Category 100074
Assessment centreVerbal interview ⏵ Medical conditions


This category contains data obtained through a verbal interview by a trained nurse on past and current medical conditions, including type of cancer and other illnesses, the number of medical conditions, and date of diagnosis.
The interviewer was made aware via a pop-up box on their computer screen if the participant had answered in the touchscreen that they had a history of one or more of the following illnesses: heart attack, angina, stroke, high blood pressure, blood clot in leg, blood clot in lung, emphysema/chronic bronchitis, asthma or diabetes, and was prompted to confirm these with the participant (these will already be selected in the illness screen if they had been selected during the touchscreen questionnaire). If during the interview it appeared these had been incorrectly selected, the interviewer could amend the responses. If the participant stated in the touchscreen they had no major illnesses or disability or were not sure, this question was asked again and confirmed by the interviewer.
Medical conditions that could not be assigned a code at the time of the interview were entered as free text, and subsequently coded wherever possible.