural) 1
Worker, research (biological) 3
Zoologist 3
Physicists, geologists and meteorologists 603 -
Adviser, geological 2
Aerodynamicist 4
Assistant, meteorological 2
Assistant, research (meteorological) 2
Assistant, research (physical science) 3
Assistant, research (geological) 3
Associate, research (geological) 2
Associate, research (physical science) 6
Astronomer 2
Astrophysicist 2
Biophysicist 3
Consultant, geological 21
Consultant, geophysical 9
Crystallographer 1
Engineer (professional, geophysics) 2
Engineer, geophysical 1
Forecaster (meteorological) 5
Gemmologist 1
Geochemist 1
Geologist 114
Geophysicist 33
Geotechnologist 4
Hydrogeologist 14
Hydrologist 13
Mathematician 34
Meteorologist 7
Oceanographer 6
Officer, research (physical science) 3
Officer, scientific (physical science) 7
Officer, scientific (meteorological) 1
Officer, scientific (geological) 4
Palaeontologist 2
Physicist 91
Physicist, medical 53
Researcher (physical science) 17
Researcher (geological) 1
Researcher (meteorological) 1
Scientist (meteorological) 2
Scientist (physical science) 45
Scientist (geological) 16
Scientist, research (geological) 4
Scientist, research (meteorological) 3
Scientist, research (physical science) 51
Seismologist 2
Thermodynamicist 1
Worker, research (physical science) 2
Engineering Professionals 9571 -
Civil engineers 2302 -
Consultant (civil engineering) 348
Consultant, engineering, civil 206
Consultant, mining 11
Engineer (professional, municipal) 12
Engineer (professional, public works) 11
Engineer (professional, highways) 48
Engineer (professional, quarrying) 1
Engineer (professional, highway) 41
Engineer (professional, sanitary) 4
Engineer (professional, mining) 10
Engineer (professional, civil) 234
Engineer (professional, public health) 10
Engineer (professional, constructional) 48
Engineer (professional, irrigation) 1
Engineer (professional, structural) 80
Engineer (professional, water) 31
Engineer (professional, oil and natural gas) 13
Engineer and architect 2
Engineer, assistant (local government) 10
Engineer, borough 3
Engineer, building 22
Engineer, building and civil 28
Engineer, city 1
Engineer, civil 518
Engineer, colliery 2
Engineer, constructional (professional) 9
Engineer, contractor's 7
Engineer, control, strata 1
Engineer, demolition (professional) 2
Engineer, district (railways) 1
Engineer, drainage 17
Engineer, drilling (mining) 7
Engineer, gas, natural 9
Engineer, geotechnical 20
Engineer, health, public 5
Engineer, highway 18
Engineer, highways 29
Engineer, mining 33
Engineer, mud (oil wells) 1
Engineer, municipal 1
Engineer, oil 10
Engineer, oil and natural gas (professional) 10
Engineer, oil and natural gas 15
Engineer, petroleum 20
Engineer, quarrying 2
Engineer, resident 2
Engineer, road 8
Engineer, site 22
Engineer, station (MOD) 1
Engineer, structural 250
Engineer, water 48
Engineer, works, public 1
Officer, works 55
Surveyor, county 3
Mechanical engineers 1999 -
Architect, naval 23
Assistant, research (engineering, mechanical) 19
Associate, research (engineering, mechanical) 18
Constructor, naval 2
Consultant, engineering 513
Designer, aircraft 10
Designer, naval 2
Engineer (professional, aeronautical) 47
Engineer (professional, automobile) 16
Engineer (professional, aviation) 16
Engineer (professional, stress) 1
Engineer (professional, hydraulic) 3
Engineer (professional, mechanical) 309
Engineer (professional, locomotive) 3
Engineer (professional, marine) 10
Engineer (professional) 357
Engineer (professional, textile) 2
Engineer, aeronautical (professional) 17
Engineer, aerospace 172
Engineer, automobile (professional) 3
Engineer, automotive (professional) 11
Engineer, aviation (professional) 10
Engineer, chief (maintenance) 17
Engineer, chief, area (coal mine) 1
Engineer, diesel (professional) 1
Engineer, heavy (professional) 7
Engineer, hydraulic (professional) 2
Engineer, marine (professional) 13
Engineer, marine, chief 19
Engineer, marine, senior 9
Engineer, marine, superintendent 3
Engineer, mechanical (professional) 221
Engineer, mechanical and electrical (professional) 13
Engineer, mechanical, area (coal mine) 3
Engineer, mechanical, chief 24
Engineer, mechanical, nos (professional) 14
Engineer, mechanical, unit (coal mine) 2
Engineer, mechanisation 4
Engineer, operations (electricity supplier) 9
Engineer, plant (professional) 2
Engineer, stress (aircraft mfr) 3
Engineer, stress, aeronautical 6
Engineer, stress, aircraft 4
Engineer, textile (professional) 1
Engineer, tool, machine (professional) 10
Engineer, welding (professional) 7
Engineer, works, nos 6
Inspector, chief (engineering, professional) 2
Inspector, engineering, chief 2
Officer, engineering (government) 4
Officer, inspection (DTI) 1
Officer, research (engineering, mechanical) 3
Officer, scientific (engineering, mechanical) 3
Officer, technical, principal 8
Researcher (engineering, mechanical) 11
Electrical engineers 993 -
Assistant, research (engineering, electrical) 9
Associate, research (engineering, electrical) 4
Engineer (professional, electrical) 284
Engineer, area (technical) 41
Engineer, area (telecommunications) 86
Engineer, assistant (electricity supplier) 4
Engineer, branch (electricity supplier) 3
Engineer, charge (electricity supplier) 2
Engineer, chief (electricity supplier) 5
Engineer, control (electricity supplier) 21
Engineer, distribution (electricity supplier) 11
Engineer, district (electricity supplier) 4
Engineer, electrical (professional) 202
Engineer, electrical and mechanical (professional) 44
Engineer, electrical, area (coal mine) 5
Engineer, electrical, charge, assistant (electricity supplier) 1
Engineer, electrical, chief 13
Engineer, electrical, group (coal mine) 1
Engineer, electrical, head 3
Engineer, electrical, nos (professional) 13
Engineer, electrical, senior 40
Engineer, electrical, works 24
Engineer, equipment 15
Engineer, first (power station) 4
Engineer, generating (electricity supplier) 3
Engineer, mechanical and electrical (electricity supplier) 5
Engineer, power 11
Engineer, regional (telecommunications) 6
Engineer, second (power station) 6
Engineer, shift (electricity supplier) 5
Engineer, signal (railways) 32
Engineer, staff (telecommunications) 18
Engineer, station, power (electricity supplier) 11
Engineer, switchgear (professional) 1
Engineer, telecommunications (professional) 18
Engineer, telephone (professional) 10
Engineer, testing, cable 3
Engineer, traction, electric 2
Engineer, transmission, power 2
Officer, research (engineering, electrical) 2
Officer, scientific (engineering, electrical) 2
Researcher (engineering, electrical) 4
Surveyor, electrical 13
Electronics engineers 732 -
Assistant, research (engineering, electronic) 8
Associate, research (engineering, electronic) 5
Consultant, communications (telecommunications) 15
Designer, telecommunications 15
Engineer (professional, telecommunication) 238
Engineer (professional, electronic) 150
Engineer (professional, radar) 4
Engineer (professional, microwave) 6
Engineer (professional, broadcasting) 17
Engineer (professional, avionics) 7
Engineer (professional, radio) 6
Engineer (professional, television) 24
Engineer, avionics 13
Engineer, broadcast (professional) 9
Engineer, broadcasting (professional) 4
Engineer, communication (professional) 8
Engineer, communication, radio 8
Engineer, communications (professional) 7
Engineer, electronic (professional) 72
Engineer, electronics (professional) 63
Engineer, microwave 3
Engineer, radar (professional) 1
Engineer, radar (research) 3
Engineer, radio (professional) 7
Engineer, systems, avionics 13
Engineer, telecommunications (radio, professional) 6
Engineer, television (professional) 3
Engineer, transmission, power (television) 3
Inspector, chief (engineering, professional, electronic engineering) 1
Officer, scientific (engineering, electronic) 1
Researcher (engineering, electronic) 12
Chemical engineers 383 -
Consultant, engineering, chemical 48
Engineer (professional, pharmaceutical) 7
Engineer (professional, chemical) 64
Engineer (professional, plastics) 5
Engineer (professional, petrochemical) 13
Engineer, chemical 224
Engineer, petrochemical 11
Engineer, pharmaceutical 8
Engineer, plastics (professional) 3
Design and development engineers 810 -
Consultant, design (engineering) 97
Designer (metal trades) 6
Designer, avionics 1
Designer, circuit (telecommunications) 2
Designer, electrical 31
Designer, electronics 52
Designer, machinery, electrical 5
Designer, systems (railway signalling) 6
Engineer (professional, development) 15
Engineer (professional, design) 49
Engineer (professional, lighting) 5
Engineer, design 420
Engineer, design and test 9
Engineer, design, hardware (computer) 8
Engineer, development 44
Engineer, lighting (professional) 8
Engineer, research and development 45
Ergonomist 7
Production and process engineers 410 -
Adviser, production 6
Consultant, production 12
Coordinator, project (manufacturing) 11
Engineer (professional, process) 28
Engineer (professional, production) 16
Engineer, control, production 14
Engineer, process 91
Engineer, product (professional) 7
Engineer, production 150
Engineer, production and planning 13
Superintendent, production (MOD) 6
Technician, process 56
Planning and quality control engineers 574 -
Consultant, assurance, quality 20
Consultant, industrial 12
Consultant, management, quality 23
Consultant, quality 29
Controller, project (metal trades) 3
Controller, quality (professional) 4
Engineer (professional, quality control) 13
Engineer, assurance, quality 23
Engineer, control, quality 19
Engineer, industrial 63
Engineer, planning 94
Engineer, quality 134
Inspector (civil engineering) 3
Inspector, chief (engineering, professional, quality control) 4
Leader, section (production control) 6
Officer, assurance, quality (professional) 3
Officer, control, quality (professional) 1
Officer, planning (manufacturing) 7
Planner (engineering) 47
Planner, process 2
Planner, production 64
Engineering professionals n.e.c. 1368 -
Adviser, textile 3
Agent, patent 27
Assayer 1
Brewer (qualified) 2
Brewer (brewery) 11
Brewer (distillery) 2
Brewer, head 2
Brewer, technical 3
Brewer, working 2
Ceramicist 6
Ceramist 2
Consultant, acoustics 16
Consultant, ceramics 2
Consultant, energy 111
Consultant, heating (professional) 3
Consultant, metallurgical 12
Consultant, patent 7
Consultant, scientific 68
Engineer (professional, patent) 1
Engineer (professional, noise control) 3
Engineer (professional, metallurgics) 10
Engineer (professional, lubrication) 1
Engineer (professional, nuclear) 33
Engineer (professional, packaging) 3
Engineer (professional, thermal) 1
Engineer (professional, acoustics) 2
Engineer (professional, agricultural) 3
Engineer (professional, ceramics) 1
Engineer (professional, combustion) 4
Engineer (professional, conditioning, air) 12
Engineer (professional, corrosion) 2
Engineer (professional, cryogenics) 1
Engineer (professional, environmental) 10
Engineer (professional, fuel) 1
Engineer (professional, gas) 18
Engineer (professional, heating and ventilating) 13
Engineer (professional, refrigeration) 5
Engineer (professional, glass) 3
Engineer (professional, traffic) 6
Engineer, acoustics (professional) 3
Engineer, agricultural (professional) 6
Engineer, ceramics 1
Engineer, combustion 2
Engineer, corrosion (professional) 2
Engineer, environmental 26
Engineer, fuel 1
Engineer, gas (professional) 22
Engineer, glass 5
Engineer, heating (professional) 24
Engineer, heating and ventilating (professional) 8
Engineer, horticultural (professional) 2
Engineer, lubrication 4
Engineer, medical (professional) 11
Engineer, metallurgical 33
Engineer, nuclear 48
Engineer, packaging 8
Engineer, patent 1
Engineer, physics, health 2
Engineer, project 314
Engineer, projects 46
Engineer, refrigeration (professional) 7
Engineer, scientific 13
Engineer, supervising (government) 2
Engineer, technical 93
Engineer, test (professional) 8
Engineer, traffic 27
Examiner (Board of Trade) 1
Examiner (Patent Office) 7
Metallurgist 97
Officer, communications (Home Office) 4
Officer, patent (government) 1
Officer, patents (government) 2
Researcher (patents) 1
Scientist, materials 25
Technologist 40
Technologist, food 58
Information And Communication Technology Professionals 8331 -
IT strategy and planning professionals 3367 -
Adviser, systems 7
Architect, data 6
Architect, software 48
Architect, technical, migration (software) 18
Consultant (computing) 263
Consultant, IT 1311
Consultant, applications 16
Consultant, communications 76
Consultant, computer 631
Consultant, network 15
Consultant, services, network 9
Consultant, software 149
Consultant, support, software 30
Consultant, support, technical 67
Consultant, systems 34
Consultant, technical, computer 144
Consultant, technology, information 333
Consultant, telecommunications 56
Consultant, telecoms 47
Designer, applications (computing) 22
Planner, IT 9
Planner, network 11
Planner, technology, information 10
Planner, telecommunications 23
Scientist, computer 32
Software professionals 4964 -
Analyst (programming) 115
Analyst, computer 628
Analyst, data (computing) 82
Analyst, database 32
Analyst, implementation 12
Analyst, information (computing) 133
Analyst, network 24
Analyst, operations (computing) 29
Analyst, software 66
Analyst, support (computing) 79
Analyst, system 105
Analyst, systems 315
Analyst-programmer 161
Architect, systems (computing) 72
Author, software 10
Author, software, application 10
Author, technical, software 24
Designer, computer 35
Designer, database 23
Designer, network 8
Designer, software 54
Designer, systems (qualified) 3
Designer, systems 15
Developer (computing) 31
Developer, computer 45
Developer, internet 25
Developer, site, web 37
Developer, software 298
Developer, systems (qualified) 2
Developer, systems 32
Developer, web 32
Developer, web, technical 5
Engineer (professional, software) 82
Engineer, computer (design) 21
Engineer, design, software 56
Engineer, development, software 59
Engineer, integration, network 5
Engineer, network 59
Engineer, software 444
Engineer, software, interactive 2
Engineer, software, senior 62
Engineer, support, software 32
Engineer, systems 175
Executive, communications, web 4
Leader, project (software design) 5
Leader, project, software 32
Leader, team (programming) 16
Leader, team, analyst (computing, programming) 20
Leader, team, programming 4
Leader, team, software (computing) 10
Officer, development, software 5
Officer, development, systems 7
Officer, development, web 4
Officer, projects, computer 41
Producer, web 9
Programmer 52
Programmer, applications 12
Programmer, computer 1007
Programmer, games 3
Programmer, systems 43
Programmer-analyst 28
Specialist, software (professional) 15
Specialist, software 12
Specialist, systems 6
Tester, software, computer 86
Writer, software 4
Health Professionals 7749 -
Health Professionals 7749 -
Medical practitioners 4503 -
Acupuncturist (medically qualified) 11
Adviser, medical 34
Anaesthetist 36
Anaesthetist, consultant 109
Assistant, clinical (qualified) 3
Cardiologist 16
Consultant (medical) 250
Consultant (hospital service) 76
Consultant, hospital 75
Consultant, medical 100
Dermatologist 22
Doctor 1289
Doctor, health, public 110
Examiner, medical (Benefits Agency) 1
Fellow (surgery) 1
Fellow (medicine) 2
Fellow (research, medicine) 7
Fellow (university: medicine) 1
Fellow (university: surgery) 1
GP 67
Geriatrician 5
Gynaecologist 27
Homeopath (medically qualified) 3
Lecturer (surgery) 1
Lecturer (medicine) 30
Nephrologist, consultant 7
Neurologist 13
Obstetrician 1
Obstetrician, consultant 12
Officer, medical 10
Oncologist 19
Ophthalmologist 18
Otorhinolaryngologist 1
Paediatrician 144
Physician 19
Physician, consultant 94
Practitioner, general 539
Practitioner, homeopathic (medically qualified) 2
Practitioner, homoeopathic (medically qualified) 1
Practitioner, medical 91
Practitioner, medical, general 532
Practitioner, medical, registered 73
Professor (surgery) 8
Professor (medicine) 90
Psychiatrist 110
Psychiatrist, consultant 153
Psycho-analyst 30
Radiodiagnostician 2
Radiologist 15
Radiologist, consultant 48
Radiotherapist 7
Reader (medicine) 3
Registrar (hospital service) 1
Rheumatologist 4
Specialist, associate (hospital service) 10
Specialist, ear, nose and throat 1
Superintendent, medical 1
Surgeon 47
Surgeon, consultant 114
Urologist 6
Psychologists 766 -
Psychologist 453
Psychologist, clinical 309
Psychometrist 4
Pharmacists/pharmacologists 1071 -
Chemist (pharmaceutical) 51
Chemist (retail trade) 10
Chemist and druggist (retail trade) 3
Chemist, pharmaceutical 54
Chemist, photographic 1
Pharmaceutist 7
Pharmacist 913
Pharmacologist 13
Toxicologist 19
Ophthalmic opticians 372 -
Optician 50
Optician, ophthalmic 25
Optologist 4
Optometrist 293
Dental practitioners 782 -
Consultant, dental 21
Dentist 594
Fellow (dentistry) 3
Fellow (university: dentistry) 3
Lecturer (dentistry) 12
Officer, dental 8
Orthodontist 29
Practitioner, dental 6
Professor (dentistry) 7
Surgeon, dental 99
Veterinarians 255 -
Consultant, veterinary 26
Inspector, veterinary 1
Officer, field, veterinary 2
Officer, investigating, veterinary 2
Officer, research, veterinary 4
Officer, veterinary 2
Practitioner, veterinary 14
Surgeon, veterinary 173
Veterinarian 31
Teaching And Research Professionals 47867 -
Teaching Professionals 45747 -
Higher education teaching professionals 7409 -
Dean (higher education, university) 73
Director of studies (higher education, university) 31
Director, course (higher education, university) 23
Fellow (university) 24
Head (higher education, university) 11
Head of department (higher education, university) 63
Head of school (higher education, university) 16
Instructor (higher education, university) 8
Lecturer (higher education, university) 2823
Lecturer, political 4
Lecturer, polytechnic 4
Lecturer, university 2107
Officer, research (university) 18
Principal (higher education, university) 17
Professor (higher education, university) 533
Professor, university 861
Provost (higher education, university) 1
Reader (university) 84
Rector (university) 1
Teacher (higher education, university) 518
Tutor (higher education, university) 137
Tutor, course (higher education, university) 28
Vice-chancellor (university) 24
Further education teaching professionals 4552 -
Dean (further education) 7
Director of studies (further education) 21
Head (further education) 15
Head of department (further education) 68
Head of faculties (further education) 27
Instructor (further education) 10
Instructor, woodwork (further education) 7
Leader, course (further education) 19
Lecturer 803
Lecturer (further education) 1111
Lecturer, college (further education) 1089
Principal (further education) 54
Professor (further education) 35
Provost (further education) 1
Teacher (further education) 1028
Teacher (tertiary college) 74
Teacher, dance (further education) 8
Teacher, music (further education) 9
Tutor (further education) 166
Education officers, school inspectors 1073 -
Adviser (education) 216
Adviser, education 250
Director of education 110
Inspector (OFSTED) 42
Inspector (education) 39
Inspector of schools 64
Inspector, education 29
Inspector, school 65
Officer, development, curriculum 26
Officer, education 229
Secondary education teaching professionals 12806 -
Director of studies (secondary school) 12
Director of studies (sixth form college) 13
Head (secondary school) 51
Head (sixth form college) 5
Head of department (secondary school) 154
Head of department (sixth form college) 21
Instructor (secondary school) 9
Instructor (secondary school, physical training) 8
Instructor (sixth form college) 3
Instructor, training, physical (secondary school) 7
Instructor, woodwork (sixth form college) 1
Lecturer (secondary school) 14
Lecturer (sixth form college) 69
Master (secondary school) 21
Master (sixth form college) 1
Master, head (secondary school) 23
Master, head (sixth form college) 2
Master, house (secondary school) 5
Master, school (secondary school) 10
Master, school (sixth form college) 1
Mistress (secondary school) 7
Mistress (sixth form college) 1
Mistress, head (secondary school) 7
Mistress, house (secondary school) 6
Mistress, school (secondary school) 4
