There has been extensive evidence that aging affects human brain function. However, there is no complete picture of what brain functional changes are mostly related to normal aging and how aging affects brain function similarly and differently between males and females. Based on resting-state brain functional connectivity (FC) of 25,582 healthy participants (13,373 females) aged 49-76 years from the UK Biobank project, we employ deep learning with explainable AI to discover primary FCs related to progressive aging and reveal similarity and difference between females and males in brain aging. Using a nested cross-validation scheme, we conduct 4200 deep learning models to classify all paired age groups on the main data for females and males separately and then extract gender-common and gender-specific aging-related FCs. Next, we validate those FCs using additional 21,000 classifiers on the independent data. Our results support that aging results in reduced brain functional interactions for both females and males, primarily relating to the positive connectivity within the same functional domain and the negative connectivity between different functional domains. Regions linked to cognitive control show the most significant age-related changes in both genders. Unique aging effects in males and females mainly involve the interaction between cognitive control and the default mode, vision, auditory, and frontoparietal domains. Results also indicate females exhibit faster brain functional changes than males. Overall, our study provides new evidence about common and unique patterns of brain aging in females and males.</p>