556,368 items of data are available, covering 501,243 participants, encoded using Data-Coding
Defined-instances run from 0 to 2, labelled using Instancing
Array indices run from 0 to 3.
3 Instances
Instance 0 : Initial assessment visit (2006-2010) at which participants were recruited and consent given
501,236 participants, 523,111 items
Instance 1 : First repeat assessment visit (2012-13)
20,328 participants, 21,246 items
Instance 2 : Imaging visit (2014+)
11,664 participants, 12,011 items
ACE touchscreen question "Has a doctor ever told you that you have had any of the following conditions? (You can select more than one answer)"
The following checks were performed:
- If code -7 was selected, then no additional choices were allowed.
- If code -3 was selected, then no additional choices were allowed.
If the participant activated the Help button they were shown the message:
If you do not know if you have had any of the listed conditions, enter None of the above. You can check this with an interviewer later in the visit.
4 Related Data-Fields
Field ID | Description | Relationship |
3627 | Age angina diagnosed | Field 3627 was collected from participants who indicated they were told by a doctor that they have had an angina, as defined by their answers to Current Field |
3894 | Age heart attack diagnosed | Field 3894 was collected from participants who indicated they were told by a doctor that they have had a heart attack, as defined by their answers to Current Field |
2966 | Age high blood pressure diagnosed | Field 2966 was collected from participants who indicated they were told by a doctor that they have had high blood pressure, as defined by their answers to Current Field |
4056 | Age stroke diagnosed | Field 4056 was collected from participants who indicated they were told by a doctor that they have had a stroke, as defined by their answers to Current Field |