Monk (secondary school: teaching) 17
Nun (secondary school: teaching) 10
Principal (secondary school) 13
Principal (sixth form college) 27
Teacher (secondary school) 11072
Teacher (sixth form college) 421
Teacher, dance (secondary school) 50
Teacher, head (secondary school) 638
Teacher, head (sixth form college) 21
Teacher, music (secondary school) 32
Tutor (secondary school) 33
Tutor (sixth form college) 17
Primary and nursery education teaching professionals 11882 -
Head (nursery school) 21
Head (primary school) 81
Instructor (nursery school) 5
Instructor (primary school) 9
Master (nursery school) 1
Master (primary school) 7
Master, head (nursery school) 1
Master, head (primary school) 28
Master, house (primary school) 1
Mistress (nursery school) 5
Mistress (primary school) 27
Mistress, head (nursery school) 3
Mistress, head (primary school) 14
Mistress, house (primary school) 1
Mistress, school (nursery school) 2
Mistress, school (primary school) 4
Monk (primary school: teaching) 12
Nun (primary school: teaching) 8
Principal (primary school) 9
Teacher (junior school) 820
Teacher (kindergarten) 90
Teacher (nursery school) 430
Teacher (primary school) 8626
Teacher, dance (primary school) 15
Teacher, head (nursery school) 68
Teacher, head (primary school) 1428
Teacher, infant 120
Teacher, music (primary school) 46
Special needs education teaching professionals 2176 -
Coordinator, needs, special 48
Educationalist, needs, special 85
Head (special school) 13
Instructor (special school) 4
Lecturer (special school) 3
Master, head (special school) 5
Mistress (special school) 2
Mistress, house (special school) 1
Principal (special school) 7
Teacher (special needs) 1071
Teacher (special school) 391
Teacher of the deaf 89
Teacher, dance (special school) 2
Teacher, head (special school) 210
Teacher, needs, special 199
Tutor (special needs) 37
Tutor, needs, special 9
Registrars and senior administrators of educational establishments 2334 -
Administrator (higher education, university) 904
Administrator, university 456
Bursar 290
Coordinator, project (education) 44
Head of administration (education) 30
Manager (education) 574
President (college) 4
Registrar (educational services) 32
Teaching professionals n.e.c. 3515 -
Assistant, language 8
Consultant, education 564
Consultant, educational 290
Examiner (examination board) 63
Governess 3
Instructor, music 14
Manager, school, language 11
Marker, exam 5
Moderator (examination board) 13
Officer, examinations (examination board) 8
Organiser (adult education centre) 40
Owner (nursery: children's) 18
Owner (school: language) 1
Owner (school: nursery) 12
Owner (school: primary) 3
Owner, nursery, children's 18
Owner, school, language 1
Principal (dancing school) 2
Principal (evening institute) 1
Principal (training establishment) 3
Principal, school (dancing, private) 1
Teacher (musical instruments) 209
Teacher (private) 305
Teacher (adult education centre) 419
Teacher (evening institute) 5
Teacher of English as a foreign language 173
Teacher, dance 110
Teacher, dancing 9
Teacher, education, adult 292
Teacher, music 307
Teacher, music, peripatetic 83
Tutor (private) 158
Tutor (adult education centre) 258
Tutor (evening institute) 9
Tutor, home 42
Tutor, private 53
Research Professionals 2120 -
Scientific researchers 601 -
Adviser, scientific 14
Associate, research (medical) 31
Fellow, research, university (sciences) 61
Officer, experimental, chief 2
Officer, experimental, senior 8
Officer, scientific 36
Scientist 194
Scientist, research 251
Scientist, research, operational 4
Social science researchers 461 -
Anthropologist 5
Antiquary 4
Archaeologist 92
Assistant, research (historical) 7
Assistant, research (government) 5
Associate, research (historical) 3
Associate, research (economic) 4
Associate, research (government) 7
Criminologist 7
Epidemiologist 26
Fellow, research, university (social sciences) 44
Genealogist 17
Geographer 5
Historian 39
Linguist 19
Officer, research (government) 14
Officer, research (historical) 1
Officer, research, political 8
Officer, survey, social (government) 16
Officer, survey, social, principal (government) 7
Officer, survey, social, senior (government) 4
Philologist 1
Philosopher 2
Researcher (historical) 20
Researcher (government) 33
Researcher, political 16
Scientist, behavioural 4
Scientist, political 1
Scientist, social 29
Sociologist 12
Worker, research (economic) 9
Researchers n.e.c. 1058 -
Analyst, information 190
Analyst, intelligence, criminal 30
Assistant, research 97
Assistant, research (broadcasting) 3
Assistant, research (journalism) 1
Assistant, research (printing and publishing) 1
Assistant, research (university) 24
Associate, research 52
Associate, research (printing and publishing) 2
Associate, research (university) 31
Consultant, research 78
Fellow (research) 49
Fellow, research (university) 82
Fellow, research, university, nos 1
Inventor 9
Officer, intelligence (government) 14
Officer, intelligence, grade II (MOD) 1
Officer, research 45
Officer, research (journalism) 3
Researcher 162
Researcher (broadcasting) 9
Researcher (journalism) 8
Researcher (printing and publishing) 6
Researcher (university) 64
Researcher, games (broadcasting, entertainment) 2
Researcher, picture 19
Researcher, university 68
Worker, research 4
Worker, research (fire protection) 2
Worker, research (photographic) 1
Business And Public Service Professionals 25613 -
Legal Professionals 3832 -
Solicitors and lawyers, judges and coroners 3601 -
Advocate 67
Attorney 26
Barrister 253
Chairman (appeals tribunal, inquiry etc) 13
Clerk, managing (qualified solicitor) 3
Clerk, solicitor's (articled) 1
Coroner 6
Counsel, Queen's 4
Draftsman, parliamentary 6
Judge (legal services) 190
Justice of the Peace (stipendiary) 4
Lawyer 655
Magistrate (stipendiary) 28
Member of the Inner Temple 1
Procurator fiscal 8
Prosecutor, Crown 33
Queen's counsel 1
Sheriff (Scottish Courts) 6
Solicitor 2296
Legal professionals n.e.c. 231 -
Adviser (law) 18
Adviser, legal 106
Agent, law 5
Assistant, court (qualified) 2
Clerk of the court 12
Clerk to the justices 2
Clerk, chief (courts of justice) 1
Clerk, justice's 3
Clerk, magistrate's 3
Commissioner (legal services) 1
Consultant, legal 44
Coordinator, legal 3
Notary 1
Officer, legal 21
Referee, official (legal services) 3
Registrar (legal services) 3
Registrar, probate 3
Business And Statistical Professionals 7508 -
Chartered and certified accountants 3166 -
Accountant (qualified) 661
Accountant (government) 193
Accountant, bank 46
Accountant, borough 10
Accountant, branch 2
Accountant, certified 155
Accountant, chartered 1410
Accountant, chief 20
Accountant, chief, group 7
Accountant, company 125
Accountant, financial 245
Accountant, incorporated 1
Accountant, principal 6
Accountant-secretary (coal mine) 2
Administrator, insolvency (qualified) 2
Adviser, technical (accountancy) 1
Auditor (qualified) 17
Auditor (government) 46
Auditor (local government) 53
Clerk, audit (qualified) 2
Consultant, accountancy 24
Consultant, accounting 27
Consultant, audit 10
Controller, financial (qualified) 56
Examiner (insolvency) 1
Examiner, audit (DETR) 1
Examiner, insolvency 4
Inspector of audits (DETR) 1
Liquidator, company 1
Practitioner, insolvency 27
Receiver, official 3
Management accountants 319 -
Accountant (qualified, management accountancy) 195
Accountant (qualified, cost and works accountancy) 20
Accountant, cost (qualified) 4
Accountant, cost and management (qualified) 37
Accountant, management (qualified) 56
Accountant, works (qualified) 2
Consultant, cost (qualified) 4
Management consultants, actuaries, economists and statisticians 4023 -
Actuary 144
Adviser, business 165
Adviser, development, management 80
Adviser, economic 13
Adviser, management 55
Adviser, services, management 21
Adviser, statistical 5
Analyst, business 564
Analyst, economic 2
Analyst, risk 89
Analyst, statistical 43
Assistant, actuarial 2
Assistant, statistical 1
Consultant (management consultancy) 447
Consultant, actuarial 8
Consultant, business 776
Consultant, economic 52
Consultant, management 1198
Consultant, services, management 29
Consultant, statistical 15
Controller, services, management 4
Demographer 4
Economist 96
Forecaster, economic 5
Head of statistics 4
Leader, team (management consultancy) 12
Leader, team, consultancy, management 12
Officer, development, economic 21
Officer, intelligence, trade 1
Officer, services, management 20
Officer, statistical (government) 7
Planner, economic 3
Statistician 125
Architects, Town Planners, Surveyors 4989 -
Architects 1615 -
Architect 926
Architect, chartered 369
Architect, landscape 178
Consultant, architectural 27
Designer (architectural practice) 40
Designer, architectural 26
Designer, landscape 37
Designer, structural 12
Town planners 562 -
Adviser, planning, county 5
Consultant, planning, town 108
Officer, control, development 19
Officer, planning (local government: building and contracting) 91
Planner (town planning) 99
Planner, town 240
Quantity surveyors 797 -
Assistant, surveyor's, quantity 9
Assistant, technical (quantity surveying) 7
Assistant, technical, surveyor's, quantity 8
Surveyor (quantity surveying) 119
Surveyor, bonus 1
Surveyor, measuring 4
Surveyor, quantity 647
Taker-off (quantity surveying) 1
Technician, surveying, quantity 1
Chartered surveyors (not quantity surveyors) 2015 -
Assistant, professional (local government: surveyor's dept) 16
Commissioner, land 3
Estimator and surveyor 47
Inspector (local government: surveyor's dept) 7
Officer, land and minerals (coal mine) 2
Officer, survey (government) 3
Surveyor 311
Surveyor (river, water authority) 1
Surveyor and estimator 11
Surveyor and water engineer 1
Surveyor, building 429
Surveyor, cartographic 7
Surveyor, chartered 984
Surveyor, colliery 1
Surveyor, hydrographic 7
Surveyor, land 45
Surveyor, mineral 2
Surveyor, mining 3
Surveyor, property 79
Surveyor, topographic 2
Surveyor-engineer 54
Public Service Professionals 7251 -
Public service administrative professionals 1873 -
A1 (Dept for International Development) 3
Administrator, registration, senior (Land Registry) 5
Band 1 (Health and Safety Executive) 5
Band 11 (Customs and Excise) 2
Band 2 (Health and Safety Executive) 10
Band 2C (Meteorological Office) 2
Band B1 (Inland Revenue) 6
Band B2 (Inland Revenue) 7
Band F (Welsh Office) 3
C1 (Scottish Office) 3
C2 (Scottish Office) 1
C3 (Scottish Office) 1
D2 (Office for National Statistics) 5
D4 (Benefits Agency) 4
D4 (Office for National Statistics) 1
Director, regional (government) 14
Executive, registration, senior (Land Registry) 1
Grade 6 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 1
Grade 6 (government) 3
Grade 7 (government) 11
Officer, area (local government) 188
Officer, consular 3
Officer, divisional (local government) 6
Officer, executive, chief (PO) 45
Officer, executive, chief (government) 29
Officer, heritage and culture, principal (local government) 14
Officer, principal (government) 9
Principal (government) 5
Registrar (government) 6
Registrar (local government) 2
Registrar of births, deaths and marriages 120
Registrar of deeds 1
Registrar of marriages 12
Registrar, superintendent 16
Regulator, financial (government) 5
Secretary, assistant (local government) 40
Secretary, private, principal 1
Servant, civil (grade 6, 7) 1283
Social workers 3171 -
Aid, family 11
Aide, family 9
Almoner 2
Guardian ad litem 18
Leader (social work) 65
Leader, team (local government: social services) 67
Officer, adoption 35
Officer, care, child 61
Officer, fostering 42
Officer, guardian ad litem and reporting 12
Officer, health, mental 175
Officer, protection, child 92
Officer, rehabilitation 51
Officer, services, social 73
Practitioner, senior (social services) 49
Worker, case, family 55
Worker, field (social services) 121
Worker, social 2122
Worker, social, forensic 18
Worker, social, medical 93
Probation officers 546 -
Assistant, service, probation 9
Assistant, services, probation 5
Officer, probation 491
Officer, probation, chief 21
Officer, service, community (probation service) 20
Clergy 1661 -
Archdeacon 5
Bishop 7
Canon 9
Captain (Church Army) 2
Captain (Salvation Army) 3
Chaplain 117
Clergyman 130
Clerk in holy orders 29
Curate 4
Deacon 3
Dean 7
Evangelist 6
Healer 2
Imam 1
Incumbent 2
Major (Salvation Army) 9
Member of Religious Community 3
Minister (religion) 170
Minister of religion 557
Missionary 18
Missioner 1
Monk 1
Nun 6
Officer, Army, Church 6
Officer, Army, Salvation 17
Pastor 61
Priest 202
Rabbi 3
Reader, lay 3
Rector 6
Sister (religion) 2
Spiritualist 3
Theologian 3
Vicar 199
Vicar-general 3
Worker, army, Church 3
Worker, church 58
Librarians And Related Professionals 2033 -
Librarians 1719 -
Librarian 1403
Librarian, branch 27
Librarian, chartered 197
Librarian, film 1
Librarian, hospital 27
Librarian, media 7
Librarian, newspaper 1
Librarian, picture 7
Librarian, tape, computer 3
Librarian, tape, magnetic 1
Librarian, technical 11
Librarian, visual, audio 1
Scientist, information 31
Superintendent (library) 2
Archivists and curators 314 -
Archivist 104
Conservator 34
Curator 96
Inspector of ancient monuments 1
Keeper (Public Record Office) 2
Keeper (museum) 8
Keeper, museum 15
Officer, education (museum) 24
Officer, education (art gallery, museum) 4
Officer, education, arts 5
Officer, museum 19
Officer, museums 2
Associate Professional and Technical Occupations 70345 -
Science And Technology Associate Professionals 6984 -
Science And Engineering Technicians 3857 -
Laboratory technicians 1583 -
Analyser 13
Analyst, geophysical 2
Analyst, laboratory 73
Analyst, material 3
Analyst, materials 7
Assistant, research (medical) 51
Assistant, scientific 7
Haematologist 43
Metrologist 7
Microscopist, electron 5
Monitor, industrial (atomic energy establishment) 1
Monitor, physics, health 7
Monitor, radiation 6
Officer, experimental 9
Officer, laboratory 9
Officer, research, medical 11
Officer, science, laboratory 26
Officer, scientific (medical) 24
Officer, scientific, assistant 2
Officer, scientific, laboratory 22
Officer, technical (National Institute of Agricultural Botany) 3
Officer, technical, assistant (chemical mfr) 7
Researcher (medical) 106
Screener, cytology 14
Superintendent (laboratory) 5
Supervisor, laboratory 24
Technician (laboratory) 383
Technician (textile) 24
Technician (hospital service) 16
Technician, analytical 3
Technician, botanical 1
Technician, cytological 2
Technician, geology 5
Technician, hospital (pathology) 10
Technician, hospital 12
Technician, hospital (laboratory) 17
Technician, laboratory 398
Technician, laboratory, medical 73
Technician, physics (hospital service) 3
Technician, rubber 3
Technician, scientific 111
Technologist, laboratory, medical 7
Technologist, medical 18
Worker, research (medical) 10
Electrical/electronics technicians 259 -
Assistant, electronics 3
Engineer, assistant (broadcasting) 1
Engineer, executive (telecommunications) 17
Engineer, incorporated (electrical) 5
Engineer, simulator, flight 11
Specialist, telecommunications 4
Technician (electronic equipment) 23
Technician (electrical equipment) 14
Technician, avionics 3
Technician, electrical 100
Technician, electronics 76
Technician, telemetry 2
Engineering technicians 851 -
Adviser, aeronautical 1
Adviser, technical 81
Assessor, technical 14
Assistant, engineer's 33
Assistant, engineering 48
Coordinator, engineering 18
Engineer, assistant (gas supplier) 1
Engineer, assistant (manufacturing) 7
Engineer, commissioning 24
Engineer, contract 21
Engineer, contracts 17
Engineer, distribution 2
Engineer, distribution, voltage, high 5
Engineer, incorporated (mechanical engineering) 9
Engineer, manufacturing 176
Engineer, prevention, fire 10
Engineer, rig, test 2
Engineer, technician 134
Engineer, test (technician) 17
Engineer, track and catenary 2
Inspector, engineering (DTI) 1
Officer, design, control, traffic, air 1
Officer, professional and technical (government) 7
Officer, technical (gas supplier) 3
Officer, transport (DETR) 1
PTO (government) 1
Radiographer (industrial) 8
Shooter, trouble 2
Technician (wind tunnel) 1
Technician (aircraft) 37
Technician (engineering) 33
Technician (engineering, mechanical) 22
Technician (steelworks: instrument) 1
Technician, airframe 1
Technician, engineering 19
Technician, engineering, electrical 5
Technician, engineering, mechanical 35
Technician, installation 5
Technician, instrument (steelworks) 2
Technician, mechanical 44
Building and civil engineering technicians 385 -
Assistant, building 18
Assistant, engineering, civil 22
Assistant, technical (civil engineering) 13
Consultant, building 31
Consultant, construction 62
Consultant, services, building 21
Controller, production (building and contracting) 4
Coordinator, project (construction) 41
Engineer, incorporated (civil engineering) 10
Engineer, services, building 94
Officer, conservation, energy 5
Officer, technical (civil engineering) 8
Technician (engineering, structural) 5
Technician (engineering, civil) 13
Technician, building 16
Technician, engineering, civil 5
Technician, engineering, structural 7
Technician, survey 5
Technician, surveying 5
Quality assurance technicians 193 -
Auditor, assurance, quality 40
Coordinator, assurance, quality 14
Coordinator, control, quality 6
Coordinator, quality 13
Engineer, evaluation 1
Officer, assurance, quality 34
Officer, quality 14
Technician, assurance, quality 19
Technician, control, quality 16
Technician, ndt 4
Technician, quality 26
Technician, testing, non-destructive 6
Science and engineering technicians n.e.c. 586 -
Assistant, metallurgical 6
Assistant, technical 68
Consultant, textile 18
Controller, production 45
Controller, technical 5
Engineer, investigating, technical 8
Grade I Technical Class (government) 1
Grade II Technical Class (government) 1
Officer, liaison, technical 4
Officer, technical (government) 39
Officer, technical, nos 7
Technical grade (government) 1
Technician (plastics) 4
Technician 172
Technician, development 6
Technician, materials 5
Technician, research 120
Technician, research and development 15
Technician, service 29
Technician, test 4
Technician, workshop 27
Worker, experimental 1
Draughtspersons And Building Inspectors 1182 -
Architectural technologists and town planning technicians 247 -
Administrator (local government: town planning) 36
Assistant, architect's 5
Assistant, architectural 16
Assistant, planning (local government) 6
Assistant, planning, town 6
Officer, enforcement (town planning) 24
Officer, enforcement, planning 8
Planner, architectural 4
Technician, architectural 80
Technician, planning, town 9
Technologist, architectural 53
Draughtspersons 841 -
Analyst, stress (construction, engineering) 49
Assistant, design 6
Assistant, drawing, technical 2
Assistant, office, drawing 4
Cartographer 19
Cartographer, digital 18
Cartographer-draughtsman 6
Checker, drawing 1
Colourist, copy 1
Coordinator, CAD 4
Designer, CAD 20
Designer, aided, computer 18
Designer, chief 2
Designer, design, aided, computer 4
Designer, engineering 236
Designer, mechanical 28
Designer, piping 5
Designer, tool 7
Designer-draughtsman 21
Detailer, structural 3
Digitiser 1
Draughtsman 112
Draughtsman, CAD 32
Draughtsman, autocad 36
Draughtsman, cartographical 5
Draughtsman, chief 4
Draughtsman, design, aided, computer 29
Draughtsman, engineering 46
Draughtsman-engineer 8
Draughtsman-surveyor 6
Engineer, CAD 4
Engineer, autocad 1
Engineer, design, aided, computer 15
Engineer, design, assisted, computer 2
Engineer, stress 9
Engineer-draughtsman 5
Estimator-draughtsman 1
Examiner, boundary (Ordnance Survey) 1
Leader, section (drawing office) 1
Operator, CAD 16
Painter, design 4
Reviser, field (Ordnance Survey) 1
Technician, autocad 34
Technician, draughting 1
Tracer 12
Tracer (printing) 1
Building inspectors 94 -
Controller, building (local government) 10
Inspector of works 6
Inspector, building 43
Inspector, control, building 9
Inspector, site (construction) 10
Officer, control, building 16
IT Service Delivery Occupations 1945 -
IT operations technicians 1474 -
Administrator, database 145
Administrator, internet 32
Administrator, network 16
Administrator, system 26
Administrator, systems 76
Analyst, technical (computing) 62
