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Jonathan Marchini and colleagues develop a new method for haplotype phasing, SHAPEIT3, capable of handling large data sets from biobanks containing >100,000 genotyped samples. They find that their method is fast and accurate, with a low switch error rate, and can be scaled to data sets from increasingly larger cohorts.
15 Keywords
Biological Specimen Banks
Cohort Studies
Computational Biology
Datasets as Topic
Genetics, Population
Genome, Human
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Sequence Analysis, DNA
United Kingdom
White People
9 Authors
Jared O'Connell
Kevin Sharp
Nick Shrine
Louise Wain
Ian Hall
Martin Tobin
Jean-Francois Zagury
Olivier Delaneau
Jonathan Marchini
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