# | Column | Type | Notes |
1 | eid | integer | Encoded participant identifier. This identifier is the same encoded id used in the main dataset. |
2 | ins_index | integer | Instance index. A numerical index which together with the eid uniquely identifies this record, i.e. eid & ins_index together form a primary key for this table. The ins_index will not generally index records in chronological order, and may contain gaps in the numbering if records were added and then later removed for some reason. |
3 | dsource | string, coding 1970 | Inpatient record origin. Either HES (England), PEDW (Wales) or SMR (Scotland). This can affect the coding used for some data fields. |
4 | source | integer, coding 263 | Inpatient record format. A finer split of the format of data released from each dsource above. This can also affect the coding used for some data fields. |
5 | epistart | date | Episode start date. |
6 | epiend | date | Episode end date. |
7 | epidur | integer | Duration of episode. The difference in days between the episode start date and the episode end date, where both are given. |
8 | bedyear | integer | Duration of episode within HES data year. |
9 | epistat | integer, coding 237 | Episode status. Whether the episode had finished before the end of the HES data-year. An unfinished episode would be replaced by its finished version when the data is next updated. |
10 | epitype | integer, coding 238 | Episode type. Hospital episode type identifies whether the period of care in hospital was, for example, a general episode, a maternity episode or a psychiatric episode. |
11 | epiorder | integer, coding 236 | Episode order. The position of this episode within a spell (starting at 1). |
12 | spell_index | integer | Spell index. A numerical index indicating which spell this episode belongs to (where possible). Spells will not generally be indexed in chronological order. |
13 | spell_seq | integer | Spell sequence. A numerical index, starting from 0, giving the chronological position within its spell that this episode occupies (where possible). |
14 | spelbgin | integer, coding 234 | Beginning of spell indicator. An indicator that this episode is the first in a spell. Only present in English inpatient data (dsource = HES). |
15 | spelend | string, coding 235 | End of spell indicator. An indicator that this episode is the last in a spell. Only present in English inpatient data (dsource = HES). |
16 | speldur | integer | Duration of spell. |
17 | pctcode | string, coding 239 | Current PCT responsible for patient. The PCT code identifies the administrative body responsible for the patient. |
18 | gpprpct | string, coding 239 | PCT where patients GP was registered. The PCT code identifies the administrative body where the patients GP practice is registered. |
19 | category | integer, coding 201 | Administrative and legal status of patient. Administrative and legal status identifies the type of patient and whether they have been formally detained under the Mental Health Act or not. |
20 | elecdate | date | Date of decision to admit to hospital. Not available for dsource='PEDW', or for source = 68 (one of the formats for dsource='SMR'). |
21 | elecdur | integer | Waiting time for hospital admission. Not available for dsource='PEDW', or for source = 68 (one of the formats for dsource='SMR'). |
22 | admidate | date | Date of admission to hospital. |
23 | admimeth_uni | integer, coding 264 | Methods of admission to hospital (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the admimeth field. |
24 | admimeth | integer | Methods of admission to hospital. Method of admission to hospital identifies how a patient was admitted, e.g. an elective admission from a waiting list or an emergency admission, etc. |
25 | admisorc_uni | integer, coding 265 | Sources of admission to hospital (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the admisorc field. |
26 | admisorc | integer | Sources of admission to hospital. Source of admission identifies whether a patient came to the hospital from their usual place of residence or elsewhere. |
27 | firstreg | integer, coding 204 | First regular day or night of admission to hosp. |
28 | classpat_uni | integer, coding 266 | Patient classification on admission (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the classpat field. |
29 | classpat | integer | Patient classification on admission. Patient classification on admission identifies the type of patient, e.g. whether they are a regular attender or a maternity admission, etc. |
30 | intmanag_uni | integer, coding 271 | Intended management of patient (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the intmanag field. |
31 | intmanag | integer | Intended management of patient. The intended management of a patient is their planned duration of hospital stay, i.e. whether an overnight stay was anticipated or not. |
32 | mainspef_uni | integer, coding 270 | Main speciality of consultant (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the mainspef field. |
33 | mainspef | string | Main speciality of consultant. The main speciality of the consultant is the specialism under which the consultant is contracted e.g. cardiology or geriatric medicine, etc. |
34 | tretspef_uni | integer, coding 269 | Treatment speciality of consultant (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the tretspef field. |
35 | tretspef | string | Treatment speciality of consultant. The treatment speciality of the consultant is the specialism under which the consultant was working e.g. cardiology or geriatric medicine, etc. |
36 | operstat | integer, coding 207 | Operation status. Whether an operation/procedure was carried out as part of this episode. |
37 | disdate | date | Date of discharge from hospital. |
38 | dismeth_uni | integer, coding 268 | Method of discharge from hospital (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the dismeth field. |
39 | dismeth | integer | Method of discharge from hospital. Method of discharge from hospital identifies how a patient was discharged i.e. whether this was on clinical advice, the patient died in hospital or the patient discharged themselves. |
40 | disdest_uni | integer, coding 267 | Destination on discharge from hospital (recoded). A field providing a unified coding across the various sources for the disdest field. |
41 | disdest | integer | Destination on discharge from hospital. Destination on discharge identifies whether a patient was due to return to their usual place of residence on leaving hospital, or whether they were due to go elsewhere. |
42 | carersi | integer, coding 227 | Carer support indicator. Carer support indicator identifies whether a carer is available to the patient at their usual place of residence. |