Auditor, computer (technical) 25
Controller (computing) 7
Controller, IT 4
Controller, computer 16
Controller, network 10
Controller, operations, computer 20
Controller, systems (computing) 10
Controller, telecommunications 15
Coordinator, IT 15
Coordinator, computer 10
Coordinator, project (computing) 15
Coordinator, project, IT 31
Coordinator, project, computer 20
Coordinator, project, software 4
Coordinator, systems, information 17
Coordinator, technology, information 26
Executive, systems (computing) 2
Leader (computing) 1
Leader, team (computer operations) 19
Leader, team, operations, computer 7
Leader, team, operations, network 13
Manager, data 107
Manager, database 51
Manager, site, web 20
Manager, web 16
Master, web 4
Networker (computing) 7
Officer, support, web 3
Officer, system, information 7
Officer, systems 2
Officer, systems, information 14
Operator, computer 163
Specialist, technology, information 90
Supervisor, web 2
Technician, IT 71
Technician, computer 138
Technician, computing 14
Technician, network 17
Technician, software 9
Technician, systems 13
Technician, systems, information 73
Technician, web 3
Webmaster 3
Webmaster, online, education 3
IT user support technicians 471 -
Assistant, support, computer 40
Consultant, support (computing) 19
Controller, services, data 6
Executive, support (computing) 4
Leader, team, desk, help (computing) 8
Officer, computer 26
Officer, computing 10
Officer, support (computing) 19
Officer, support, helpline, IT 47
Officer, support, system 10
Officer, support, systems 19
Operator, desk, help 20
Operator, helpline (computing) 1
Operator, support, IT 53
Specialist, support (computing) 17
Specialist, support, technical (computing) 86
Supervisor, desk, help 6
Supervisor, network (computing) 4
Supervisor, support, technical 33
Technician, support (computing) 43
Health And Social Welfare Associate Professionals 25187 -
Health Associate Professionals 15897 -
Nurses 12192 -
Adviser, nurse 138
Cadet (nursing) 1
Companion-nurse 1
Facilitator (medical practice) 8
Facilitator, care, primary 9
Leader, team (nursing) 31
Leader, team, nurse 88
Lecturer (nursing) 71
Lecturer, nursing 20
Manager, theatre (hospital service) 19
Manager, unit (hospital service) 18
Matron (medical services) 58
Nurse 4455
Nurse, charge 166
Nurse, male, chief 3
Nurse, paediatric 203
Nurse, psychiatric 592
Nurse, staff 2217
Nurse-companion 1
Nurse-teacher 56
Nurse-tutor 30
Officer, nursing 22
Planner, family 10
Practitioner, department, operating 34
Practitioner, nurse 626
Practitioner, theatre, operating 64
RGN 1169
RMN 92
SRN 49
Sister 147
Sister, nursing (religious order) 8
Sister, ward 143
Specialist, nurse, clinical 740
Supervisor, nurse 10
Teacher, clinical 20
Visitor, district 9
Visitor, health 813
Visitor, health, superintendent 8
Visitor, home 8
Midwives 1149 -
Leader, team (midwifery) 7
Lecturer (nursing, midwifery) 26
Lecturer, midwifery 18
Manager, midwife 17
Manager, midwifery 19
Midwife 946
Midwife, superintendent 3
Midwife-tutor 3
Practitioner, midwifery 28
Sister, midwifery 79
Tutor, midwife 3
Paramedics 195 -
Paramedic 105
Paramedic, ambulance 77
Technician, paramedic 13
Medical radiographers 700 -
Operator, x-ray 2
Radiographer 395
Radiographer, diagnostic (hospital service) 128
Radiographer, medical 59
Radiographer, superintendent 42
Sonographer 38
Ultrasonographer 36
Chiropodists 485 -
Chiropodist 169
Chiropodist-podiatrist 53
Podiatrist 263
Dispensing opticians 98 -
Pharmaceutical dispensers 439 -
Assistant, dispensary 19
Assistant, dispenser's 9
Assistant, dispensing 30
Dispenser 108
Technician, dispensing 29
Technician, pharmacy 244
Medical and dental technicians 639 -
Audiologist 72
Audiometrician 2
Cardiographer 17
Ceramist, dental 4
Consultant, aid, hearing 4
Coordinator, implantology 1
Electro-encephalographer 1
Engineer, dental 3
Engineer, medical 42
Engineer, rehabilitation 12
Fitter, appliance, surgical 1
Fitter, dental 1
Foreman (denture mfr) 1
Hygienist, dental 116
Mechanic, dental 3
Officer, appliance 3
Officer, technical (medical) 24
Officer, technical, medical 18
Orthotist 15
Prosthetist 14
Recordist, electroencephalographic 1
Technician (medical) 24
Technician (surgical, dental appliances) 1
Technician (laboratory, dental) 22
Technician (dental practice) 4
Technician, audiologist 8
Technician, cardiac 32
Technician, cardiological 5
Technician, dental 52
Technician, ecg 3
Technician, hospital (audiology) 5
Technician, hospital (encephalography) 1
Technician, hospital (cardiography) 3
Technician, limb, artificial 2
Technician, medical 27
Technician, orthodontic 2
Technician, orthopaedic 11
Technician, pathology 12
Technician, pathology, anatomical 2
Technician, physics, medical 27
Technician, support, life (hospital service) 2
Technician, surgical 1
Technician, theatre, hospital 5
Technician, theatre, operating 17
Therapist, dental 14
Trichologist 2
Therapists 4906 -
Physiotherapists 1310 -
Physiotherapist 1222
Physiotherapist, superintendent 88
Occupational therapists 814 -
Therapist, occupational 814
Speech and language therapists 448 -
Therapist, communication 7
Therapist, language 2
Therapist, speech 35
Therapist, speech and language 404
Therapists n.e.c. 2334 -
Acupuncturist 67
Adviser, diet 24
Aromatherapist 68
Chiropractor 35
Dietician 148
Dietitian 85
Herbalist 19
Homeopath 29
Homoeopath 1
Hydrotherapist 1
Hypnotherapist 72
Masseur 5
Naturopath 4
Orthoptist 60
Osteopath 101
Practitioner, health, complimentary 85
Practitioner, homeopathic 13
Practitioner, medicine, complimentary 13
Practitioner, shiatsu 12
Psychotherapist 901
Reflexologist 112
Teacher, technique, Alexander 16
Therapist, art 23
Therapist, diversional 6
Therapist, family 61
Therapist, holistic 187
Therapist, massage 137
Therapist, movement 8
Therapist, music 15
Therapist, play 10
Therapist, remedial 7
Therapist, stress 9
Social Welfare Associate Professionals 4384 -
Youth and community workers 1041 -
Coordinator, education and community 68
Coordinator, project (charitable, welfare services) 37
Coordinator, project (community, youth work) 38
Coordinator, project, community 31
Coordinator, project, youth 8
Leader, club 3
Leader, team, district (local government: youth service) 13
Leader, youth 14
Officer, care, child, residential 39
Officer, centre, day 53
Officer, community 23
Officer, development, community 70
Officer, relations, community 8
Officer, schools 6
Officer, service, probation 75
Officer, youth 43
Organiser, youth 3
Warden (youth club) 1
Warden, centre, community 4
Worker, centre, family 13
Worker, community 102
Worker, development, community 107
Worker, education, community 31
Worker, outreach 36
Worker, outreach, community 45
Worker, parish 6
Worker, resource 20
Worker, sessional 2
Worker, youth 142
Housing and welfare officers 3343 -
Adviser (Citizens Advice Bureau) 106
Adviser, benefits 48
Adviser, health 156
Adviser, housing 62
Adviser, promotion, health 71
Adviser, rights, welfare 46
Adviser, services, student 48
Adviser, welfare 35
Ancillary, service, probation 1
Assessor, care, community 58
Assessor, case (social services) 34
Assistant, probation 7
Assistant, welfare 18
Assistant, work, social 76
Caseworker (social services) 135
Caseworker (social, welfare services) 47
Caseworker, family 39
Coordinator (charity, welfare services) 83
Coordinator, health 43
Coordinator, project (housing, welfare) 20
Coordinator, project, housing 17
Coordinator, project, welfare 3
Counsellor (welfare services) 265
Counsellor, Relate 119
Counsellor, debt 46
Counsellor, school 66
Counsellor, student 65
Educator, health, dental 9
Inspector (government: Home Office: children's dept) 13
Inspector (government: Home Office: probation division) 6
Mediator 44
Officer, accommodations 20
Officer, advisory (welfare) 26
Officer, advisory (housing) 34
Officer, attendance, school 36
Officer, care 42
Officer, development (welfare services) 9
Officer, development, housing (local government) 74
Officer, disability 35
Officer, education (health) 10
Officer, education (community health) 7
Officer, hostel, senior 7
Officer, housing 415
Officer, management, housing 18
Officer, neighbourhood 22
Officer, participation, tenants 5
Officer, persons, homeless 23
Officer, promotion, health 26
Officer, relations, tenancy (housing) 18
Officer, relieving 2
Officer, resettlement 4
Officer, rights, welfare 29
Officer, services, day 27
Officer, support (welfare services) 39
Officer, support, housing 79
Officer, welfare 36
Officer, welfare, chief 2
Officer, welfare, education 59
Organiser (welfare services) 1
Organiser, care 2
Organiser, care, day 9
Organiser, care, home 20
Organiser, centre, day 13
Organiser, help, home 5
Organiser, project (welfare services) 3
Organiser, welfare 1
Specialist, promotion, health (health authority) 41
Supervisor, care, day 10
Supervisor, centre, day 5
Supervisor, welfare 1
Visitor, welfare 3
Worker, advice 40
Worker, aid, family 6
Worker, ancillary (probation service) 3
Worker, case (social services) 93
Worker, case (social, welfare services) 25
Worker, development (welfare services) 5
Worker, group (social services) 24
Worker, key (welfare services) 8
Worker, lay 1
Worker, outreach (welfare services) 7
Worker, project (welfare services) 107
Worker, refuge (welfare services) 10
Worker, rescue 2
Worker, resettlement (welfare services) 7
Worker, welfare 1
Protective Service Occupations 3975 -
Protective Service Occupations 3975 -
NCOs and other ranks 112 -
AB (armed forces) 5
Aircraftman 13
Aircraftwoman 2
Aircrew, master (armed forces) 4
Airman (armed forces) 6
Artificer, naval 1
Corporal 1
Engineer, systems, weapons (armed forces) 8
Engineer, weapons (armed forces) 3
Infantryman 3
Marine 1
Master at Arms (armed forces) 2
Master, quarter (armed forces) 2
Officer, non-commissioned 2
Officer, petty (armed forces) 1
Officer, warrant (armed forces) 13
Paratrooper 1
Private (armed forces) 1
Quartermaster (armed forces) 1
Rifleman 1
Seaman (armed forces) 1
Sergeant (armed forces) 10
Sergeant-Major 2
Soldier 26
Technician (armed forces) 1
Technician, weapons (armed forces) 1
Police officers (sergeant and below) 2406 -
Cadet (police) 1
Constable (MOD) 2
Constable (Royal parks) 3
Constable (government) 4
Constable (police service) 45
Constable (railways) 2
Constable, police 288
Detective (government) 2
Detective (police service) 144
Officer (police force) 108
Officer, fingerprint 12
Officer, police 1351
Officer, traffic (police service) 30
Officer, uniformed (police service) 48
Officer, warrant (police service) 9
PC 1
Policeman 202
Sergeant 121
Sergeant, detective 33
Fire service officers (leading fire officer and below) 661 -
Adviser, prevention, fire 13
Engineer, fire 10
Fighter, fire 307
Fireman 267
Fireman, industrial 1
Leader, section (fire service) 3
Officer, fire, leading 4
Officer, prevention, fire 1
Officer, safety, fire 45
Sub-officer (fire service) 10
Prison service officers (below principal officer) 459 -
Auxiliary, prison 7
Officer, auxiliary (prison service) 11
Officer, custodial, prison 33
Officer, custody 32
Officer, discipline (prison service) 16
Officer, prison 350
Supervisor, custody, prison 6
Warden, prison 2
Warder (prison service) 2
Protective service associate professionals n.e.c. 337 -
Assistant, watch (coastguards) 1
Coastguard 3
Coordinator, security 12
Executive, security 6
Expert, print, finger 15
Guard, water (Customs and Excise) 1
Inspector, VAT (Customs and Excise) 6
Instructor, defence, civil 2
Investigator (Customs and Excise) 11
Officer, Customs and Excise 20
Officer, customs 56
Officer, defence, civil 12
Officer, defence, civil (local government) 6
Officer, excise (Customs and Excise) 3
Officer, fraud (Customs and Excise) 2
Officer, immigration 86
Officer, investigating (Customs and Excise) 4
Officer, investigating, fraud (Customs and Excise) 3
Officer, investigation (Customs and Excise) 2
Officer, investigation, fraud (Customs and Excise) 1
Officer, planning, emergency 23
Officer, scenes of crime (civilian) 24
Officer, scenes of crime 37
Superintendent, rescue (coal mine) 1
Culture, Media And Sports Occupations 10205 -
Artistic And Literary Occupations 3966 -
Artists 675 -
Animator (cartoon films) 6
Artist 436
Artist and designer, fashion 31
Artist, fashion 4
Artist, medical (hospital service) 1
Artist, press 1
Artist, scenic 4
Calligrapher 1
Cartoonist 11
Etcher, black and white 3
Illustrator 56
Illustrator (advertising) 1
Illustrator (government) 1
Illustrator, book 13
Illustrator, senior 2
Modeller, artistic 3
Painter, landscape 7
Painter, marine 1
Painter, miniature 1
Painter, portrait 6
Restorer, art 4
Restorer, picture 15
Sculptor 67
Authors, writers 1699 -
Adviser, literary 2
Agent, literary 19
Assistant, editorial 32
Author 137
Author (technical) 28
Author, technical 71
Biographer 2
Communicator for the deaf 9
Compiler, technical 1
Consultant, editorial 16
Consultant, language 15
Consultant, publishing 27
Copywriter 70
Dramatist 6
Editor (books) 186
Editor, sales 1
Editor, technical 34
Editor-in-chief 6
Interpreter 198
Lexicographer 11
Novelist 22
Playwright 8
Poet 7
Reader, publisher's 3
Speechwriter 2
Translator 265
Writer 267
Writer (authorship) 9
Writer and creator 13
Writer, communications, corporate 11
Writer, copy 3
Writer, creative 25
Writer, freelance 114
Writer, report 5
Writer, script 22
Writer, specialist 12
Writer, specifications 1
Writer, technical (patents) 1
Writer, technical 29
Writer, technical, senior 7
Writer, travel 2
Actors, entertainers 498 -
Actor 294
Actor-manager 8
Announcer (entertainment) 1
Artist (entertainment) 11
Artist, film 13
Artiste 2
Clown 2
Comedian 6
Compere 1
Entertainer 28
Extra (entertainment) 5
Jockey, disc 16
Juggler 1
Magician 5
Man, stunt 1
Model 5
Officer, entertainments 2
Puppeteer 3
Showman 11
Singer (entertainment) 62
Teacher, singing 21
Dancers and choreographers 55 -
Choreographer 7
Dancer 10
Dancer, ballet 3
Instructor, dance 17
Master, ballet 1
Teacher, ballet 17
Musicians 565 -
Accompanist 4
Arranger, music 1
Cellist 11
Clarinettist 7
Composer (music) 26
Conductor, music 6
Conductor, musical 4
Copyist, music 4
Director of music (entertainment) 20
Director, musical 16
Drummer (entertainment) 4
Flautist 7
Guitarist 9
Harpist 6
Instrumentalist 4
Leader, orchestra 1
Musician 310
Oboist 3
Orchestrator 2
Organiser, music 6
Organist 9
Performer 7
Pianist 26
Player (musical instruments) 18
Trombonist 1
Violinist 44
Writer, music 2
Writer, song 7
Arts officers, producers and directors 474 -
Adviser, art 8
Adviser, arts 11
Agent, concert 3
Agent, entertainment 15
Agent, film 2
Agent, model 2
Agent, theatrical 10
Assistant, producer's (entertainment) 2
Consultant, art 24
Consultant, creative 7
Consultant, entertainment 4
Director of production (entertainment) 7
Director, art 44
Director, artistic 10
Director, casting (entertainment) 7
Director, film 14
Director, stage 2
Director, theatre 41
Editor, film 50
Manager, floor (entertainment) 3
Manager, location 11
Manager, personal (entertainment) 5
Manager, stage (entertainment) 18
Manager, studio 24
Manager, studio (entertainment) 1
Master, choir 2
Officer, arts 10
Officer, development, arts 14
Organiser, drama 9
Producer (entertainment) 12
Producer, animation 8
Producer, film 63
Producer, music 12
Producer, theatre 15
Promoter (entertainment) 1
Promoter (sports activities) 3
Design Associate Professionals 1755 -
Graphic designers 837 -
Artist, Mac 5
Artist, commercial 13
Artist, computer 12
Artist, graphic 91
Artist, layout 1
Artist, litho 3
Artist, lithographic 3
Artist, technical 10
Assistant, graphics 4
Assistant, publications (desk top publishing) 3
Consultant, design, graphic 26
Coordinator, design, graphic 13
Copier, design 1
Decorator, display 2
Designer (advertising) 23
Designer, art 16
Designer, display 5
Designer, exhibition 19
Designer, graphic 455
Designer, multi-media 5
Designer, web 94
Illustrator, technical 5
Officer, graphics 5
Officer, services, creative 1
Operator, DTP 1
Operator, Mac 1
Operator, Mac, Apple 2
Operator, publishing, top, desk 2
Publisher, top, desk 11
Setter-out (technical drawings) 2
Visualiser (advertising) 3
Product, clothing and related designers 918 -
Adviser, fashion 9
Consultant, bridal 7
Consultant, design 64
Consultant, design, interior 22
Consultant, fashion 19
Consultant, packaging 5
Couturier 2
Decorator, interior 28
Designer (scenery) 7
Designer (clothing) 44
Designer (footwear) 2
Designer (glassware) 5
Designer (jewellery) 29
Designer (leather goods) 4
Designer (plastics goods) 3
Designer (ceramics) 13
Designer (wallpaper) 2
Designer (wood products) 5
Designer (motor vehicles) 3
Designer (broadcasting) 15
Designer (millinery mfr) 1
Designer (publishing) 8
Designer (rubber goods mfr) 2
Designer (soft furnishings mfr) 11
Designer (textile mfr) 12
Designer, applications 2
Designer, book 8
Designer, cloth 1
Designer, clothing 6
Designer, commercial 4
Designer, costume 45
Designer, dress 17
Designer, embroidery 4
Designer, fashion 33
Designer, furnishing, soft 7
Designer, furniture 31
Designer, games 2
Designer, handbag 1
Designer, industrial 14
Designer, instrument 4
Designer, instrumentation 3
Designer, interior 207
Designer, jewellery 38
Designer, kitchen 37
Designer, lithographic 1
Designer, packaging 7
Designer, pattern (textile printing) 3
Designer, pottery 5
Designer, printer's 17
Designer, product 17
Designer, set 7
Designer, shopfitting 4
Designer, stage 1
Designer, textile 40
Designer, toy 4
Leader, team (interior design) 3
Planner, kitchen 6
Technologist, packaging 17
Media Associate Professionals 3257 -
Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors 1114 -
Agent, press 2
Assistant, communications (press, public relations) 2
Assistant, publications 4
Assistant, publishing 8
Columnist 6
Compiler, crossword 2
Correspondent (newspaper publishing) 2
Correspondent, foreign 3
Correspondent, newspaper 4
Correspondent, political 2
Critic 2
Diarist 1
Editor 190
Editor (newspapers, magazines) 97
Editor, listings 1
Editor, news (newspaper) 17
Editor, sub 34
Executive, editorial (newspaper) 6
Journalist 541
Officer, communications (media, public relations) 19
Officer, publications 13
Reporter 4
Reporter (newspaper) 10
Sub-editor 34
Writer (journalism) 35
Writer (newspaper publishing) 3
Writer and editor 29
Writer, feature 3
Writer, features 4
Writer, freelance (newspaper, magazines) 32
Writer, news 1
Writer, sports (newspaper) 3
Broadcasting associate professionals 777 -
Announcer (broadcasting) 3
Assistant, producer's (broadcasting) 12
Assistant, production (broadcasting) 22
Assistant, programme (broadcasting) 7
Broadcaster 31
Commentator (broadcasting) 2
Coordinator, facilities, editing 15
Correspondent (broadcasting) 1
Director (broadcasting) 26
Director of production (broadcasting) 17
Director of programmes 78
Director, casting (broadcasting) 4
Director, network (broadcasting) 1
Director, presentation (broadcasting) 3
Director, television 55
Editor, video 29
Editor-in-charge (broadcasting) 10
Jockey, disc (broadcasting) 1
Journalist (broadcasting) 87
Journalist, radio 18
Maker, film 28
Manager, floor (broadcasting) 3
Manager, stage (broadcasting) 3
Manager, studio (broadcasting) 4
Newscaster (broadcasting) 1
Newsreader 1
Operator, autocue 1
Operator, television (broadcasting) 5
Organiser, programme (broadcasting) 1
Presenter (broadcasting) 1
Presenter, radio 17
Presenter, television 7
Producer (broadcasting) 40
Producer, radio 33
Producer, record 3
Producer, television 174
Producer, video 29
Reporter (broadcasting) 3
Writer, reports, senior (broadcasting) 1
Public relations officers 444 -
Adviser, PR 1
Adviser, relations, public 23
Agent, publicity 1
Aide, communications 4
Assistant, publicity 3
Assistant, relations, public 1
Consultant, communications (media) 21
Consultant, media 52
Consultant, publicity 5
Consultant, relations, public 94
Coordinator, media 3
Executive, liaison, media 2
Executive, relations, public 7
Lobbyist 1
Officer, information (public relations) 7
Officer, information 131
Officer, information, research 19
Officer, liaison (railways) 1
Officer, liaison, press 2
Officer, press 29
Officer, press and information 8
Officer, publicity 6
Officer, relations, media 5
Officer, relations, public 14
Publicist 3
Secretary, press 1
