Better Visuospatial Working Memory in Adults Who Report Profound Deafness Compared to Those With Normal or Poor Hearing: Data From the UK Biobank Resource
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Visuospatial working memory (VSWM) has been shown to be poorer in individuals with poorer hearing but better in profoundly deaf individuals compared to those with normal hearing. Using data from the UK Biobank resource, a large observational study, we showed that although variance in card-pair matching (VSWM) performance was large among profoundly deaf participants, at group level it was superior to that of participants with both normal and poor hearing. Future work should investigate the mechanism behind enhanced VSWM in profoundly deaf adults.
Rudner M, Keidser G, Hygge S, Ronnberg J Better Visuospatial working memory in adults who report profound deafness compared to those with normal of poor hearing: Data from the UK Biobank resource. Ear and Hearing 2016; 37: 5: 620 - 622 doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000314
Better visuospatial working memoery in adults who report profound deafness comapred to those with normal or poor hearing: Data from the UK Biobank resource
23 May 2017
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