Photographers and audio-visual equipment operators 922 -
Artist, photographic 48
Assistant, cameraman's 2
Assistant, film 2
Assistant, photographer's 7
Assistant, photographic 3
Assistant, studio 6
Balancer, sound 2
Cameraman 57
Cameraman, chief (films) 5
Cinematographer 4
Controller, sound 1
Designer, lighting 25
Director of photography 20
Editor, camera, video 15
Editor, dubbing 2
Editor, sound 3
Engineer, audio (recording) 7
Engineer, camera, video 1
Engineer, recording 4
Engineer, sound 57
Engineer, studio (music) 3
Engineer, vision (broadcasting) 4
Manager, lighting (television service) 2
Manager, technical (lighting) 8
Mixer, dubbing 1
Mixer, sound 8
Mixer, vision (television service) 7
Officer, resources, media 4
Operator, aids, audio-visual 1
Operator, boom (film, television production) 2
Operator, camera (film, television production) 15
Operator, camera (television service) 4
Operator, camera, video 1
Operator, cinema 2
Operator, cinematograph 1
Operator, control, sound 1
Operator, photo (lithography) 1
Operator, recorder, videotape 3
Operator, telecine 1
Operator, video 5
Photographer 428
Projectionist 10
Recorder (sound recording) 5
Recordist, sound 19
Soundman 1
Supervisor, vision (broadcasting) 2
Technician (film studio) 4
Technician, aids, visual 1
Technician, cine 1
Technician, film 9
Technician, media 9
Technician, photographic 10
Technician, sound 11
Technician, theatre (entertainment) 24
Technician, visual, audio 33
Videographer 7
Writer, subtitle 3
Sports And Fitness Occupations 1227 -
Sports players 25 -
Cricketer 1
Cyclist 5
Footballer 2
Golfer 10
Gymnast 2
Jockey 1
Player (sports) 1
Professional (sports) 1
Rider, speedway 1
Sportsman, professional 1
Sports coaches, instructors and officials 549 -
Agent, sports 4
Coach (sports) 68
Coach, sports 103
Coordinator, sports 17
Instructor (sports) 23
Instructor, arts, martial 16
Instructor, riding 16
Instructor, swimming 55
Manager (sports) 21
Manager, team (sports) 2
Officer, development (sports) 13
Officer, development, sport 3
Officer, development, sports 22
Officer, duty (leisure centre) 12
Officer, leisure 4
Officer, recreation 3
Official, racecourse 3
Referee 3
Scorer, cricket 3
Scout, football 7
Steward (horse racing) 2
Steward (race course) 4
Teacher, swimming 106
Teacher, swimming (leisure centre) 16
Trainer (sports) 23
Fitness instructors 564 -
Coach, fitness 16
Consultant, fitness 18
Consultant, lifestyle 15
Instructor (physical training) 19
Instructor, aerobics 6
Instructor, fit, keep 10
Instructor, fitness 198
Instructor, gym 37
Instructor, training, physical 11
Teacher, aerobics 11
Teacher, fit, keep 38
Trainer, fitness 36
Tutor, yoga 149
Sports and fitness occupations n.e.c. 89 -
Balloonist 1
Crew, balloon 1
Instructor (outdoor pursuits) 16
Instructor, activities, outdoor 18
Instructor, driving, carriage 1
Instructor, education, outdoor 10
Instructor, outdoor 7
Instructor, pursuits, outdoor 9
Pilot, balloon 2
Teacher (outdoor recreational activities) 21
Trainer, development, outdoors 2
Tutor, bound, outward 1
Business And Public Service Associate Professionals 23994 -
Transport Associate Professionals 849 -
Air traffic controllers 111 -
Assistant, service, traffic, air 3
Assistant, services, traffic, air 4
Controller of aircraft 8
Controller, movement, ground (airport) 9
Controller, radar, area 5
Controller, traffic, air 47
Coordinator, despatch, aircraft 3
Despatcher, aircraft 7
Despatcher, flight 1
Dispatcher, flight 1
Dispatcher, traffic (aircraft) 2
Officer, briefing (civil aviation) 2
Officer, control, space (airport) 1
Officer, control, traffic, air 6
Officer, operations, flight 6
Planner, flight 4
Planner, traffic, air 2
Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 265 -
Aviator 3
Captain (airlines) 1
Captain, airline 16
Engineer, flight 11
Engineer, nos (airlines) 5
Instructor, flying 10
Instructor, simulation, flight 6
Navigator (aircraft) 5
Officer (airlines) 11
Officer, deck, flight, aircraft 1
Officer, engineer (airlines) 4
Pilot (aircraft) 16
Pilot (airlines) 59
Pilot (armed forces) 3
Pilot, aeroplane 9
Pilot, airline 70
Pilot, commercial 16
Pilot, helicopter 15
Trainer, flight 4
Ship and hovercraft officers 195 -
Captain (boat, barge) 4
Captain (shipping) 11
Captain, ferry 5
Captain, ship's 21
Engineer, chief (shipping) 4
Engineer, electrical, nos (shipping) 1
Engineer, electrical, nos (telecommunications: cable ship) 3
Engineer, marine (shipping) 12
Engineer, marine, chief (shipping) 11
Engineer, nos (shipping) 2
Engineer, ship's 3
Mariner, master 9
Master, ship 2
Master, ships 6
Master, tug 1
Master, yacht 1
Mate, first 1
Officer (shipping) 1
Officer, chief (shipping) 2
Officer, deck 3
Officer, electronics (shipping) 1
Officer, engineer (shipping) 1
Officer, engineering (shipping) 1
Officer, navigating (shipping) 3
Officer, navy, merchant 48
Officer, petty 4
Officer, radio 3
Officer, salvage, marine 1
Officer, second (shipping) 2
Pilot (shipping) 4
Pilot, marine 13
Pilot, river 1
Purser, ship's 1
Skipper (boat, barge) 4
Skipper (shipping) 1
Skipper, rig, oil 1
Skipper, yacht 2
Superintendent of pilots 1
Train drivers 278 -
Driver (railways) 7
Driver, car, shuttle 5
Driver, diesel (railways) 10
Driver, engine (railways) 3
Driver, engine, locomotive 1
Driver, engine, shunting 1
Driver, shunter 3
Driver, train 235
Engineman (railways) 1
Operator, train 12
Legal Associate Professionals 680 -
Legal associate professionals 680 -
Adjudicator (national insurance regulations) 1
Adjudicator (Home Office) 5
Assistant, legal 94
Clerk, barrister's 10
Clerk, judge's 2
Clerk, managing 6
Conveyancer 29
Draftsman, costs, law 20
Draftsman, costs, legal 7
Draughtsman, costs, law 7
Examiner (legal services) 1
Executive, conveyancing 2
Executive, legal 155
Executive, litigation 6
Litigator 2
Member (appeals tribunal, inquiry etc) 13
Member, panel (industrial tribunal) 5
Member, tribunal 27
Officer, compliance 163
Officer, coroner's 20
Officer, litigation 1
Officer, precognition 1
Officer, protection, data 13
Paralegal 66
Registrar, land 2
Tribunalist 2
Writer, will 20
Business And Finance Associate Professionals 6557 -
Estimators, valuers and assessors 667 -
Adjuster, claims 10
Adjuster, loss 54
Analyst, scoring, credit 2
Appraiser and valuer 3
Arbitrator (valuing) 1
Assessor 41
Assessor, claims 28
Assessor, insurance 32
Consultant, claims (insurance) 17
Controller, claims, insurance 5
Engineer, assessing (insurance) 8
Engineer, cost 20
Engineer, costing 2
Engineer, estimating 10
Engineer, inspection (insurance) 4
Engineer, insurance 4
Engineer, staff (insurance) 2
Engineer-estimator 18
Engineer-surveyor (insurance) 25
Estimator 72
Estimator, building 49
Estimator, chief 6
Estimator, cost 16
Estimator, planning 2
Estimator, print 7
Estimator, printing 9
Estimator, technical 4
Estimator-engineer 10
Examiner (Inland Revenue) 1
Executive, claims (insurance) 3
Inspector, claims (insurance) 18
Investigator, claims 12
Investigator, insurance 17
Negotiator (insurance) 1
Negotiator, claims (insurance) 12
Officer, claims 6
Officer, lottery 3
Officer, rating 2
Officer, rent 14
Officer, valuation 3
Planner-estimator 2
Representative, claims, insurance 1
Settler, claims, insurance 4
Superintendent, claims 1
Surveyor (double glazing) 5
Surveyor (insurance) 12
Surveyor and valuer 29
Surveyor, boiler and engine (insurance) 1
Surveyor, insulation 2
Surveyor, insurance 13
Surveyor, marine 16
Surveyor, naval 2
Surveyor, valuation 6
Surveyor, window 3
Technician, valuation 1
Valuer 16
Brokers 767 -
Administrator, investment 18
Agent, metal 3
Associate, securities 3
Broker (insurance) 117
Broker (transport) 1
Broker (finance) 34
Broker (commodities) 4
Broker (commodity) 2
Broker (wholesale, retail trade) 1
Broker, Lloyd's 1
Broker, business 9
Broker, commodities 1
Broker, diamond 1
Broker, exchange, foreign 1
Broker, financial 7
Broker, insurance 320
Broker, investment 6
Broker, marine 1
Broker, money 8
Broker, mortgage 78
Broker, produce 1
Broker, share 2
Broker, ship 16
Broker, stock 31
Broker, stock and share 6
Broker, yacht 1
Dealer (finance) 3
Dealer, exchange, foreign (banking) 5
Dealer, investment 2
Dealer, money 5
Dealer, share 1
Dealer, stock and share 2
Executive, trading, commodities 2
Jobber, stock and share 1
Member of the Stock Exchange 1
Salesman (investment broking) 1
Shipbroker 7
Stockbroker 31
Trader, bond 1
Trader, commodity 16
Trader, derivatives 2
Trader, equity 6
Trader, exchange, foreign 5
Trader, futures 1
Trader, options 1
Trader, securities 1
Insurance underwriters 272 -
Agent, underwriter's 7
Controller, underwriting, insurance 13
Handler, account (insurance) 5
Handler, accounts (insurance) 5
Handler, insurance 2
Inspector (insurance) 2
Inspector, business, new (insurance) 2
Inspector, chief (insurance) 1
Inspector, insurance 2
Inspector, life (insurance) 1
Leader, team (insurance) 18
Member of Lloyds 1
Underwriter 44
Underwriter, insurance 169
Finance and investment analysts/advisers 2177 -
Adviser, financial 999
Adviser, investment 23
Adviser, loans, financial 18
Adviser, mortgage 131
Adviser, pension 22
Adviser, planning, financial 55
Adviser, services, financial 65
Adviser, technical (insurance) 18
Agent, financial 36
Agent, money 1
Agent, mortgage 2
Analyst (financial services) 53
Analyst, credit 25
Analyst, financial 119
Analyst, investment 15
Analyst, pricing 12
Arranger, mortgage 3
Associate, sales (insurance) 2
Consultant (financial services) 85
Consultant, banking 32
Consultant, care, health (insurance) 13
Consultant, financial 173
Consultant, insurance 44
Consultant, investment 16
Consultant, mortgage 30
Consultant, pension 44
Consultant, planning, financial 11
Consultant, services, financial 16
Consultant, technical, pensions 19
Counsellor, investment 1
Executive, account (insurance) 23
Financier 6
Interviewer (bank, building society) 4
Manager, portfolio 16
Officer, investment (banking, finance) 18
Officer, planning, financial 3
Planner, financial 24
Taxation experts 669 -
Accountant, tax 84
Accountant, taxation 28
Adviser, VAT 6
Adviser, taxation 112
Consultant, VAT 4
Consultant, tax 104
Inspector of taxes 166
Inspector, tax 121
Investigator (Inland Revenue) 8
Practitioner, tax 2
Practitioner, taxation 3
Senior, tax 7
Senior, taxation 7
Specialist, taxation 13
Supervisor, tax 4
Importers, exporters 112 -
Agent, export 7
Agent, import 5
Agent, import-export 4
Agent, ship's 1
Agent, shipping 9
Consultant, export 12
Controller, export 1
Controller, export (export agency) 1
Coordinator, export 5
Executive, import 3
Exporter 14
Importer 18
Importer-exporter 21
Officer, export 1
Officer, export and import 3
Supervisor, export-import 7
Financial and accounting technicians 419 -
Administrator, insolvency 16
Administrator, trust (banking) 76
Clerk, managing (accountancy) 11
Controller (banking) 5
Controller, financial 244
Officer, trust 4
Senior, audit 15
Senior, trust 3
Technician (accountancy) 8
Technician, account 5
Technician, accounting 29
Technician, audit 3
Business and related associate professionals n.e.c. 1474 -
Adviser, cellar (catering) 1
Adviser, contract 5
Adviser, marine 3
Adviser, political 9
Adviser, traffic 2
Adviser, transport 11
Agent, bloodstock 1
Agent, commercial 8
Agent, commission (raw materials) 2
Agent, commission (wholesale, retail trade) 5
Agent, election 1
Agent, parliamentary 1
Agent, party (political party) 2
Agent, political 5
Analyst (work study) 4
Analyst, data 183
Analyst, management 16
Analyst, performance 35
Analyst, research, operational 28
Analyst, study, work 1
Analyst, system, business 40
Analyst, systems, business 64
Analyst, systems, office 14
Analyst, tachograph 3
Analyst, time and motion 1
Assessor, study, work 6
Assistant, compliance (banking) 16
Assistant, events 9
Assistant, planning 8
Attach? 1
Consultant, conference 3
Consultant, contracts 5
Consultant, defence 15
Consultant, exhibition 1
Consultant, exhibitions 1
Consultant, leisure 17
Consultant, logistics 34
Consultant, marine 7
Consultant, organisation and methods 21
Consultant, political 19
Consultant, printing 13
Consultant, research, operational 7
Consultant, study, works 1
Consultant, transport 76
Controller, site 3
Controller, sub-contracts (building and contracting) 2
Coordinator, banqueting 1
Coordinator, charity 153
Coordinator, conference 8
Coordinator, contracts 15
Coordinator, events 50
Coordinator, exhibition 6
Coordinator, function 4
Coordinator, licensing 4
Coordinator, project 153
Coordinator, relations, trade 3
Coordinator, seminars 2
Coordinator, translation 4
Counsellor, business 16
Engineer, measurement, work 1
Engineer, methods 1
Engineer, standards 1
Engineer, study, work 3
Engineer, value 1
Evaluator, job 1
Executive, company, oil 6
Executive, management, yield 3
Executive, registration 4
Expert, efficiency, business 3
Fixer, rate 1
Investigator, organisation and methods 2
Investigator, study, work 2
Officer, contracts (building and contracting) 2
Officer, evaluation, job 7
Officer, events 7
Officer, information, management 27
Officer, management, time 3
Officer, measurement, work 2
Officer, patents 1
Officer, planning, strategic 29
Officer, production, technical 28
Officer, research, operational 2
Officer, review, performance 22
Officer, study, work 3
Officer, technical (work study) 4
Officer, vetting, credit 4
Officer, workshops (MOD) 1
Organiser, catering 4
Organiser, conference 23
Organiser, entertainment 3
Organiser, entertainments 1
Organiser, event 17
Organiser, events 49
Organiser, exhibition 10
Organiser, exhibitions 8
Organiser, festival 3
Planner, business 21
Planner, strategic 14
Regulator, financial 13
Strategist 6
Supervisor, banqueting 2
Sales And Related Associate Professionals 5570 -
Buyers and purchasing officers 736 -
Administrator, contracts, purchasing 26
Agent, buying 3
Agent, purchasing 7
Assistant, purchasing (wholesale trade) 3
Buyer 294
Buyer (retail trade) 70
Buyer (wholesale trade) 32
Buyer and estimator 9
Buyer, advertising 6
Buyer, media 1
Buyer, print 11
Buyer, store 7
Consultant, purchasing 13
Consultant, wine 15
Controller, buying 4
Controller, purchasing 9
Coordinator, purchasing 8
Coordinator, supplies 6
Engineer, purchasing 20
Estimator and buyer (retail trade) 1
Executive, purchasing 13
Officer, contract (government) 7
Officer, contracts (purchasing) 3
Officer, contracts (government) 13
Officer, procurement 72
Officer, purchasing 34
Officer, supplies 7
Officer, supply (MOD) 1
Purchaser (manufacturing) 27
Purchaser (retail trade) 7
Purchaser (wholesale trade) 2
Salesman-buyer 5
Sales representatives 3060 -
Administrator, sales 333
Adviser, service, home (gas supplier) 1
Agent (manufacturer's) 16
Agent (manufacturing) 18
Agent (wholesale, retail trade) 43
Agent, agricultural 4
Agent, business 17
Agent, commission (manufactured goods) 2
Agent, commission (commission agents) 1
Agent, commission (manufacturing) 2
Agent, engineer's 75
Agent, manufacturer's 11
Agent, publisher's 6
Agent, sales 284
Agent, textile 21
Assistant, gallery, art (retail trade) 3
Consultant, leasing 2
Consultant, sales 218
Consultant, sales and marketing 62
Consultant, shipping 4
Consultant, technical (sales) 43
Controller, area (retail trade) 4
Controller, retail 3
Controller, sales 9
Coordinator, sales 48
Coordinator, sales and marketing 9
Developer, business (sales) 70
Economist, home 31
Engineer, commercial 13
Engineer, consulting (sales) 36
Engineer, consumers (electricity supplier) 1
Engineer, marketing, product 6
Engineer, sales 267
Engineer, service, sales 12
Executive, account (sales) 28
Executive, sales 272
Executive, sales and marketing 31
Handler, account, sales 2
Leader, team, administrator, sales 18
Manager, territory 9
Merchant (manufacturing) 1
Merchant (wholesale, retail trade) 6
Officer, liaison, medical 5
Officer, sales 20
Organiser, sales 1
Planner, sales 3
Representative (electricity supplier) 1
Representative (gas supplier) 2
Representative (manufacturing) 7
Representative (wholesale trade) 5
Representative, agricultural 1
Representative, company 12
Representative, educational 6
Representative, liaison 1
Representative, medical 85
Representative, publisher's 4
Representative, sales 424
Representative, sales, technical 57
Representative, technical 5
Salesman (double glazing) 10
Salesman (manufacturers' agents) 17
Salesman (manufacturing) 60
Salesman (wholesale trade) 44
Salesman, commercial 22
Salesman, commission 2
Salesman, computer 62
Salesman, delivery 1
Salesman, export 9
Salesman, fish (wholesale trade) 2
Salesman, glazing, double 5
Salesman, meat (wholesale trade) 5
Salesman, outside 6
Salesman, technical 37
Salesman, travelling 8
Salesman, tyre 5
Salesman, van (manufacturing) 1
Salesman, van (wholesale trade) 3
Salesman, water, mineral 1
Salesman, wool (scrap merchants, breakers) 1
Salesman-mechanic 1
Specialist, computer (sales) 22
Specialist, product 8
Specialist, products 6
Specialist, sales 3
Supervisor, area 12
Supervisor, sales 25
Traveller, commercial 1
Marketing associate professionals 1344 -
Administrator, contracts, sales 32
Administrator, marketing 53
Advertiser 14
Adviser (marketing) 23
Agent (advertising) 15
Agent, leasing (car hire) 3
Agent, marketing 33
Analyst (market research) 34
Analyst, marketing 15
Analyst, media 6
Analyst, research, market 34
Analyst, support, sales 19
Assistant, development, business 8
Assistant, marketing, sales 23
Assistant, sales and marketing 27
Associate, marketing 6
Campaigner 5
Consultant, advertising 21
Consultant, client (market research) 21
Consultant, fundraising 18
Consultant, marketing 314
Consultant, telemarketing 7
Contractor, advertisement 2
Contractor, advertising 4
Controller, information, market 1
Controller, marketing 4
Controller, merchandise 6
Controller, promotions 1
Coordinator, account (advertising) 3
Coordinator, marketing 25
Coordinator, marketing and sales 4
Coordinator, promotion 2
Coordinator, promotions 1
Executive, account (marketing) 3
Executive, account (advertising) 3
Executive, accounts (advertising) 4
Executive, advertising 18
Executive, commercial 19
Executive, development, business 43
Executive, liaison, client 14
Executive, marketing 58
Executive, media 12
Executive, project (advertising) 1
Executive, promotions 3
Executive, research (market research) 12
Executive, research, market 15
Fundraiser 111
Handler, account 5
Officer, appeals 6
Officer, commercial (railways) 3
Officer, contract 5
Officer, contracts 11
Officer, development (tourism) 4
Officer, development, donor (charitable organisation) 12
Officer, development, marketing 6
Officer, fundraising 12
Officer, marketing 33
Officer, promotion, sales 4
Planner, media 2
Raiser, fund 9
Researcher, market 113
Specialist, marketing 3
Specialist, product (marketing) 3
Specialist, products (marketing) 2
Superintendent, marketing 2
Supervisor, research, market 7
Writer, advertisement 1
Writer, publicity 1
Estate agents, auctioneers 430 -
Agent (agricultural estate) 1
Agent and valuer, land 3
Agent, estate 230
Agent, house 8
Agent, land 3
Agent, land and estate 3
Agent, letting 43
Agent, property 33
Agent, relocation 3
Agent, transfer, business 2
Auctioneer 11
Auctioneer and valuer 6
Consultant, letting 2
Consultant, property 71
Consultant, relocation 11
Conservation Associate Professionals 481 -
Conservation and environmental protection officers 375 -
Adviser, conservation 6
Adviser, countryside 4
Conservationist 5
Conservationist, nature, coastal 4
Consultant, environmental 182
Environmentalist 30
Inspector (historic buildings) 3
Officer, conservation 16
Officer, conservation (government) 5
Officer, conservation, assistant (government) 4
Officer, conservation, senior (government) 2
Officer, countryside 9
Officer, defence, flood 5
Officer, development, rural 1
Officer, district (Forestry Commission) 1
Officer, ecology 4
Officer, environmental 55
Officer, estates (forestry) 1
Officer, field (conservation) 3
Officer, heritage 7
Officer, interpretation 3
Officer, protection, environmental 17
Officer, warning, flood 1
Worker, conservation 7
Countryside and park rangers 106 -
Officer, amenities 1
Officer, park, country 1
Officer, parks 9
Officer, woodland 2
Ranger 5
Ranger, countryside 29
Ranger, education 2
Ranger, park 31
Ranger, park, national 4
Ranger, recreation 1
Warden, countryside 3
Warden, environmental 7
Warden, estate 2
Warden, park, national 1
Warden, reserve, nature 8
Public Service And Other Associate Professionals 9857 -
Public service associate professionals 3500 -
AP(T) (local government: grade 4,5) 22
Administrator (hospital service) 509
Administrator, hospital 142
B3 (Scottish Office) 2
Band 10 (Customs and Excise) 1
Band 3 (Health and Safety Executive) 23
Band 3A (Meteorological Office) 2
Band 3C (Meteorological Office) 1
Band 4 (Health and Safety Executive) 1
Band 7 (Customs and Excise) 11
Band 8 (Customs and Excise) 8
Band 9 (Customs and Excise) 7
Band C1 (Inland Revenue) 6
Band C2 (Inland Revenue) 5
Band D (Lord Chancellor's Dept) 1
Band D (Welsh Office) 8
Band E (Welsh Office) 1
C2 (Benefits Agency) 2
C2 (Office for National Statistics) 3
Cashier, chief (government) 1
Clerk, principal (government) 1
Collector, grade, higher (Inland Revenue) 3
Controller (government) 2
Controller, regional (government) 1
Coordinator, project (local government) 39
Counsellor (government) 42
Executive, postal (PO: grade B) 4
Executive, postal (PO: grade A) 1
Grade 9 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 2
HEO (government) 24
Inspector, staff (government) 1
Officer, VAT (government) 2
Officer, agricultural (government) 3
Officer, appointments (government) 5
Officer, area (government) 8
Officer, chief (community health) 3
Officer, committee, principal (local government) 24
Officer, development, policy (local government) 166
Officer, equipment (local government) 4
Officer, executive, higher (PO) 10
Officer, executive, higher (government) 23
Officer, executive, senior (PO) 16
Officer, executive, senior (government) 45
Officer, finance, regional 5
Officer, group, senior (MOD) 1
Officer, principal (local government) 96
Officer, recycling (local government) 10
Officer, regional (government) 2
Officer, securities (government) 3
Officer, staff (government) 1
PO, nos (local government) 1
SEO (government) 7
SO, nos (local government) 1
Servant, civil (HEO, SEO) 2188
Personnel and industrial relations officers 1740 -
Administrator, personnel 65
Administrator, recruitment 42
Administrator, resources, human 205
Adviser, employment 64
Adviser, personnel 33
Adviser, policy, equalities 48
Adviser, recruitment 20
Adviser, relations, industrial 2
Adviser, resources, human 165
Analyst, evaluation, job 12
Analyst, personnel 6
Assistant, evaluation, job 2
Assistant, personnel 103
Assistant, relations, employee 1
Assistant, resource, human 80
Assistant, staff (railways) 15
Consultant, employment 25
Consultant, personnel 20
Consultant, recruitment 183
Consultant, relations, employer 5
Consultant, resource, human 226
Controller, staff 2
Coordinator, recruitment 11
Executive, personnel 4
Executive, recruitment 14
Officer, administration, staff 22
Officer, conciliation 9
Officer, development, career 7
Officer, employment 11
Officer, equalities 5
Officer, equality 8
Officer, opportunities, equal 2
Officer, personnel 77
Officer, recruiting 4
Officer, recruitment 12
Officer, relations, employee 2
Officer, relations, industrial 2
Officer, relations, labour 1
Officer, resources, human 172
Officer, services, personnel 2
Officer, staff (local government) 31
Officer, staff (railways) 4
Officer, staffing 2
Officer, vetting, positive 4
Recruiter, staff 8
Searcher, job 2
Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors 2209 -
Administrator, training 79
Adviser, development, employee 6
Adviser, development, training 35
Adviser, training 52
Agent, training 10
Assessor, NVQ 185
Assessor, training 60
Consultant, development, training 134
Consultant, scheme (training) 4
Consultant, scheme (community industries) 2
Consultant, training 333
Coordinator, TEC 1
Coordinator, course, training 18
Coordinator, training 69
Instructor (apprentice school) 5
Instructor (mentally handicapped adult training) 6
Instructor (training establishment) 13
Instructor (training provider) 17
Instructor, apprentice 5
Instructor, civilian (government) 4
Instructor, computer 11
Instructor, craft 5
Instructor, handicraft 3
Instructor, handicrafts 3
Instructor, manual 3
Instructor, supervising 5
Instructor, technical 59
Instructor, trainee 3
Instructor, training 34
Lecturer (industrial training) 20
Officer, development, staff 24
Officer, development, training 16
Officer, development, youth 12
Officer, instructional 10
Officer, service, training 2
Officer, support, web (further, higher education) 12
Officer, training 132
Officer, training and development 43
Officer, training and education 35
Officer, training, sales 9
Organiser (vocational training) 5
Provider, training 12
Supervisor (training) 8
Supervisor, apprenticeship 3
Supervisor, training 13
Teacher, sales 1
Trainer 267
Trainer (training provider) 74
Trainer, computer 149
Trainer, industrial 17
Trainer, staff 78
Trainer, technology, information 103
Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists 535 -
Adviser, careers 338
Assistant, careers 26
Consultant, outplacement 3
Coordinator, education, careers 23
Coordinator, placement 2
Counsellor, outplacement 11
Counsellor, redundancy 2
Officer, advisory, careers 73
Officer, careers 20
Officer, employment (careers service) 6
Officer, employment, youth 6
Officer, placement 15
Supervisor, placement 1
Tutor, guidance, graduate 9
Inspectors of factories, utilities and trading standards 287 -
Adviser, consumer 15
Inspector (gas supplier) 1
Inspector (government: DETR: Planning Inspectorate) 5
Inspector (local government) 9
Inspector of factories (government) 1
Inspector of health and safety 44
Inspector of special subjects 1
Inspector of trading standards 16
Inspector of weights and measures 2
Inspector, chief (local government) 1
Inspector, chief (local government: transport dept) 1
Inspector, chief (railways) 1
Inspector, district (gas supplier) 1
Inspector, divisional (local government) 1
Inspector, electrical (government) 1
Inspector, explosives 1
Inspector, fitting (water company) 1
Inspector, gas 4
Inspector, health and safety 41
Inspector, hotel 5
Inspector, houses, public 1
Inspector, housing 7
Inspector, housing and planning 5
Inspector, installation (electricity supplier) 1
Inspector, installation (gas supplier) 2
Inspector, markets (local government) 1
Inspector, planning 17
Inspector, plumbing 2
Inspector, service (gas supplier) 1
Inspector, standards, nuclear 9
Officer, chief (local government: weights and measures dept) 2
Officer, enforcement (local government: trading standards) 33
Officer, enforcement, standards, trading 6
Officer, protection, consumer 7
Officer, standards, trading 39
Officer, trading, fair 2
Statutory examiners 202 -
Bailiff, water 1
Examiner, driving (DETR) 45
Examiner, traffic (DETR) 2
Examiner, traffic and driving (DETR) 7
Inspector (RSPCA) 1
Inspector (banking) 4
Inspector (brewery) 1
Inspector (casino) 2
Inspector (government: Board of Trade: accident investigation branch) 3
Inspector (government: DETR) 4
Inspector (government: DETR: Maritime and Coastguard agency) 3
Inspector (government: DETR: railway inspectorate) 1
Inspector (government: DTI) 3
Inspector (local government: works dept) 1
Inspector (water company) 7
Inspector, RSPCA 1
Inspector, bank 1
Inspector, control, quality (river, water authority) 3
Inspector, crane 1
Inspector, drug 6
Inspector, effluent 1
Inspector, fisheries (Environment Agency) 2
Inspector, gaming (gaming club) 1
Inspector, insurance, national 2
Inspector, lighting, public 2
Inspector, livestock, area 1
Inspector, operations, flight 1
Inspector, refuse 1
Inspector, water 2
Investigator, licence, television 1
Officer, Licensing (local government) 31
Officer, RSPCA 1
Officer, control, pollution 8
Officer, district (river, water authority) 1
Officer, enforcement (local government: transport) 18
Officer, fisheries (Environment Agency) 2
Officer, improvements (local government) 12
Officer, inspecting (DETR) 1
Officer, livestock 1
Officer, pollution (water company) 2
Officer, quality, water 4
Officer, regional (RSPCA) 1
Officer, repairs (local government) 4
Superintendent (RSPCA) 1
Surveyor, ship 4
Occupational hygienists and safety officers (health and safety) 971 -
Adviser, health and safety 313
Adviser, safety 40
Adviser, toxicology 2
Attendant, safety (chemical works) 3
Consultant, fire 20
Consultant, health and safety 203
Consultant, protection, fire 9
Consultant, safety 54
Coordinator, health and safety 40
Engineer, safety 34
Hygienist, occupational 24
Inspector (government: HSE) 5
Inspector, safety 6
Investigator, accident 15
Officer, health and safety 117
Officer, safety 35
Officer, safety, road 49
Organiser, safety, road 1
Supervisor, safety 1
Environmental health officers 413 -
Inspector, food 11
Inspector, health, environmental 58
Inspector, health, port 2
Inspector, health, public 16
Inspector, hygiene, meat 12
Inspector, meat 5
Inspector, meat, authorised 1
Inspector, pollution, air 7
Inspector, sanitary 1
Inspector, shops (local government) 3
Officer, control, smoke (local government) 2
Officer, health, environmental 198
Officer, health, public 76
Officer, technical (environmental health service) 10
Technician, health, environmental 11
Administrative and Secretarial Occupations 63627 -
Administrative Occupations 47408 -
Administrative Occupations: Government And Related Organisations 12029 -
Civil Service executive officers 3405 -
Adviser (Job Centre) 111
Adviser, claimant 2
Adviser, employment (government) 38
Adviser, security, social 9
B1 (Benefits Agency) 14
B1 (Cabinet Office) 3
B1 (Scottish Office) 9
B2 (Benefits Agency) 9
B2 (Dept for International Development) 3
B2 (Office for National Statistics) 1
B3 (Benefits Agency) 27
B4 (Benefits Agency) 9
B5 (Benefits Agency) 6
Band 3D (Meteorological Office) 1
Band 5 (Customs and Excise) 16
Band 5 (Health and Safety Executive) 9
Band 6 (Customs and Excise) 28
Band C (Lord Chancellor's Dept) 12
Band C (Welsh Office) 10
Band D (Inland Revenue) 77
Broker, job (Job Centre) 7
Clerk, valuation, grade, higher (Inland Revenue) 2
Collector (Inland Revenue) 11
Collector of taxes 10
Collector, tax 8
EO (government) 61
Examiner, assistant (government) 4
Executive, Revenue, Inland 50
Executive, registration (Land Registry) 16
Executive, revenue (government) 20
Grade C (DCMS) 4
Inspector, assistant (government) 1
Inspector, fraud (government) 11
Inspector, fund, social (government) 2
Investigator, fraud (government) 43
MPB4 (Employment Service) 4
MPB5 (Employment Service) 4
MPB6 (Employment Service) 6
MPB7 (Employment Service) 1
Officer, adjudication (government) 9
Officer, clerical, higher (government) 18
Officer, control, senior (Inland Revenue) 13
Officer, executive (government) 156
Officer, fraud (government) 3
Officer, fund, social 6
Officer, investigating (government) 9
Officer, investigating, fraud (government) 4
Officer, investigation (government) 7
Officer, investigation, fraud (government) 3
Officer, liaison (government) 11
Officer, local I (DSS) 4
Officer, presenting, appeals (government) 6
Officer, service, foreign (grade B5) 1
Officer, supply, assistant (MOD) 2
Officer, supply, chart (MOD) 1
Officer, tax, grade, higher (Inland Revenue) 21
Officer, taxation, grade, higher (Inland Revenue) 8
RE2 (Land Registry) 9
Servant, civil (EO) 2439
Supervisor (Benefits Agency) 12
Civil Service administrative officers and assistants 3869 -
A1 (Benefits Agency) 58
A1 (Office for National Statistics) 7
A1 (Scottish Office) 1
A2 (Benefits Agency) 28
A2 (Office for National Statistics) 2
A2 (Scottish Office) 3
A3 (Benefits Agency) 17
A3 (Office for National Statistics) 4
A3 (Scottish Office) 4
A4 (Benefits Agency) 28
A4 (Scottish Office) 3
A5 (Benefits Agency) 9
A6 (Benefits Agency) 6
A7 (Benefits Agency) 6
AA (government) 37
AO (government) 126
Administrator (armed forces) 48
Administrator (government) 577
Adviser, benefits (government) 30
Adviser, claims (government) 6
Assistant, Revenue, Inland 130
Assistant, administration (armed forces) 9
Assistant, administration (government) 74
Assistant, administrative (armed forces) 6
Assistant, administrative (government) 48
Assistant, clerical (government) 48
Assistant, court 17
Assistant, registration (Land Registry) 8
Assistant, revenue (government) 26
Assistant, tax (government) 11
Assistant, taxation (government) 1
Band 1 (Customs and Excise) 5
Band 2 (Customs and Excise) 6
Band 3 (Customs and Excise) 3
Band 4 (Customs and Excise) 14
Band 6 (Health and Safety Executive) 8
Band A (Lord Chancellor's Dept) 1
Band A (Welsh Office) 1
Band B (Welsh Office) 6
C1 (Cabinet Office) 2
C1 (Dept for International Development) 4
Caseworker (government) 60
Clerk (government) 60
Clerk (law courts) 16
Clerk (prison service) 10
Clerk, court 22
Clerk, grade, higher 1
Clerk-typist (government) 9
Collector of taxes, assistant 1
Collector, assistant (Inland Revenue) 6
Grade 12 (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 1
Grade D (DCMS) 2
Investigator (DSS) 5
Officer, Revenue, Inland 60
Officer, administration (armed forces) 16
Officer, administration (government) 171
Officer, administrative (armed forces) 6
Officer, administrative (government) 171
Officer, assessment 16
Officer, clerical (government) 101
Officer, clerical (prison service) 7
Officer, government, nos 7
Officer, group (MOD) 5
Officer, local II (DSS) 1
Officer, processing, benefits (government) 24
Officer, registration (Land Registry) 4
Officer, revenue (government) 27
Officer, service, foreign 3
Officer, support, income (government) 7
Officer, tax (Inland Revenue) 79
Officer, taxation (Inland Revenue) 17
Officer, visiting (DSS) 17
Official, government 6
Official, tax (Inland Revenue) 8
PB8 (Employment Service) 6
PB9 (Employment Service) 4
Payband 1 (Dept of Health) 1
RA2 (Land Registry) 1
RO (Land Registry) 1
Servant, civil (museum service) 23
Servant, civil, nos 1408
Worker, case (government) 16
Worker, office (government) 33
Local government clerical officers and assistants 3499 -
AP(T) (local government: grade 1,2,3) 4
Administrator (local government) 934
Administrator, electoral 11
Adviser, benefit (local government) 32
Adviser, benefits (local government) 20
Assistant, administration (local government) 119
Assistant, administrative (local government) 62
Assistant, benefit (local government) 9
Assistant, benefits (local government) 16
Assistant, chief (local government) 9
Assistant, clerical (local government) 130
Assistant, clerical (police service) 56
Assistant, housing 34
Assistant, inspector's (local government) 8
Assistant, lettings (local government) 1
Assistant, principal (local government) 8
Assistant, recovery (local government) 3
Assistant, senior (CSSD) 2
Assistant, senior (local government) 6
Assistant, standards, trading 4
Assistant, survey (local government) 11
Assistant, tax (local government) 2
Assistant, taxation (local government) 6
Attendant, health (local government) 7
Cashier (local government) 19
Clerk (health authority) 67
Clerk (local government) 45
Clerk (police service) 61
Clerk, charge, community 3
Clerk, control (local government) 1
Clerk, property 8
Clerk, senior (local government) 12
Clerk, tax, poll 1
Clerk-typist (health authority) 5
Clerk-typist (local government) 11
Clerk-typist (police service) 8
Collector (local government) 3
Collector, senior (local government) 1
Collector-driver (local government) 10
Inspector of rates and rentals 1
Inspector, employment 2
Inspector, fraud (local government) 3
Leader, team (local government) 108
Leader, team, benefit (local government) 6
Officer, administration (local government) 372
Officer, administrative (local government) 188
Officer, arrears (local government) 8
Officer, authorised (local government) 91
Officer, benefit (local government) 33
Officer, benefit, housing 28
Officer, benefit, senior (local government) 13
Officer, benefits (local government) 36
Officer, benefits, housing 25
Officer, benefits, senior (local government) 13
Officer, billing (local government) 13
Officer, charges, land 3
Officer, clerical (health authority) 93
Officer, clerical (local government) 87
Officer, clerical (police service) 55
Officer, clerical, higher (local government) 15
Officer, executive (local government) 39
Officer, fraud (local government) 5
Officer, government, local, nos 198
Officer, lettings (local government: housing dept) 32
Officer, monitoring (local government) 32
Officer, rights of way 3
Officer, services, electoral 4
Officer, support (local government) 87
Officer, tax, council 21
Official, government, local 54
Superintendent, highways (local government) 2
Superintendent, rents (local government) 1
Supervisor (local government) 58
Worker, clerical (local government) 21
Officers of non-governmental organisations 1256 -
Administrator (charitable organisation) 392
Administrator (trade union) 39
Administrator, charity 348
Administrator, faculty 23
Assistant, membership 4
Clerk to the governors 6
Convenor, works 3
Delegate, union, trade 1
Officer (British Council) 11
Officer, Council, British 25
Officer, regional (public boards) 1
Officer, union 11
Officer, union, trade 93
Official (charitable organisation) 12
Official (trade union) 84
Official, union 14
Organiser (political party) 5
Organiser (trade union) 15
Representative (trade union) 28
Secretary (chamber of commerce) 9
Secretary (joint industrial council) 5
Secretary (research association) 17
Secretary of charitable organisation 15
Secretary of political association 2
Secretary of professional association 15
Secretary of trade association 3
Secretary of trade union 10
Secretary, assistant (charitable organisation) 4
Secretary, assistant (professional association) 3
Secretary, assistant (trade association) 1
Secretary, assistant (trade union) 1
Secretary, branch (insurance) 7
Secretary, branch (trade union) 3
Secretary, district (insurance) 2
Secretary, financial 38
Secretary, organising (professional association) 1
Secretary, organising (trade association) 1
Secretary, organising (trade union) 1
Secretary, political 1
Steward, shop 1
Superintendent (motoring organisation) 1
Administrative Occupations: Finance 14435 -
Credit controllers 491 -
Administrator, loans 6
Assistant, control, credit 14
Clerk, authorisation (bank, building society) 2
Clerk, control, credit 40
Controller, credit 395
Officer, control, credit 13
Supervisor, control, credit 17
Supervisor, credit 4
Accounts and wages clerks, book-keepers, other financial clerks 11254 -
Accountant 3467
Accountant and auditor 83
Accountant, barrack 1
Accountant, cost 23
Accountant, cost and works 6
Accountant, financial (coal mine) 1
Accountant, group 8
Accountant, management 278
Accountant, works 12
Administrator, account 229
Administrator, accounts 549
Administrator, cost 2
Administrator, finance 484
Administrator, financial 283
Administrator, holding, fund 2
Administrator, ledger 4
Administrator, pay 5
Administrator, payroll 180
Administrator, purchasing 24
Assistant, account 167
Assistant, accountancy 39
Assistant, accountant's 72
Assistant, accounts 346
Assistant, audit 5
Assistant, budget 1
Assistant, bursar's 16
Assistant, clerical, accounts 74
Assistant, control (investment company) 2
Assistant, costing 2
Assistant, estimating 1
Assistant, estimator's 1
Assistant, finance 261
Assistant, financial 53
Assistant, fund 2
Assistant, income 4
Assistant, ledger 2
Assistant, payroll 50
Assistant, revenue 12
Assistant, rights (broadcasting, publishing) 1
Assistant, tax 25
Assistant, taxation 9
Assistant, treasurer's 4
Assistant, treasury 9
Assistant, valuation 1
Assistant, wages 1
Auditor 193
Auditor, internal 108
Bookkeeper 1088
Bookkeeper, chief 23
Bookkeeper-cashier 38
Bookkeeper-typist 14
Checker, invoice 2
Clerk (credit card company) 4
Clerk (stockbrokers) 3
Clerk, account 137
Clerk, accountancy 16
Clerk, accountant's 24
Clerk, accounts 634
Clerk, audit 9
Clerk, billing 5
Clerk, cost 5
Clerk, costing 3
Clerk, finance 108
Clerk, financial 23
Clerk, invoice 21
Clerk, invoicing 12
Clerk, ledger 10
Clerk, office, cash 25
Clerk, pay 7
Clerk, payroll 148
Clerk, reconciliation, bank 7
Clerk, salaries 4
Clerk, sales 28
Clerk, settlements, exchange, foreign 2
Clerk, stockbroker's 2
Clerk, wage 12
Clerk, wages 89
Clerk, wages and accounts 59
Clerk-bookkeeper 28
Consultant, cost 11
Controller, account 4
Controller, accounts 17
Controller, budget 3
Controller, cost 7
Controller, invoice 3
Controller, ledger, bought 6
Controller, ledger, purchase 43
Controller, payroll 15
Coordinator, account 9
Inspector, accounts 1
Investigator, accounts 1
Invoicer 1
Keeper, book 86
Keeper, time 1
Master, pay 1
Officer, accounts 68
Officer, accounts (government) 14
Officer, administration, finance 94
Officer, banking, corporate 25
Officer, budget 4
Officer, control, budget 1
Officer, control, payroll 5
Officer, finance 473
Officer, finance (PO) 1
Officer, finance (coal mine) 2
Officer, finance (hospital service) 14
Officer, finance (local government) 165
Officer, finance (telecommunications) 3
Officer, finance, deputy 3
Officer, financial (local government) 32
Officer, grants 32
Officer, loans, student 5
Officer, payroll 104
Officer, pricing 2
Officer, recovery (debt) 15
Officer, recovery (local government) 11
Officer, revenue 74
Officer, rights (broadcasting, publishing) 1
Officer, salaries 5
Officer, wages 8
Paymaster 3
Representative (banking) 13
Settler (betting) 1
Supervisor (accountancy) 6
Supervisor, accounting 9
Supervisor, accounts 57
Supervisor, audit 1
Supervisor, commercial 8
Supervisor, payroll 51
Supervisor, pricing 1
Supervisor, wages 5
Timekeeper 1
Treasurer 35
Verifier, stock 1
Counter clerks 2690 -
Adviser, branch (bank, building society) 32
Adviser, customer (bank, building society) 90
Assistant, agent's, commission 1
Assistant, bank 72
Assistant, branch (bank, building society) 12
Assistant, cashier's 16
Assistant, clerical (bank, building society) 82
Assistant, controller (banking) 3
Assistant, counter (PO) 3
Assistant, counter (bookmakers, turf accountants) 2
Assistant, customer (bank, building society) 21
Assistant, inspector's (banking) 1
Assistant, office, box 18
Assistant, office, post 58
Assistant, postal (PO) 16
Assistant, principal (bank, building society) 1
Assistant, service, customer (bank, building society) 21
Assistant, services, client (bank, building society) 5
Assistant, services, customer (bank, building society) 19
Assistant, services, financial (bank, building society) 9
Banker, personal 29
Cashier (bank, building society) 58
Cashier (bookmakers, turf accountants) 17
Cashier, bank 170
Cashier, chief 12
Cashier, school 12
Cashier, society, building 7
Cashier-receptionist 12
Clerk (PO) 6
Clerk (bank, building society) 71
Clerk, accountant's, turf 1
Clerk, bank 778
Clerk, bookmaker's 3
Clerk, cash 12
Clerk, chief (bank, building society) 4
Clerk, claims 8
Clerk, counter 39
Clerk, exchange, foreign (financial services) 5
Clerk, office, box 3
Clerk, office, post 273
Clerk, security 12
Clerk, service, customer (bank, building society) 19
Clerk, services, customer (bank, building society) 26
Clerk, society, building 2
Clerk-cashier 30
Collector (entertainment) 2
Controller, cash 2
Controller, lending (bank, building society) 2
Controller, mortgage 1
Counsellor (bank, building society) 3
Counterhand (bookmakers, turf accountants) 1
Counterman (turf accountants) 1
Employee, bank 7
Leader, team (bank, building society) 36
Manager, hall, church 8
Officer, bank 129
Officer, clerical (bank, building society) 38
Officer, commercial (bank, building society) 8
Officer, lending (bank, building society) 8
Officer, loans (bank, building society) 4
Officer, mortgage 4
Officer, postal (PO) 73
Officer, second (banking) 3
Officer, securities (banking) 6
Officer, service, customer (bank, building society) 33
Officer, services, customer (bank, building society) 17
Officer-in-charge (sub-post office) 7
Official, bank 123
Operator, tote 1
Processor, cash 13
Processor, claims 4
Receptionist-cashier 1
Salesman, ticket 4
Seller, ticket 11
Supervisor (bank, building society) 14
Supervisor (betting) 2
Supervisor, banking 15
Supervisor, service, customer (bank, building society) 2
Supervisor, services, customer (bank, building society) 2
Teller (banking) 14
Administrative Occupations: Records 6498 -
Filing and other records assistants/clerks 1697 -
Administrator, conference 9
Administrator, court 16
Administrator, courts 12
Administrator, export 23
Administrator, letter (PO) 5
Administrator, order, sales 35
Administrator, practice 18
Allocator 2
Analyst, cost 6
Analyst, purchase 1
Assistant, admissions (college) 19
Assistant, buyer's 8
Assistant, buying 5
Assistant, clerk's, justices 1
Assistant, contracts 6
Assistant, control, production 5
Assistant, control, quality (clerical) 3
Assistant, conveyancing 5
Assistant, correspondence 1
Assistant, employment 1
Assistant, export 1
Assistant, litigation 5
Assistant, lottery 1
Assistant, marketing 53
Assistant, office 114
Assistant, production (publishing) 2
Assistant, purchasing 15
Assistant, records 10
Assistant, registrar's 9
Assistant, room, publishing 1
Assistant, solicitor's 9
Assistant, study, work 2
Cataloguer 16
Chartist 1
Clerk (advertising, publicity) 1
Clerk (college) 16
Clerk (university) 23
Clerk, admissions 11
Clerk, advertising 6
Clerk, allocator 1
Clerk, booking 20
Clerk, coding 2
Clerk, control, production 1
Clerk, control, quality 3
Clerk, conveyancing 7
Clerk, correspondence 5
Clerk, course (betting) 1
Clerk, filing 31
Clerk, fingerprint 2
Clerk, hospital 42
Clerk, import 13
Clerk, law 8
Clerk, litigation 2
Clerk, office, booking 17
Clerk, office, buying 3
Clerk, office, personnel 3
Clerk, personnel 14
Clerk, planning 5
Clerk, pool 1
Clerk, pools 4
Clerk, purchasing 22
Clerk, records 27
Clerk, schedule 2
Clerk, solicitor's 29
Clerk, staff 1
Clerk, statistical 1
Clerk, statistics 2
Clerk, technical 26
Clerk, ward 199
Clerk-buyer 3
Clerk-typist (college) 1
Clerk-typist (university) 4
Coder 7
Compiler, directory 8
Compiler, index 3
Controller, contract 1
Controller, document 38
Controller, documentation 4
Controller, schedule 3
Controller, waste 2
Correspondent, banking 1
Enumerator, census 1
Executive, postal (PO: grade C) 2
Expeditor 4
Indexer 10
Interviewer, agency, employment 3
Leader, team, census 3
Officer, admission (hospital service) 5
Officer, admissions 45
Officer, allocation 10
Officer, clerical (hospital service) 114
Officer, coding, clinical 58
Officer, control, production 1
Officer, court 22
Officer, examinations (education) 136
Officer, fingerprint, civilian 1
Officer, lettings 10
Officer, magisterial 9
Officer, property (police service) 5
Officer, records 6
Officer, records, medical 80
Officer, warranty 4
Official, court 7
Planner, work 5
Planner, works 5
Progressor 1
Recorder (Milk Marketing Board) 1
Recorder, milk 1
Scheduler 21
Supervisor, coding, clinical 12
Supervisor, import 2
Supervisor, planning, production 62
Supervisor, purchasing 3
Supervisor, warranty 1
Supporter, court 1
Pensions and insurance clerks 946 -
Administrator (insurance) 151
Administrator, claim (insurance) 29
Administrator, insurance 73
Administrator, mortgage 41
Administrator, pensions 173
Administrator, surrenders (insurance) 2
Adviser, claim (insurance) 23
Adviser, insurance 73
Assistant, claims 5
Assistant, executive (insurance) 3
Assistant, insurance 6
Assistant, pensions 18
Assistant, registration (insurance) 1
Assistant, underwriter's 3
Assistant, underwriting 2
Auditor (insurance) 10
Clerk (assurance company) 4
Clerk (insurance) 85
Clerk, chief (insurance) 1
Clerk, claims (insurance) 12
Clerk, insurance 80
Clerk, pensions 11
Examiner, policy (insurance) 1
Handler, claims 32
Negotiator, pensions 3
Officer (insurance) 3
Officer, executive (insurance) 7
Officer, insurance 6
Officer, pensions 48
Official, insurance 2
Processor, claims (insurance) 5
Supervisor (insurance) 5
Technician, claims (insurance) 13
Technician, insurance 4
Technician, motor (insurance) 1
Technician, pensions 10
Stock control clerks 884 -
Administrator, inventory 3
Administrator, logistics 51
Administrator, parts 1
Administrator, production 40
Administrator, stock 13
Administrator, stores 32
Administrator, warehouse 53
Assistant, control, stock 18
Assistant, materials 1
Assistant, pharmacy (hospital service) 34
Assistant, publisher's 1
Assistant, room, stock 13
Assistant, room, store 6
Assistant, stock 8
Auditor, stock 22
Chaser, progress 3
Clerk, booking, stores 2
Clerk, booking, warehouse 1
Clerk, control, inventory 2
Clerk, control, stock 14
Clerk, despatch 9
Clerk, goods-in 1
Clerk, inventory 12
Clerk, inward, goods 2
Clerk, order 8
Clerk, pricing 1
Clerk, processing, order 2
Clerk, production 4
Clerk, records, stock 2
Clerk, stock 3
Clerk, stockroom 5
Clerk, storekeeper's 4
Clerk, stores 8
Clerk, warehouse 26
Clerk-storekeeper 10
Clerk-storeman 4
Clerk-warehouseman 7
Compiler, order 1
Controller, accounting, stock 4
Controller, despatch 1
Controller, inventory 12
Controller, manufacturing 6
Controller, materials 26
Controller, order 1
Controller, parts 1
Controller, planning 5
Controller, programme 5
Controller, room, stock 3
Controller, shift 11
Controller, stock 152
Controller, stores 14
Controller, supplies 1
Controller, supply 5
Controller, warehouse 19
Controller, works 1
Coordinator, goods-in 3
Coordinator, materials 4
Coordinator, production 32
Coordinator, spares 1
Coordinator, stores 6
Coordinator, warehouse 10
Engineer, spares 1
Inspector, cargo 3
Inspector, depot 1
Inspector, despatch 2
Inspector, inwards, goods 1
Inspector, receiving, goods 2
Inspector, stores 2
Leader, team, control, stock 2
Officer, control, stock 4
Officer, logistics 11
Officer, materials 1
Officer, stores 1
Officer, supply (chemical mfr) 2
Officer, supply (engineering) 2
Operator, depot 6
Planner, materials 14
Planner, progress 1
Processor, order 5
Processor, stock 2
Scheduler, materials 1
Stocktaker 28
Superintendent (storage) 2
Superintendent, cargo 2
Superintendent, stores 2
Supervisor, inwards, goods 4
Supervisor, order 1
Supervisor, parts 7
Supervisor, room, stock 2
Supervisor, stock 7
Supervisor, tool 3
Supplier, material 8
Supplier, parts 2
Taker, stock 2
Transport and distribution clerks 686 -
Administrator, distribution 24
Administrator, fleet 9
Administrator, fleet, car 20
Administrator, services, fleet 6
Administrator, shipping 10
Administrator, transport (company transport) 56
Agent, cargo (airport) 18
Agent, operations, cargo 8
Assistant, traffic 3
Assistant, transport 12
Checker (transport) 1
Checker-loader 4
Clerk, cargo 5
Clerk, control, load (aircraft) 1
Clerk, distribution 9
Clerk, documentation 12
Clerk, export 16
Clerk, freight 5
Clerk, planning, route (transport, distribution) 2
Clerk, schedules (transport services) 2
Clerk, shipping 35
Clerk, traffic 6
Clerk, transport 15
Controller of distribution 4
Controller, cargo 1
Controller, container 3
Controller, distribution 10
Controller, fleet 1
Controller, load (aircraft) 3
Controller, logistics 23
Controller, operations (transport) 16
Controller, shipping 1
Controller, traffic 9
Controller, transport 15
Coordinator, despatch 1
Coordinator, distribution 9
Coordinator, logistics 30
Coordinator, shipping 7
Coordinator, traffic 3
Coordinator, transport 32
Foreman, distribution (warehousing) 3
Forwarder, freight 12
Officer, cargo 3
Officer, control, traffic 21
Officer, distribution 2
Officer, duty (airport) 6
Officer, duty, cargo 1
Officer, executive (PLA) 1
Officer, freight (air transport) 3
Officer, station (airport) 6
Officer, traffic (airlines) 4
Officer, traffic (road haulage) 3
Officer, transport 20
Organiser, transport 1
Planner, route (transport, distribution) 6
Planner, traffic 4
Planner, transport 76
Router, bus (public transport) 1
Scheduler, transport 7
Superintendent, flight 1
Superintendent, shipping 4
Supervisor, cargo 3
Supervisor, distribution 17
Supervisor, freight 2
Supervisor, logistics 26
Supervisor, traffic 6
Library assistants/clerks 1122 -
Assistant (library) 405
Assistant, archives 19
Assistant, chief (library) 13
Assistant, clerical (library) 21
Assistant, counter (library) 7
Assistant, library 556
Attendant, library 19
Clerk (library) 12
Clerk, library 22
Reader (press cutting agency) 1
Supervisor, library 47
Database assistants/clerks 794 -
Administrator, IT 124
Administrator, computer 200
Assistant, computer 15
Assistant, input 1
Clerk, VDU 1
Clerk, computer 31
Clerk, control, data 14
Clerk, entry, data 93
Clerk, input 3
Clerk, processing, data 30
Clerk-VDU operator 5
Controller, data, computer 25
Inputter (data) 37
Inputter, copy 2
Inputter, database 16
Leader, shift, computer 4
Leader, team, services, data (local government) 10
Machinist, accounting 2
Machinist, book-keeping 5
Officer, preparation, data 2
Officer, processing, data 17
Operator, IBM 1
Operator, VDU 10
Operator, capture, data 3
Operator, card, punch 3
Operator, comptometer 24
Operator, display, visual 5
Operator, entry, data 13
Operator, input, data 28
Operator, keyboard 1
Operator, preparation, data 4
Operator, punch 2
Operator, punch, key 2
Operator, screen 2
Processor, data 43
Supervisor, control, computer 11
Supervisor, processing, data 5
Market research interviewers 369 -
Assistant, research, marketing 14
Collector, data (interviewing) 33
Enumerator, traffic 29
Interviewer (market research) 68
Interviewer (surveys) 52
Interviewer, commercial 1
Interviewer, research, market 76
Interviewer, telephone 7
Investigator, research, market 2
Researcher (market research) 40
Researcher, market (interviewing) 30
Shopper, mystery 7
Supervisor, field (market research) 10
Administrative Occupations: Communications 677 -
Telephonists 319 -
Attendant, board, switch (telephones) 7
Attendant, telephone 1
Clerk, telephone 8
Handler, call (motoring organisation) 9
Operator (telephone) 19
Operator, enquiry, directory 1
Operator, switchboard (telephone) 65
Operator, telephone 21
Supervisor (telephone service) 2
Supervisor, chief (PO) 1
Supervisor, switchboard 5
Telephonist 126
Telephonist-clerk 7
Telephonist-receptionist 42
Telephonist-typist 5
Communication operators 358 -
Announcer (transport) 1
Assistant, communications 17
Assistant, control, traffic, air 10
Assistant, room, control (emergency services) 13
Assistant, traffic (telecommunications) 1
Controller (emergency services: radio) 15
Controller (taxi service) 7
Controller, ambulance 17
Controller, cab 2
Controller, communications 9
Controller, radio 10
Controller, taxi 7
Despatcher, room, control (emergency services) 11
Dispatcher, radio 3
Officer, communications 74
Officer, control (ambulance service) 7
Officer, control (fire service) 4
Officer, deployment (motoring organisation) 3
Officer, duty, emergency (welfare services) 9
Officer, radio (telecommunications) 1
Officer, radio, police 18
Officer, telecommunications 10
Officer, traffic (telecommunications) 1
Operator (radio relay service) 1
Operator, centre, control (sheltered housing) 6
Operator, communications 25
Operator, control, fire (fire service) 7
Operator, despatch, aided, computer (emergency services) 7
Operator, radar 1
Operator, radio 8
Operator, room, control (emergency services) 16
Operator, telecommunications 4
Operator, teleprinter 5
Signalman, civilian (MOD) 1
Superintendent, traffic, telecommunications 1
Supervisor (telecommunications) 21
Supervisor, chief (telecommunications) 1
Telegraphist 4
Administrative Occupations: General 13769 -
General office assistants/clerks 13769 -
Administrator, QA 1
Administrator, arts 86
Administrator, business 690
Administrator, catering 37
Administrator, church 125
Administrator, clerical 1500
Administrator, commercial 106
Administrator, office 2260
Administrator, parish 37
Administrator, quality 26
Administrator, service 76
Administrator, warranty 17
Apprentice, commercial 2
Assistant, administration 1046
Assistant, administrative 634
Assistant, administrative (hospital service) 45
Assistant, advertising 5
Assistant, arts 3
Assistant, bureau 3
Assistant, civil 52
Assistant, civilian (police service) 148
Assistant, clerical 839
Assistant, clerk's 27
Assistant, commercial 9
Assistant, conference 7
Assistant, consular 4
Assistant, director's 99
Assistant, editor's, newspaper 4
Assistant, information 42
Assistant, management, housing 19
Assistant, manager's 250
Assistant, secretary's 44
Assistant, senior 4
Assistant, training 6
Clerk 744
Clerk, administration 567
Clerk, chief 3
Clerk, chief (PO) 1
Clerk, committee 8
Clerk, continuity (film, television production) 7
Clerk, office 298
Clerk, secretarial 345
Clerk, supervising 13
Clerk-in-charge 1
Clerk-messenger 3
Clerk-packer 3
Clerk-receptionist 118
Clerk-telephonist 9
Clerk-typist 87
Controller, office 4
Controller, price 17
Controller, proof, newspaper 1
Coordinator, NVQ 4
Head, section (clerical) 8
Inspector, fraud 1
Invigilator 229
Leader, section (senior) 3
Leader, section (clerical office) 5
Loggist 1
Officer, administration 965
Officer, administrative 419
Officer, church 10
Officer, clerical 915
Officer, clerical, higher 13
Officer, enquiry 29
Officer, executive (PO) 9
Officer, facilities 44
Officer, liaison 21
Officer, operations 19
Officer, registration 28
Officer, service, health 11
Official, board, water 1
Pricer, prescription 1
Reader, proof 80
Scrutineer 2
Secretary, committee 4
Supervisor, QA 2
Supervisor, administration 67
Supervisor, clerical 22
Supervisor, facilities 25
Supervisor, office 63
Worker, administration 91
Worker, administrative 19
Worker, clerical 176
Secretarial And Related Occupations 16219 -
Secretarial And Related Occupations 16219 -
Medical secretaries 1890 -
Administrator, clinic 59
Administrator, medical 195
Clerk (medical practice) 41
Coordinator, clinic 28
Secretary (medical practice) 170
Secretary, doctor's 37
Secretary, medical 1360
Legal secretaries 940 -
Administrator, legal 81
Clerk, aid, legal 3
Clerk, legal 61
Secretary (legal services) 120
Secretary, legal 666
Secretary, litigation 9
School secretaries 1441 -
Administrator, school 669
Assistant, clerical (schools) 72
Assistant, registry (schools) 1
Clerk (schools) 15
Clerk, school 37
Clerk-typist (schools) 4
Officer, administration (schools) 129
Secretary (schools) 128
Secretary, school 386
Company secretaries 949 -
Secretary, assistant 43
Secretary, club 25
Secretary, company 861
Secretary, corporation 12
Secretary, resident 2
Secretary, sports 6
Personal assistants and other secretaries 7098 -
Assistant, executive 153
Assistant, personal 2285
Assistant, personal (managerial) 144
Assistant, personal, manager's 105
Assistant, secretarial 152
Clerk, confidential 3
PA 140
Secretary 3686
Secretary (welfare services) 11
Secretary, assistant (hospital service) 22
Secretary, bilingual 8
Secretary, branch (bank, building society) 33
Secretary, club (youth club) 1
Secretary, commercial 23
Secretary, confidential 14
Secretary, county (youth club) 1
Secretary, farm 9
Secretary, general (welfare services) 1
Secretary, group (hospital service) 6
Secretary, hospital 69
Secretary, membership (football club) 2
Secretary, personal 168
Secretary, private 18
Secretary-typist 44
Receptionists 3602 -
Adviser, service (garage) 20
Assistant, surgery (general medical service) 4
Officer, reception 52
Receptionist 1929
Receptionist, dental 110
Receptionist, doctor's 484
Receptionist, hotel 36
Receptionist, medical 567
Receptionist-bookkeeper 6
Receptionist-clerk 55
Receptionist-nurse, dental 8
Receptionist-secretary 167
Receptionist-telephonist 96
Receptionist-typist 25
Secretary-receptionist 43
Typists 299 -
Controller of typists 1
Operator, dictaphone 3
Operator, processor, word 31
Processor, text 1
Processor, word 18
Reporter, court 8
Reporter, verbatim 3
Stenographer 12
Supervisor, processing, word 4
Supervisor, typing 4
Transcriber 15
Typist 70
Typist, audio 73
Typist, copy 7
Typist, shorthand 34
Typist-clerk 5
Typist-receptionist 4
Writer, shorthand 6
Skilled Trades Occupations 28902 -
Skilled Agricultural Trades 2568 -
Agricultural Trades 2568 -
Farmers 628 -
Agent, farm 1
Agriculturist 9
Bailiff, estate 1
Breeder (livestock) 17
Breeder (pig) 3
Contractor (agricultural contracting) 4
Contractor, agricultural 7
Contractor, farm 2
Crofter (farming) 2
Farmer 543
Foreman (agriculture) 2
Holder, small 5
Keeper, poultry 5
Landholder 1
Manager, herd 1
Manager, poultry 3
Producer, egg 3
Rearer, cattle 6
Smallholder 10
Sprayer, crop 1
Technician, farm 2
Horticultural trades 155 -
Assistant, gardener's (horticultural nursery) 16
Assistant, gardener's (market gardening) 2
Assistant, horticultural 10
Assistant, house, green 1
Foreman (horticultural nursery) 1
Foreman (horticulture) 2
Foreman, house, glass 1
Gardener (horticultural nursery) 43
Gardener (market gardening) 4
Gardener, market 8
Gardener, nursery 18
Grafter (agriculture) 3
Grower 1
Grower (market gardening) 3
Grower (ornamental tree nursery) 5
Horticulturist (market gardening) 7
Landscaper, interior 9
Nurseryman 8
Planter, tree 1
Propagator 1
Pruner (horticultural nursery) 1
Supervisor, nursery (horticultural) 1
Technician, horticultural 9
Gardeners and groundsmen/groundswomen 1680 -
Assistant, gardener's 22
Attendant, ground 3
Contractor, gardening 25
Contractor, landscape 21
Cutter, grass 2
Designer, garden 88
Foreman (local government: parks dept) 2
Foreman, landscape 8
Gardener 1013
Gardener, landscape 244
Gardener-caretaker 10
Gardener-groundsman 42
Gardener-handyman 36
Greenkeeper 45
Greensman 1
Groundsman 66
Keeper, grass 1
Keeper, green 5
Keeper, ground 1
Keeper, grounds 2
Landscaper 37
Man, course, golf 6
Agricultural and fishing trades n.e.c. 105 -
Apiarist 1
Beekeeper 7
Breeder (dog) 3
Breeder (horse) 3
Falconer 3
Farmer (fish farm, hatchery) 1
Farmer, fish 1
Farmer, game 1
Fisherman 6
Gamekeeper 2
Keeper, bee 1
Keeper, game 2
Lad, head (racing stables) 1
Manager, stable 2
Officer, forestry 1
Skipper, trawler 1
Surgeon, tree 34
Trainer, animal 1
Trainer, dog 22
Trainer, horse 12
Skilled Metal And Electrical Trades 12941 -
Metal Forming, Welding And Related Trades 1084 -
Smiths and forge workers 49 -
Blacksmith 30
Blacksmith-engineer 6
Farrier 4
Fitter, gate (iron) 1
Forger 3
Maker, tool, edge 1
Maker, tool, hand 1
Presser (metal trades: rolling mill) 1
Smither 1
Stamper, drop (forging) 1
Moulders, core makers, die casters 35 -
Assembler, core (foundry) 2
Caster, die 3
Foreman (metal trades: foundry) 1
Foreman, foundry 4
Maker, core (metal trades) 1
Maker, mould (foundry) 1
Moulder (metal trades) 6
Moulder and coremaker (foundry) 2
Moulder, aluminium 1
Moulder, floor 1
Moulder, foundry 9
Moulder, iron 1
Moulder, machine 1
Moulder, sand 1
Moulder, shell 1
Sheet metal workers 219 -
Beater (metal trades) 1
Beater, panel (metal trades) 6
Coppersmith 8
Fabricator, metal, sheet 69
Foreman (metal trades: sheet metal working) 4
Maker, hollow-ware 1
Maker, pattern, metal (footwear mfr) 1
Maker, sign (metal) 4
Man, tin (sheet metal working) 3
Manufacturer (metal goods, sheet metal goods) 6
Marker (metal trades: sheet metal working) 1
Repairer, radiator (vehicle) 2
Wheeler (sheet metal working) 1
Whitesmith 2
Worker, metal, sheet 100
Worker, sheet (metal) 10
Metal plate workers, shipwrights, riveters 138 -
Builder, barge 1
Caulker 1
Constructor, rig, oil 4
Driller (metal trades: constructional engineering) 4
Driller (metal trades: shipbuilding) 1
Fixer, ship-door and collar 1
Foreman (metal trades: steel fabrication) 5
Foreman, yard, ship 2
Machinist, constructional 1
Machinist, metal, shipyard 1
Maker, boiler 9
Plater 50
Plater (construction) 1
Plater (metal trades) 8
Plater, constructional 1
Plater, steel 5
Plater, structural 1
Plater-welder 29
Repairer, boiler 1
Shipwright 8
Smith, boiler 1
Worker, rig, oil (oil rig construction) 2
Worker, steel (shipbuilding) 1
Welding trades 490 -
Assistant, welder's 5
Brazer 1
Burner (railways) 1
Burner, gas (building and contracting) 1
Burner, lead 1
Burner, profile 4
Burner, scrap (steelworks) 1
Cutter, steel 2
Engineer, welding 32
Fabricator-welder 74
Fitter-welder 23
Foreman (metal trades: welding) 2
Foreman, welding 5
Solderer (metal trades) 1
Welder 279
Welder and cutter 1
Welder, CO2 2
Welder, arc 5
Welder, electric 3
Welder, fabricator 26
Welder, maintenance 1
Welder, spot (metal) 8
Welder-fabricator 9
Welder-fitter 3
Pipe fitters 153 -
Engineer, pipe 12
Engineer, pipefitting 25
Erector, pipe 1
Fitter, pipe 78
Fitter-welder, pipe 36
Lineman, pump 1
Metal Machining, Fitting And Instrument Making Trades 4072 -
Metal machining setters and setter-operators 356 -
Auto-setter (metal trades) 2
Borer (metal trades) 1
Borer, horizontal 2
Cutter and grinder, tool 2
Cutter, gear 2
Cutter, profile 2
Driller (metal trades) 1
Driller, arm, radial 1
Driller, machine (metal trades) 2
Driller, rail 1
Engineer, cnc 7
Engineer, control, numerically, computer 6
Engineer, grinding 6
Engineer, lathe 2
Engineer, milling 2
Engineer, planer, steel 6
Engineer, planing 6
Engineer, turner 25
Engineer, turner, lathe 15
Foreman, shop, machine 1
Grinder 10
Grinder, centreless 1
Grinder, cylindrical 1
Grinder, engineering 2
Grinder, machine (metal trades) 1
Grinder, spring 1
Grinder, surface 4
Grinder, tool 1
Grinder, tool and cutter 1
Grinder, universal 4
Machinist, cnc 11
Machinist, facing 1
Maker, case, clock 1
Miller and turner 1
Miller, cnc 1
Miller, engineer 1
Miller, engineering 2
Miller, machine 1
Miller, tool 1
Miller, universal 3
Operator, cnc 6
Programmer, cnc 8
Programmer, control, numerical 1
Programmer, nc 3
Programmer, robot 2
Setter (metal trades) 2
Setter and turner, lathe 2
Setter, cnc 1
Setter, lathe, centre 1
Setter, machine (metal trades) 3
Setter, machine, automatic 5
Setter, machine, cnc 6
Setter, press (metal trades) 1
Setter, press, power 7
Setter, roll (steelworks) 1
Setter, tool 23
Setter, tool, machine 10
Setter, tool, press 3
Setter-operator (metal trades) 1
Setter-operator, cnc 3
Setter-operator, lathe, turning, roll 1
Setter-operator, machine (metal trades) 18
Setter-operator, machine, cnc 15
Setter-operator, machine, die-sinking 1
Setter-operator, machine, nc 7
Setter-operator, press (metal trades) 10
Setter-operator, press, brake 6
Setter-operator, tool 3
Setter-operator, tool, machine 10
Setter-operator, tool, press 8
Spinner (metal) 3
Toolsetter 13
Turner 19
Turner (metal) 3
Turner, lathe, centre 4
Turner, lathe, cnc 3
Turner, roll 1
Turner-engineer 1
Tool makers, tool fitters and markers-out 294 -
Engineer, making, tool 18
Engineer, room, tool 7
Engineer, tool 16
Engineer-toolmaker 71
Fitter, pattern (engineering) 4
Fitter, tool 2
Fitter, tool, press 2
Maker, die and tool 3
Maker, forme (paper box mfr) 2
Maker, mould (fibre glass mfr) 1
Maker, mould, tool, press 2
Maker, template 1
Maker, tool 144
Maker, tool, machine 5
Marker (metal trades: engineering) 7
Marker, part 1
Marker-off (engineering) 2
Marker-out (engineering) 1
Scriber 2
Sinker, die (metal trades) 3
Metal working production and maintenance fitters 3129 -
Adjuster (weighing machines) 1
Adjuster, machine (textile mfr) 1
Armourer 1
Balancer, flyer 1
Builder, conveyor 1
Builder, cycle 1
Builder, motor 4
Builder, table (sewing machine) 1
Controller, maintenance, planned 12
Controller, maintenance, plant 12
Controller, plant 3
Craftsman, engineering 17
Craftsman, enhanced (power station) 1
Craftsman, maintenance (mechanical) 40
Craftsman, mechanical 17
Dismantler, engine, aircraft 1
Engineer, aero 14
Engineer, aeronautical 47
Engineer, agricultural 11
Engineer, aircraft 231
Engineer, aircraft (maintenance) 43
Engineer, airline 8
Engineer, area 1
Engineer, armament 1
Engineer, assembly (vehicle mfr) 6
Engineer, assistant (mechanical) 4
Engineer, aviation 19
Engineer, bakery 1
Engineer, brewer's 5
Engineer, carding 1
Engineer, catering 5
Engineer, corrosion 4
Engineer, crane 3
Engineer, cycle 1
Engineer, dairy 1
Engineer, diesel 7
Engineer, estate 1
Engineer, fabrication 56
Engineer, field (mechanical) 30
Engineer, filter 3
Engineer, forklift 22
Engineer, foundry 14
Engineer, furnace 2
Engineer, ground 1
Engineer, heavy 20
Engineer, horticultural 2
Engineer, hospital 17
Engineer, hydraulic 19
Engineer, installation 26
Engineer, investigation, defect 1
Engineer, laundry 2
Engineer, lift 65
Engineer, light 15
Engineer, locomotive 5
Engineer, machine 47
Engineer, machinery 23
Engineer, machines 21
Engineer, maintenance 494
Engineer, maintenance (aircraft) 14
Engineer, maintenance, aircraft 14
Engineer, maintenance, plant 23
Engineer, marine 115
Engineer, mechanical and electrical 28
Engineer, model 5
Engineer, nos (coal mine: below ground) 1
Engineer, plant 25
Engineer, pneumatic 3
Engineer, printer's 26
Engineer, prototype 3
Engineer, pump 6
Engineer, railway 107
Engineer, refrigerating 10
Engineer, refrigeration 29
Engineer, safe 1
Engineer, service (aircraft) 6
Engineer, service (engineering) 47
Engineer, service (oil company) 4
Engineer, service, lift 4
Engineer, service, truck, lift, fork 12
Engineer, shift 13
Engineer, shop, machine 5
Engineer, station (oil refining) 1
Engineer, stock, rolling 1
Engineer, textile 7
Engineer, tool, machine 19
Engineer, truck, lift, fork 8
Engineer, works, sewage 1
Engineer, works, water 4
Engineer, workshop 14
Engineer-fitter 110
Erector-fitter 3
Examiner, carriage (railways) 1
Fabricator 24
Fabricator, aluminium 10
Finisher, spring, car, motor 1
Fitter (machinery) 25
Fitter (iron foundry) 1
Fitter (metal trades) 8
Fitter (mining) 3
Fitter (railways) 11
Fitter (vehicle mfr: vehicles) 3
Fitter and assembler 3
Fitter and tester 1
Fitter and turner 9
Fitter, agricultural 1
Fitter, aircraft 59
Fitter, aircraft (maintenance) 4
Fitter, airframe 4
Fitter, assembly 21
Fitter, battery 1
Fitter, bench 1
Fitter, colliery 1
Fitter, constructional 4
Fitter, crane 1
Fitter, cycle 2
Fitter, diesel 11
Fitter, door, industrial 6
Fitter, door, steel 1
Fitter, engine 5
Fitter, engine, aero 3
Fitter, engine, aircraft (maintenance) 1
Fitter, engine, diesel 4
Fitter, engineer's 5
Fitter, engineering 35
Fitter, frame, door, metal 1
Fitter, general 1
Fitter, ground, below (coal mine) 3
Fitter, hydraulic 3
Fitter, industrial 2
Fitter, installation 5
Fitter, ironwork 1
Fitter, lift 1
Fitter, locomotive 1
Fitter, machine 4
Fitter, maintenance 145
Fitter, marine 6
Fitter, mechanical 94
Fitter, mechanical (vehicle mfr: vehicles) 6
Fitter, metal 1
Fitter, motor (vehicle mfr) 2
Fitter, mould, bottle 1
Fitter, plant 25
Fitter, precision 1
Fitter, production (mechanical) 13
Fitter, pump 1
Fitter, rectification 3
Fitter, service (aircraft) 1
Fitter, shop (metal trades) 1
Fitter, skilled 1
Fitter, steel 2
Fitter, steelyard 1
Fitter, tool, machine 19
Fitter, truck, lift, fork 1
Fitter, turbine 1
Fitter, valve (engineering) 1
Fitter, wagon (railway workshops) 1
Fitter-assembler 1
Fitter-engineer 6
Fitter-inspector 2
Fitter-machinist 6
Fitter-mechanic 16
Fitter-operator, tool, machine 8
Fitter-tester 1
Fitter-turner 6
Foreman (metal trades: hydraulic pump mfr) 1
Foreman, maintenance (manufacturing) 2
Gunsmith 5
Hand, maintenance (aircraft) 1
Installer, lift 2
Locksmith 36
Maker, beam (textile machinery mfr) 1
Maker, door, steel 1
Maker, gun 2
Maker, mould (glass mfr) 1
Maker, refrigerator 1
Maker, steelyard 1
Maker, typewriter 1
Man, maintenance (aircraft) 2
Man, maintenance (machinery) 2
Man, maintenance, appliances, mechanical (coal mine) 1
Manufacturer (machinery) 3
Manufacturer (vehicles) 8
Mechanic 79
Mechanic (aircraft) 4
Mechanic, builder's 2
Mechanic, hosiery 1
Mechanic, laboratory 1
Mechanic, machine 2
Mechanic, machine, knitting 3
Mechanic, machine, sewing 12
Mechanic, plant 9
Mechanic, refrigeration 1
Mechanic, technical 1
Millwright 1
Overlooker, loom (maintenance) 1
Rectifier (metal trades) 1
Refurbisher, aircraft 2
Repairer (machinery) 2
Repairer, carriage 1
Repairer, coach (railways) 1
Repairer, cycle 2
Repairer, lamp 1
Smith, gun 1
Specialist, manufacturing (motor vehicle mfr) 4
Superintendent, maintenance (manufacturing) 1
Supervisor, maintenance (manufacturing) 53
Tackler, loom 1
Technician, hydraulic 1
Technician, maintenance 120
Technician, stock, rolling 1
Tester-fitter 1
Turner and fitter 1
Precision instrument makers and repairers 293 -
Adjuster (watches, clocks) 1
Artificer, instrument 3
Calibrator (instruments) 3
Craftsman (instrument mfr) 4
Craftsman, instrument 3
Engineer, calibration 11
Engineer, horological 2
Engineer, instrument 56
Engineer, maintenance (instruments) 10
Engineer, meter 3
Engineer, photographic 2
Engineer, precision 33
Engineer, tachograph 2
Fitter (metal trades: instrument mfr) 1
Fitter, instrument 1
Fitter, meter 4
Fitter, scale 1
Fitter, taximeter 1
Foreman, instrument 1
Horologist 4
Jeweller and watch repairer 1
Jeweller and watchmaker 1
Maker, clock 9
Maker, instrument (dental) 2
Maker, instrument 3
Maker, instrument (surgical) 2
Maker, instrument (precision) 1
Maker, watch 1
Maker, watch and clock 1
Manufacturer (watches, clocks) 2
Manufacturer (instruments) 1
Mechanic, instrument 3
Repairer (watches, clocks) 2
Repairer, chronometer 1
Repairer, clock 3
Repairer, meter 1
Repairer, watch 2
Repairer, watch and clock 3
Supervisor, service (instruments) 2
Technician, calibration 5
Technician, camera 2
Technician, instrument 73
Technician, optical 20
Tester-rectifier, instrument, precision 1
Watchmaker 4
Watchmaker and jeweller 1
Vehicle Trades 1254 -
Motor mechanics, auto engineers 991 -
Adjuster (motor vehicles) 3
Assistant, garage 11
Attendant, garage 2
Controller, workshop (garage) 15
Engineer, HGV 19
Engineer, LGV 2
Engineer, automobile 15
Engineer, automotive 56
Engineer, bus 4
Engineer, diesel (vehicles) 5
Engineer, fleet (vehicle) 16
Engineer, garage 3
Engineer, maintenance (vehicles) 8
Engineer, motor 63
Engineer, motor, staff 5
Engineer, motorcycle 10
Engineer, reception (garage) 4
Engineer, repair, motor 13
Engineer, service (motor vehicles) 12
Engineer, service, vehicle 2
Engineer, staff 2
Engineer, transmission (motor vehicles) 3
Engineer, transport 26
Engineer, vehicle 9
Fitter (vehicles) 17
Fitter (garage) 4
Fitter, HGV 26
Fitter, LGV 2
Fitter, PSV 2
Fitter, automobile 5
Fitter, car 4
Fitter, diesel (vehicles) 5
Fitter, garage 2
Fitter, maintenance (vehicle servicing) 3
Fitter, mechanical (vehicles) 16
Fitter, motor 3
Fitter, transport 2
Fitter, vehicles 1
Fitter-mechanic (garage) 18
Foreman (garage) 3
Foreman, garage 3
Foreman, workshop (motor vehicles) 9
Handyman, garage 1
Man, maintenance (transport) 2
Man, service (garage) 2
Mechanic (vehicles) 26
Mechanic (auto-engines) 23
Mechanic (garage) 22
Mechanic and driver, motor 2
Mechanic, car 78
Mechanic, cycle, motor 10
Mechanic, garage 7
Mechanic, motor 222
Mechanic, reception 2
Mechanic, semi-skilled 1
Mechanic, service (garage) 5
Mechanic, vehicle 23
Mechanic-fitter, motor 14
Patrol (motoring organisation) 5
Patrol, road (motoring organisation) 2
Patrolman (motoring organisation) 3
Reconditioner, engine 1
Reconditioner, gearbox 1
Repairer (motor vehicles) 3
Repairer, cycle (motor) 1
Repairer, motor 3
Servicer (motor mfr) 1
Superintendent (garage) 1
Technician (motor vehicles) 23
Technician, maintenance, vehicle 3
Technician, motor 21
Technician, service (motor vehicles) 1
Technician, vehicle 14
Technician, vehicle, motor 19
Tester, MOT 16
Vehicle body builders and repairers 148 -
Beader (coach building) 1
Beater and sprayer, paint 4
Beater, panel 48
Bodyworker (garage) 7
Builder, body (vehicle) 9
Builder, caravan 3
Builder, coach 27
Builder, frame (vehicle mfr) 1
Builder, vehicle 9
Builder, wagon 1
Finisher (metal trades: vehicle mfr) 1
Finisher (railway workshops) 1
Finisher, body (vehicle mfr) 1
Finisher, car 1
Fitter, body (vehicle) 4
Fitter, caravan 2
Foreman, bodyshop (motor vehicles) 6
Foreman, shop, body (motor vehicles) 3
Foreman, shop, panel 1
Joiner, coach 1
Maker, body (railways) 1
Maker, body, carriage 1
Maker, body, coach 1
Maker, body, motor 2
Repairer, body (vehicle) 7
Repairer, body, vehicle (metal) 2
Restorer, car 3
Auto electricians 54 -
Electrician, auto 37
Electrician, automobile 3
Electrician, maintenance (motor vehicle repair) 7
Electrician, vehicle 5
Engineer, electrical, auto 2
Vehicle spray painters 61 -
Operator, shop, paint (vehicle mfr) 1
Painter (garage) 4
Painter (vehicle mfr) 1
Painter, aircraft 5
Painter, car 2
Painter, coach 5
Painter, spray (vehicle trades) 6
Refinisher, vehicle 1
Sprayer (vehicle trades) 2
Sprayer, body 2
Sprayer, paint (vehicle trades) 4
Sprayer, paint, car 20
Sprayer, paint, vehicle 3
Technician, paint (motor vehicles) 4
Worker, paint (vehicle mfr) 1
Electrical Trades 6531 -
Electricians, electrical fitters 3330 -
Constructor, switchboard 1
Consultant, electrical 21
Contractor, electrical 135
Controller, electrical 4
Craftsman, electrical 18
Craftsman, maintenance (electrical) 42
Craftsman, transmission (electricity supplier) 2
Electrician 1763
Electrician, chief 6
Electrician, maintenance (office machinery, electrical) 89
Engineer, charge (coal mine) 4
Engineer, cinema 1
Engineer, electrical 840
Engineer, electrical and mechanical 75
Engineer, electrical, colliery, assistant 1
Engineer, electrical, maintenance 47
Engineer, electrical, nos 5
Engineer, electrical, nos (coal mine) 4
Engineer, electrical, unit 1
Engineer, electro-mechanical 22
Engineer, installation (electrical contracting) 28
Engineer, lighting, street 13
Engineer, machine (domestic electrical appliances) 4
Engineer, maintenance, electrical 21
Engineer, office, post 8
Engineer, powerhouse 4
Engineer, wiring 1
Fitter (machinery, electrical machines) 3
Fitter (domestic appliances) 2
Fitter (electricity supplier) 3
Fitter, alternator 1
Fitter, bench, electrical 2
Fitter, electrical 51
Fitter, electrical (maintenance) 9
Fitter, engineering, electrical 1
Fitter, light (electric) 1
Fitter, mains (electricity supplier) 1
Fitter, maintenance, electrical 5
Fitter, production (electrical, electronic) 4
Fitter, sign (electric signs) 1
Fitter, truck (electric) 1
Foreman (electrical contracting) 5
Foreman (electricity supplier) 3
Foreman, electrical 2
Foreman, installation, electrical 2
Foreman, maintenance, electrical 3
Hand, bench (metal trades: electrical engineering) 5
Inspector, maintenance (electricity supplier) 1
Installer (electrical contracting) 11
Installer, meter (electricity) 1
Leader, team, electrical 8
Man, maintenance, electrical 8
Mechanic, electrical 2
Repairer (electrical machinery) 5
Superintendent, electrical 1
Technician, lighting, stage 13
Technician, meter (electricity) 3
Tester (electrical contracting) 1
Tester, installation (electrical) 4
Wireman, electrical 5
Wirer (metal trades: electrical engineering) 2
Telecommunications engineers 845 -
Controller, network (telecommunications) 10
Engineer, assistant (telecommunications) 14
Engineer, exchange, telephone 32
Engineer, installation (telephones) 20
Engineer, installation (telecommunications) 56
Engineer, installation (telecommunications: telephones) 25
Engineer, maintenance (telecommunications) 47
Engineer, nos (telecommunications) 13
Engineer, service (telephone) 8
Engineer, support (telecommunications) 25
Engineer, technical (telecommunications) 44
Engineer, telecom 70
Engineer, telecommunications 108
Engineer, telecommunications (telephone) 38
Engineer, telegraph 1
Engineer, telephone 228
Faultsman (telecommunications) 1
Foreman, factory (telecommunications) 1
Hand, maintenance (telecommunications) 1
Inspector, engineering (telecommunications) 2
Inspector, flight (airport, radio) 1
Inspector, installation (telecommunications) 1
Installer, telecommunications 1
Installer, telephone 1
Officer, survey (telecommunications) 1
Officer, technical (telecommunications) 36
Officer, technical, telecommunications (Civil Aviation Authority) 6
Officer, testing, diagnostic 11
Planner, band, wide (communications) 3
Repairer, cord (telephones) 1
Supervisor, chief, senior (telecommunications) 2
T1 (telecommunications) 1
Technician (telecommunications) 15
Technician, electrical (telecommunications) 3
Technician, factory (telecommunications) 1
Technician, telecommunications 12
Technician, telephone 5
Lines repairers and cable jointers 93 -
Connector, cable 2
Engineer, line (telecommunications) 16
Engineer, mains (electricity supplier) 1
Engineer, mains, electrical 2
Fitter, cable 1
Foreman, cable 1
Foreman, lines, overhead 2
Inspector, field (telecommunications) 1
Installer (railways) 1
Installer, cable 2
Jointer (telecommunications) 1
Jointer, cable 15
Jointer, electrical 2
Jointer-plumber 11
Lineman, power 2
Linesman 4
Linesman (electrical engineering) 2
Linesman (electricity supplier) 2
Linesman (railways) 1
Linesman, electrical 2
Linesman, overhead 12
Linesman, railway 1
Plumber and jointer 3
Plumber-jointer 1
Repairer, cable (electric) 3
Technician (telecommunications: 2B) 1
Technician, 2B (telecommunications) 1
TV, video and audio engineers 154 -
Electrician, radio 1
Engineer, audio (servicing) 4
Engineer, electronics (television, video, audio) 19
Engineer, field (radio, television and video servicing) 4
Engineer, installation (radio, television and video) 6
Engineer, installation, satellite 6
Engineer, maintenance (radio, television and video) 2
Engineer, radio 13
Engineer, radio and television 5
Engineer, satellite 7
Engineer, service (radio, television and video) 8
Engineer, television 47
Engineer, video 3
Engineer, visual, audio 6
Engineer, workshop (radio, television and video servicing) 2
Fitter, radio 1
Installer, television 1
Man, service (radio, television and video) 1
Repairer (radio, television and video) 2
Technician (radio, television and video equipment) 2
Technician, radio 3
Technician, television 8
Technician, video 3
Computer engineers, installation and maintenance 623 -
Engineer, computer 381
Engineer, configuration 8
Engineer, customer (computing) 10
Engineer, field (computer servicing) 29
Engineer, hardware (computer) 16
Engineer, installation (computer) 9
Engineer, maintenance (computer servicing) 10
Engineer, maintenance, computer 17
Engineer, service (computer equipment) 31
Engineer, service, computer 11
Engineer, support (computer) 65
Fitter, maintenance, computer 1
Installer, systems, computer 15
Repairer, computer 6
Technician, service, computer 14
Electrical/electronics engineers n.e.c. 1486 -
Adjuster, relay 1
Engineer, alarm 23
Engineer, appliance (domestic electrical) 14
Engineer, broadcast 35
Engineer, broadcasting 20
Engineer, cable 6
Engineer, communication 29
Engineer, communications 34
Engineer, customer (office machinery) 3
Engineer, electronic 253
Engineer, electronics 281
Engineer, field 37
Engineer, maintenance (electronics) 10
Engineer, maintenance (office machines) 2
Engineer, maintenance (electricity supplier) 4
Engineer, photocopier 4
Engineer, prevention, crime 3
Engineer, radar 1
Engineer, repair, refrigeration 5
Engineer, security 25
Engineer, service (office machinery) 14
Engineer, service (domestic electrical appliances) 18
Engineer, service (gaming machines) 5
Engineer, service 468
Engineer, service (electrical engineering) 37
Engineer, service (electricity supplier) 4
Engineer, support (electrical, electronic equipment) 20
Engineer, transmitter, radio 1
Engineer, x-ray 10
Fitter, alarm 2
Fitter, service (aircraft, electronic and related equipment) 2
Fitter, signal, railway 2
Foreman, electronics 2
Inspector, signal (railways) 2
Inspector, signal and telecommunications (railways) 1
Installer, alarm 3
Installer, signal and telecommunications (railways) 2
Man, service (gas supplier) 1
Man, service, sales (domestic appliances) 3
Man, service, sales (office machinery) 4
Mechanic, instrument, electronic 1
Mechanic, service (domestic electrical appliances) 2
Operator, board, test 1
Repairer (office machinery) 2
Repairer (domestic appliances) 1
Supervisor, service (electrical engineering) 46
TTO (Civil Aviation Authority) 1
Technician (electronic equipment, maintenance) 13
Technician, assistant (railway signalling) 4
Technician, installation (electrical, electronics) 5
Technician, radar 1
Technician, service (office machines) 3
Technician, signal (railways) 15
Skilled Construction And Building Trades 8609 -
Construction Trades 7017 -
Steel erectors 131 -
Climber (constructional engineering) 4
Constructor, steel 11
Engineer, constructional 8
Erector (steel) 4
Erector (engineering: structural) 1
Erector, steel 16
Erector, steelwork 5
Erector, structural 2
Fabricator, steel 58
Fitter and erector (constructional engineering) 1
Foreman (metal trades: constructional engineering) 5
Steelworker (structural engineering) 12
Worker, steel (structural engineering) 4
Bricklayers, masons 504 -
Bricker, mould 1
Bricklayer 395
Bricky 2
Builder, arch, brick 16
Builder, furnace 1
Builder, kiln, brick 3
Builder, manhole 1
Builder, sewer 1
Builder, stove 1
Carver, stone 2
Contractor (bricklaying) 2
Fixer, mason's, stone 4
Fixer-mason 1
Layer, brick 9
Mason 5
Mason, banker 2
Mason, fixer 1
Mason, monumental 4
Mason, stone 44
Mason, walling 1
Pointer (building and contracting) 1
Waller 1
Waller, dry 3
Worker, marble 3
Roofers, roof tilers and slaters 188 -
Cladder 1
Constructor, roofing 13
Contractor, roofing 46
Coverer, roof 5
Engineer, roofing 1
Erector, roof 2
Felter (building and contracting) 1
Fixer, felt 1
Fixer, roofing 10
Layer, felt (roofing) 1
Roofer 66
Sheeter, roof 1
Slater 6
Slater and tiler 4
Tiler 19
Tiler, roof 11
Plumbers, heating and ventilating engineers 1767 -
Consultant, heating 7
Contractor, plumbing 22
Craftsman, distribution (gas supplier) 7
Craftsman, transmission (gas supplier) 1
Engineer, conditioning, air 38
Engineer, domestic (domestic appliances repairing) 11
Engineer, domestic (plumbing) 21
Engineer, field (heating and ventilating) 8
Engineer, gas 178
Engineer, gas and water 9
Engineer, heat and domestic 3
Engineer, heating 190
Engineer, heating and plumbing 107
Engineer, heating and ventilating 21
Engineer, heating, central 26
Engineer, installation (heating and ventilating) 4
Engineer, mains (gas supplier) 3
Engineer, maintenance (heating and ventilating) 8
Engineer, plumbing 23
Engineer, plumbing and heating 65
Engineer, sanitary 1
Engineer, service (gas) 49
Engineer, service (heating and ventilating) 14
Engineer, service (heating engineering) 12
Engineer, service, gas 41
Engineer, thermal 1
Engineer, ventilating 2
Engineer, ventilation 4
Fitter (domestic appliances, gas appliances) 2
Fitter (gas supplier) 3
Fitter (heating contracting) 3
Fitter, engineer's, heating 1
Fitter, fire, gas 1
Fitter, gas 64
Fitter, heating and ventilation 4
Fitter, maintenance (heating, ventilating) 1
Fitter, sprinkler 2
Fitter, ventilation 3
Fitter, water 1
Fitter-welder (heating and ventilating) 3
Fixer, meter (gas) 1
Foreman (heating engineering) 3
Foreman, plumbing 3
Installer, bathroom 22
Installer, conditioning, air 4
Installer, heating 1
Installer, meter (gas) 2
Man, maintenance (gas supplier) 1
Man, service, sales (domestic appliances, gas appliances) 1
Plumber 649
Plumber and decorator 5
Plumber and gasfitter 50
Plumber-welder 2
Supervisor (gas supplier) 10
Supervisor, area (gas supplier) 2
Supervisor, plumbing 11
Supervisor, service (gas supplier) 7
Technician, gas 25
Technician, plumbing 3
Worker, gas, maintenance 1
Carpenters and joiners 2076 -
Builder and repairer, boat 4
Builder, boat 7
Carpenter 496
Carpenter and joiner 341
Carpenter-diver 1
Constructor, roof (building) 15
Fitter, bar (hotels, public houses fitting) 1
Fitter, bedroom 3
Fitter, exhibition 7
Fitter, kitchen 79
Fitter, office 1
Fitter, shop 44
Fitter, shop and office 2
Fixer (carpentry and joinery) 21
Fixer, roof (building and contracting) 3
Foreman (joinery mfr) 13
Hand, bench (joinery mfr) 24
Installer, kitchen 13
Joiner 886
Joiner, builder's 62
Joiner, fitter's, shop 11
Joiner, ship's 2
Maker, door 1
Maker, model (architectural) 2
Maker, model (toy mfr) 4
Maker, model, architectural 3
Maker, model, exhibition 1
Maker, model, wood 2
Maker, pattern (plastics goods mfr) 1
Maker, sign (wood) 1
Man, bench (joinery mfr) 5
Manufacturer (shop and office fittings) 2
Manufacturer (models) 1
Manufacturer (joinery) 8
Manufacturer (kitchens and bedrooms) 3
Manufacturer, kitchen 5
Scriever 1
Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters 178 -
Beader (double glazing) 1
Contractor (double glazing) 6
Contractor, glazing, double 4
Cutter, glass 11
Erector, conservatory 3
Fabricator, glass 3
Fabricator, glazing, double 1
Fabricator, upvc 1
Fabricator, window 5
Fabricator, window and door 4
Fitter (double glazing) 4
Fitter, glass 3
Fitter, glazing, double 7
Fitter, window 42
Fixer, light, lead 1
Fixer, window 3
Fixer, window and door 1
Glazer (windows) 8
Glazer, double 6
Glazier 24
Glazier and decorator 1
Installer (double glazing) 4
Installer, glazing, double 4
Installer, window 5
Maker, frame, window (metal) 2
Maker, window 2
Maker, window, glass, stained 5
Manufacturer (windows) 6
Manufacturer (double glazing) 6
Welder (double glazing units) 2
Worker, glass, decorative 1
Worker, lead (stained glass) 2
Construction trades n.e.c. 2173 -
Bender, steel 5
Builder (building and contracting) 362
Builder and contractor 393
Builder and decorator 70
Builder, box (building and contracting) 1
Builder, contractor 80
Builder, garage 2
Builder, general 209
Builder, house 121
Builder, jobbing 15
Builder, maintenance 177
Builder, master 5
Contractor, builder's 14
Contractor, building 54
Craftsman, general (building) 4
Dealer, property 22
Developer, estate 3
Developer, property 412
Diver 13
Engineer, acoustics 9
Engineer, construction 76
Engineer, control, noise 1
Engineer, insulation 14
Engineer, irrigation 2
Engineer, maintenance (buildings and other structures) 33
Engineer, refractory 6
Fixer and bender, steel 1
Fixer, reinforcement (building and contracting) 2
Fixer, steel 7
Foreman, general (building and contracting) 10
Inspector, drainage 2
Inspector, mains 1
Inspector, waste (water company) 1
Installer, playground 1
Jack, steeple 2
Officer, building 5
Officer, buildings 1
Pilot, ROV 2
Renovator, property 23
Steeplejack 7
Surveyor, drainage 1
Technician, concrete 1
Technician, support, life (diving) 2
Underpinner 1
Building Trades 1592 -
Plasterers 241 -
Caster, rough (building and contracting) 3
Contractor (plastering) 17
Contractor, plastering 28
Fixer, fibrous 1
Plasterer 188
Plasterer, fibrous 4
Floorers and wall tilers 286 -
Builder, fireplace 3
Concreter, granolithic 2
Contractor, flooring 48
Coverer, floor 4
Estimator, carpet 12
Fitter, carpet 71
Fitter, fireplace 4
Fitter, lino 1
Fitter, tile 4
Fixer, tile 1
Floorer 6
Layer, carpet 2
Layer, covering, floor 13
Layer, floor, composition 1
Layer, floor, decorative 4
Layer, floor, nos 7
Layer, floor, patent 1
Layer, floor, tile 6
Layer, floor, wood 1
Layer, terrazzo 1
Layer, tile 1
Manufacturer (fireplaces) 1
Planner, carpet 1
Screeder, floor 2
Specialist, flooring 13
Spreader, asphalt, mastic 1
Technician, carpet 2
Technician, laying, floor 1
Tiler and plasterer 8
Tiler, ceramic 47
Tiler, floor 3
Tiler, glaze 1
Tiler, wall 13
Painters and decorators 1065 -
Artexer 1
Contractor (painting, decorating) 58
Contractor, decorating 3
Contractor, painting 2
Decorator 173
Decorator (building and contracting) 23
Decorator, house 12
Decorator, interior (building and contracting) 4
Foreman, painting 5
Gilder (painting, decorating) 7
Grainer (painting, decorating) 2
Painter 89
Painter and decorator 530
Painter and glazier 1
Painter, bridge 1
Painter, house 1
Painter, scenic 3
Painter, ship 1
Painter, spray (painting, decorating) 14
Painter-decorator 77
Polisher (furniture mfr) 1
Polisher, french 29
Polisher, furniture 2
Specialist, ceiling 1
Worker, artex 1
Writer (signwriting) 9
Writer, letter (signwriting) 1
Writer, sign 14
Textiles, Printing And Other Skilled Trades 4784 -
Textiles And Garments Trades 499 -
Weavers and knitters 31 -
Foreman, weaving 1
Hand, loom, warp 1
Hand, seamless 1
Hand, twist 1
Knitter 3
Maker, rug 1
Tailer (beret) 2
Weaver 13
Weaver, carpet 1
Weaver, textile 7
Upholsterers 162 -
Finisher (metal trades: coach trimming) 1
Fitter, curtain 10
Fitter, furnishing (soft) 5
Fitter, upholsterer's 8
Foreman (upholstering) 3
Furnisher, soft 8
Maker, case (mattress, upholstery mfr) 1
Maker, curtain 46
Trimmer (metal trades: vehicle body building) 1
Trimmer (metal trades: vehicle mfr) 1
Trimmer, body, car 2
Trimmer, car 1
Trimmer, motor 1
Upholsterer 74
Leather and related trades 40 -
Beltman (engineering) 1
Cobbler 6
Cutter, leather 1
Cutter, machine (leather goods mfr) 1
Cutter, shoe 1
Laster 1
Maker and repairer, shoe 3
Maker, boot and shoe 2
Maker, goods, leather 1
Maker, saddle 1
Maker, shoe 3
Maker, slipper 1
Repairer, boot and shoe 1
Repairer, shoe 7
Saddler 5
Sewer (leather goods mfr) 1
Stitcher, football 1
Worker, goods, leather 1
Worker, leather (leather goods mfr) 2
Tailors and dressmakers 204 -
Assistant (tailoring) 1
Costumier 13
Dressmaker 88
Fitter and trimmer 1
Fitter, alteration 2
Fitter, clothing (retail trade) 4
Fitter, dress 2
Fitter, tailor's 1
Foreman (tailoring) 2
Hand, alteration 4
Hand, general (dressmaking) 3
Maker, costume 14
Maker, dress 16
Maker, garment 2
Maker, kilt 3
Milliner 3
Tacker (tailoring) 1
Tailor 22
Tailor and outfitter 1
Tailoress 21
Textiles, garments and related trades n.e.c. 62 -
Assistant, trimmer's (upholstering) 1
Braider (vehicle building) 1
Corder (upholstering) 1
Corsetiere 1
Cutter (upholstering) 3
Cutter, design (clothing mfr) 1
Cutter, designer 4
Cutter, felt (textile mfr) 1
Cutter, pattern (textile mfr) 2
Cutter, upholstery 7
Darner (hotels, catering, public houses) 1
Designer-cutter (clothing mfr) 3
Embroiderer 12
Grader, pattern (clothing mfr) 1
Machinist, guillotine (textile products mfr) 1
Maker, sample (textile mfr) 1
Maker, tent 1
Manufacturer (clothing) 10
Manufacturer (canvas goods) 1
Modeller 1
Painter (textile designing) 1
Penciller (clothing mfr) 1
Restorer (textiles) 5
Tufter (mattress, upholstery mfr) 1
Printing Trades 714 -
Originators, compositors and print preparers 107 -
Artist, paste-up 1
Assembler (photo-lithographic plates mfr) 2
Compositor 15
Designer, typographical 5
Engraver (printing) 2
Engraver, copper 1
Engraver, machine 4
Engraver, photo 2
Hand, box (printing) 1
Layer, printer's (textile printing) 1
Lithographer, photo 1
Maker, plate 4
Maker, plate, lithographic 4
Man, lay-out (printing) 1
Operator, keyboard (typesetting) 20
Planner (printing) 4
Planner, litho 1
Preparer, lithographic (printing) 3
Printer-compositor 5
Printer-to-metal 1
Repairer, plate (printing) 1
Reproducer, plan (printer's) 1
Setter, type 18
Stereotyper 4
Supervisor, typesetting 5
Printers 343 -
Coordinator, print 1
Decorator (wallpaper mfr) 4
Foreman (printing) 2
Foreman, printing 3
Maker, ticket 2
Operator, Multilith 2
Operator, litho, offset 2
Operator, lithographic 1
Operator, offset 2
Operator, process (printing) 5
Printer and stationer 13
Printer, cloth 4
Printer, colour 11
Printer, digital 23
Printer, flexographic 16
Printer, general 18
Printer, gravure 3
Printer, label (hat labels) 3
Printer, letterpress 7
Printer, litho 35
Printer, litho, offset 19
Printer, lithographic 38
Printer, lithographic, offset 29
Printer, map 1
Printer, nos 24
Printer, nos (ceramics mfr) 1
Printer, offset 5
Printer, photographic 5
Printer, plate (ceramics mfr) 2
Printer, press 12
Printer, process 2
Printer, textile 2
Printer, ticket 2
Printer, wallpaper 1
Stationer (paper goods mfr) 2
Stationer and printer 2
Supervisor, print 16
Technician, print 23
Bookbinders and print finishers 233 -
Assembler, negative (films) 1
Assistant, binder's 1
Assistant, bindery 3
Assistant, bookbinder's 1
Assistant, process (printing) 1
Assistant, warehouse, printing 5
Binder (bookbinding) 7
Binder (printing) 3
Binder, book 12
Binder, leather 1
Binder, printer's 10
Binder, publisher's 1
Bookbinder 20
Calculator, sensitometric 1
Collator (printing) 6
Colourer, print 1
Colourist, photographic 1
Copyist, braille 5
Developer (photographic film processing) 7
Developer, film 1
Dryer (photographic film processing) 1
Finisher (bookbinding) 2
Finisher (printing) 31
Finisher, photographic 1
Finisher, print 68
Finisher, printer's 23
Folder (printing) 2
Gilder (printing) 1
Indexer (bookbinding) 2
Machinist (photographic film processing) 2
Maker, book, pattern 1
Pager (bookbinding) 1
Processor, film 2
Processor, photographic 3
Restorer, book 1
Retoucher, photographic 1
Worker, bindery 1
Worker, process (film processing) 2
Screen printers 31 -
Maker, screen, silk 2
Printer, nos (screen printing) 6
Printer, screen 18
Printer, screen, silk 5
Food Preparation Trades 2442 -
Butchers, meat cutters 190 -
Assistant, butcher's 5
Blockman (butchers) 1
Boner (meat) 1
Butcher 154
Butcher, master 10
Butcher-driver 3
Collector, blood 3
Cutter (butcher's shop) 1
Cutter, butcher's 1
Cutter, meat 2
Cutter, shopman (butcher's) 2
Shopman, meat 1
Slaughterman 2
Worker, abattoir 3
Worker, slaughterhouse 1
Bakers, flour confectioners 317 -
Assistant, baker's 3
Baker 136
Baker (bakery) 42
Baker (flour confectionery mfr) 4
Baker (retail trade) 10
Baker and confectioner 21
Baker and confectioner (bakery) 14
Baker and confectioner (retail trade) 1
Baker, master 8
Confectioner 28
Cook, pastry (bakery) 3
Decorator, cake 33
Foreman (bakery) 1
Foreman, bakery 1
Maker, cake (flour confectionery mfr) 5
Manufacturer (food products, flour confectionery) 2
Specialist, sugarcraft 1
Superintendent (bakery) 4
Fishmongers, poultry dressers 36 -
Assistant, fishmonger's 2
Blockman (fishmongers) 1
Dealer, fish 1
Filleter (fish) 1
Fishmonger 27
Preparer, fish 1
Processor, fish 1
Processor, poultry 1
Worker, fish (food processing) 1
Chefs, cooks 1899 -
Adviser, catering 28
Caterer 255
Caterer, airline 3
Chef 645
Chef de cuisine 14
Chef de partie 8
Chef, head 105
Chef, pastry 19
Consultant, catering 25
Contractor, catering 8
Controller, catering 4
Controller, meals, school 8
Cook 552
Cook in charge 58
Cook, chief 17
Cook, head 19
Cook, pastry 2
Cook-general 26
Cook-supervisor 57
Franchisee, catering 2
Fryer, fish 10
Garde-manger 1
Griddler (catering) 1
Keeper, stall, coffee 1
Officer, catering 10
Owner-chef 20
Superintendent, kitchen (hospital service) 1
Skilled Trades n.e.c. 1129 -
Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers 295 -
Aerographer (ceramics mfr) 1
Artist (ceramics decorating) 9
Artist (glass decorating) 13
Artist, ceramic 31
Artist, pottery 24
Batter (pottery mfr) 1
Blower, glass 6
Caster (plaster) 2
Caster (ceramics mfr) 2
Caster, china 2
Caster, sanitary 5
Cutter (glass mfr) 1
Decorator (ceramics) 2
Decorator, glass (painting) 2
Decorator, glass 1
Engineer, optical 7
Engraver (glass mfr) 3
Engraver, glass 1
Engraver, pottery 2
Finisher (plaster cast mfr) 1
Foreman (brick mfr) 2
Foreman (ceramics mfr) 2
Foreman (glass mfr) 1
Foreman, shop, cutting (glass mfr) 2
Gilder (ceramics mfr) 5
Glazer (ceramics mfr) 1
Glazer (glass mfr) 2
Glazer, optical 1
Glazer, pottery 6
Glazier, optical 1
Laminator (safety glass mfr) 2
Lithographer (ceramics mfr) 8
Maker, cast, plaster 1
Maker, flower (ceramics mfr) 1
Maker, glass 4
Maker, model (ceramics mfr) 1
Maker, mould (ceramics mfr) 6
Maker, pottery 14
Maker, tile 2
Manager, prescription (glass mfr) 1
Manufacturer (glass) 5
Manufacturer (ceramics) 4
Modeller (ceramics mfr) 2
Moulder, pipe, clay 1
Optician, manufacturing 3
Painter (ceramics mfr) 1
Painter (glass etching) 1
Painter, craft 3
Painter, enamel 1
Painter, freehand 1
Painter, pottery 2
Painter, spray (ceramics mfr) 1
Polisher (ceramics mfr) 1
Polisher, glost 1
Postman (glass mfr) 2
Potter (ceramics mfr) 3
Potter, clay 11
Presser, die 1
Presser, glass 1
Restorer (porcelain) 3
Restorer (ceramics mfr) 7
Sprayer, glaze 2
Stainer (glass mfr) 3
Technician, lens, contact 1
Turner (ceramics mfr) 1
Worker, lamp (glass mfr) 1
Worker, optical 3
Worker, pottery 49
Worker, tile (ceramics mfr) 1
Furniture makers, other craft woodworkers 309 -
Carver (wood) 2
Carver, frame 2
Carver, wood 5
Cooper 1
Craftsman, museum 14
Fitter (cabinet making) 9
Fitter, cabinet 1
Fitter, fittings and furniture 3
Fitter, furniture 6
Fitter, gymnastics 2
Foreman (furniture mfr) 1
Framer, picture 61
Joiner (cabinet making) 23
Maker and joiner, cabinet 4
Maker, cabinet 51
Maker, chair 1
Maker, coffin 1
Maker, fence, timber 1
Maker, form 1
Maker, frame (furniture mfr) 1
Maker, frame, picture 10
Maker, furniture 33
Maker, ladder 1
Manufacturer (wood products) 1
Manufacturer (furniture) 10
Painter, spray (furniture mfr) 1
Renovator (furniture) 2
Renovator, antiques 1
Repairer, antiques 1
Repairer, furniture 2
Restorer (furniture) 4
Restorer, antiques 20
Restorer, furniture 18
Woodworker 15
Pattern makers (moulds) 43 -
Assembler, wax (aircraft mfr) 4
Maker, model (engineering) 10
Maker, pattern (metal trades) 7
Maker, pattern, engineer's 13
Maker, pattern, wood 9
Musical instrument makers and tuners 51 -
Builder, organ 4
Finisher (piano, organ mfr) 1
Luthier 2
Maker (musical instruments mfr) 1
Maker, bow (musical instruments mfr) 2
Maker, instrument (musical instruments) 5
Maker, reed (musical instruments mfr) 2
Maker, violin 6
Repairer (musical instruments) 5
Repairer, instrument (musical instruments) 2
Technician, instrument, musical 3
Technician, piano 16
Tuner (musical instruments) 2